
CHAPTER FIVE- The wedding


Two weeks had passed by quickly. My nerves where all over the place as I busied myself playing with the engagement ring on my finger.

I stared at the woman staring back at me in the mirror, my hair was in a slick low bun with diamond ornaments in my hair. My edges framed my face, adding more focus to the light makeup on my face.

My wedding dress was beautiful with the diamonds twinkling as it hit the lights. Intricate lace was used for the long sleeves of the dress, the low cut sweetheart neckline brought attention to my exposed cleavage but not revealing too much. The dress hugged my figure tightly then flared out perfectly in a long train.

A gasp cut me from my thoughts causing me to turn around.

“Oh my God, Yanna…” Hailey held her chest as she got teary eyed.

I giggled softly trying to hold back my tears. “Stop, you’re going to make me cry.”

She walked over to me, engulfing me in a tight hug. “You look so beautiful.”

I nodded. “Thank you.” I whisper

She glanced at my face but slowly frowned.

“Are you not happy with this marriage?” she whispered to me.

Hailey has always been good with reading the expressions that I wished to stay hidden. It was at the tip of my tongue to spill everything to her but I bit back and smiled tightly.

I shook my head. “It’s the nerves.”

Hailey sighed and smiled back. “You are about to marry the love of your life, so be happy and enjoy this moment.”

Alonzo came in wearing a tailored black suit with the crest of the Bernadi family pinned to his breast pocket.

He smiled at me. “You look beautiful mia principessa” (my princess).

I smiled tightly at him. He nodded at Hailey as she hurried and helped me put on my veil.

We arrived at the beautiful church that looked like it came out of a fantasy storybook. The guests were already seated as Hailey walked in first to go and stand at the side, waiting for me.

I let out a breath to calm my nerves as I gripped my bouquet tightly. Alonzo extended his left elbow for me to grasp.

“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” He whispered to me.

I glance at him through my veil and smiled. “Thank you…” I whispered back.

I was called to walk in and all the guests rose to their feet. The instrumentals to ‘young and beautiful’ by Lana del rey came on as I walked down the aisle slowly.

Tears stung my eyes as I remember that this was my mum’s favorite song, I sniffled with my lips trembling, silently praying that I’m making the right decision about this.

I stopped at the end and Enzo took my hand, guiding me closer to him, from what I could tell through my veil, he looked handsome as hell.

The officiant began with the wedding proceedings and continued on for a while.

“Do you, Mr. Enzo Bernadi take Miss Yanna Wilson to be your lawfully wedded wife?” he asked through the mike.

Enzo grunted his reply. “I do.” The audience clapped to his reply as I slipped the wedding band into his finger.

“Do you, Miss Yanna Wilson take Mr, Enzo Bernadi to be your lawfully wedded husband?” my breathing picked up and my palms felt clammy.

 I hesitated.

Murmurs from the crowd was heard at my lack of response to the officiant. He repeated the question again to clarify himself clearly.

I felt Enzo squeeze my hands indicating that I should reply. “…..I do.” I replied softly and everyone cheered in the crowd.

“With the power invested in me by God, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride.” The officiant said out excitedly.

Enzo lifted my veil slowly. I let out a tiny gasp at how handsome he looked, wearing an intricately tailored white suit with the Bernadi family crest pinned to his breast pocket.

His lips parted slightly as his eyes scanned my form before he leaned down and captured my lips in a chaste kiss. Goosebumps spread through my body as his expensive scent filled my nostrils.

The kiss was short and I was quite surprised that he actually kissed me after avoiding me during the past week like I’m the one forcing him to marry me.

The reception came by quickly and I was currently slow dancing with Enzo who looked like he wanted to be over with this as soon as possible.

“You avoided me this past week.” I whisper to him as we swayed to the song.

His jaws clenched. “I’m a don, I had business to do.”

I squinted my eyes in annoyance. “Do you think I’m gullible?” I rolled my eyes. “I know you were avoiding me.”

He looked down at me and smirked. “Congratulations, you guessed right.” He replied dryly.

I sighed frustratingly and rolled my eyes. This man is infuriating!

His hands on my waist squeezed tightly causing me to gasp and lock eyes with his heated stare. “You know…. This bratty attitude of yours, needs to be fucked out of you.” he grunted lowly in my ear.

My breathing picked up, I almost moan from this new side of him that is definitely doing things to me. “Wh-”. The music ended before our conversation continued on and he left me on the stage, speechless.

The night went on with more partying. Hailey was already so drunk, I had to tell one of Enzo’s men to drive her home safely. I sipped my wine as I glanced around the reception.

“Mrs. Bernadi.” I turned and was met with a pair of unsettling dead eyes that stared back at me.

I gave the man a tight smile. “Good evening, Mr?”

He smiled strangely and stretched out his hand. “Ricardo, Ricardo Rossi.”

I smiled and took his hand, shaking it.


I screamed as a gunshot was heard and guests ran screaming for their lives. I crouched down in a protective position and searched the crowd to where the gunshot was heard.

I was rooted in my spot as fear gripped my racing heart. People were screaming and running, everywhere was in a frenzy. Ricardo was nowhere to be seen and I couldn’t sight Enzo anywhere.

“Yanna!” I turned to my name and a bloodied Enzo came running to me.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I started to panic. “Enzo, What happened to you?!” I tore the ends of my reception dress to add pressure to his bleeding arm.

“Lets go!” Enzo grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car waiting for us.

I rushed inside the car and Enzo followed suit, groaning as he clutched his arm.

The car drove as fast as possible out of the reception area, I helped to apply pressure on his gunshot wound.

The silence in the car was deafening as my reality came to set in.

What the hell have I signed up for?

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