
CHAPTER THREE- ‘Yanna Bernadi’


I don’t remember much from the ride to the unknown destination only that it was a very long ride. My body ached badly from stress and the awkward way my neck was positioned as I was knocked out from exhaustion.

I blink my eyes adjusting to the brightness of the large room I now laid in. Panic rushed through me as I rushed to the mirror at the corner of the room to quickly inspect my body for any missing limb or organ.

I sighed in relief as I was intact. “Where the hell am I?” I whisper to myself.

The door was locked but the room didn’t look like what a human trafficker would keep his victim.

Maybe this was a room used for adult filming?

I frantically looked around to check for hidden cameras or hidden sex toys but there was none.

The door was suddenly unlocked and I waited for someone to come in but nothing happened.

I walked cautiously to the door and twisted it open, there was a man with tattoos everywhere standing in front of me.

“You are required in the study.” He spoke gruffly and started walking.

“W-wait.” I called out as I hurriedly followed him to wherever he was leading me to, for all I know possibly my death.

He stood in front of a double door as I caught up to him panting softly. He gave me a side eye and knocked.

A muffled ‘come in’ was heard and the man twisted the door open.

The room was a large study that screamed luxury, there was an elderly man that sat at the end of the table, two tattooed men at either side of him and then my sexy captor who sat closely beside the elderly man.

“You!” I pointed angrily at him.

“Where the hell am I and why have you brought me here?!” I yelled at my sexy captor.

There was a long pause of silence before the elderly man across the room cleared his throat, bringing my attention to him.

“I was the one who requested for you to be brought here.” The elderly man said softly.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Why?...”

He sighed and continued. “Few years ago, I visited Dominican Republic for work but one thing led to another, I had a one night stand with a woman.”

My heart was beating so fast, I could swear that they could all here it. Where is this conversation leading to…

He continued. “Not thinking much of it, I left and found out years later that she had gotten pregnant and I had a daughter.”

I choked up with sudden emotions as I shook my head frantically and took some steps back, this can’t be what I’m thinking right now.

“You’re not Yanna Wilson but Yanna Bernadi.” He spoke firmly

My lips trembled and tears stung my eyes. “N-no…” I whispered.

“T-this has to be a joke or something….” I laughed nervously as I waited for any sign for them to break character but their face remained stoic, indicating their seriousness.

I frowned, my emotions where everywhere, I never ever expected to meet my father in this manner or even meet him in my life. Questions where running through my head.

“Why now….” I whispered as tears rolled down my eyes.

My father leaned back in his seat not breaking eye contact. “You’re my only direct bloodline.” He cocked his head “My son, your half-brother, was killed therefore making you the only successor of the Italian mafia.”

I let out a gasp. “So you only revealed yourself to me just because you need me…” anger flared in my chest.

“You’ve known about me for a long time now but you never once cared to show up in my life and get to be a father to me….” My lips trembled as I spoke.

“Where were you when I was struggling to pay off my mother’s medical bills or her funeral.” My voice cracked with emotions.

His stoic expression seemed to fade slightly as his eyes softened a little.

“No, what makes you think I would run into your arms and accept to be used by you, when you didn’t even bother to come into my life.” I sniffed and wiped my tears angrily.

“What makes you think that you have a choice in this.” My sexy captor spoke but I was way too pissed off to be scared of him.

“Enzo, Dallele un po' di tempo ” (give her some time). My father glared at my captor named Enzo.

Enzo glared back. “It’s better to let her know now and you know I’m right.” He replied harshly.

My father sighed tiredly

“Tell me what…..” I asked cautiously.

“Enzo is like a son to me and also the current don of this mafia, meaning that you have to be wed to him.” My father said.

My eyes bulged out in shock. “What?!”

Enzo leaned back in his seat, his piercing dark eyes scanning my face intently as he watched my reaction.

“I am not agreeing to any of this!” I yell

“I don’t care about this stupid mafia or being your ‘last direct bloodline’, for all I know, I never had a father!” I scream, fuming with anger.

I turned around to walk out but the man at the door blocked my way.

“Seat back down.” Enzo’s cold voice rung through the silent room, shivers curled on my skin at his domineering tone.

He is as infuriating as he is hot!

I clench my fists and decide on sitting at the farthest seat away from them.

“Alonzo has said all he has to say for now.” He spoke gesturing to my father.

I glance at my so called father who just sat quietly staring between the two of us and sighed.

He stood up slowly. “I would leave the two of you to discuss.” With that, he walked out of the room with the two other men except the one stationed at the door.

“Yanna.” My breath hicked as my name rolled of his sexy tongue.

“Please… just let me go, I promise I would never speak of this or appear in that club again.” I pleaded desperately.

His cold eyes scanned my face with an emotionless look. He sighed and reached into his pocket pulling out a set of photos.

Glancing down at them, I let out a gasp as I reached over to view it closely. They were photos of Hailey and her daughter, Maya as they walked around the apartment they lived in.

“I didn’t want to do this, but you’re quite stubborn and persistent.” He states.

Fear was very evident on my face as I was just once again reminded how dangerous this man is.

“Now, would you like to discuss our marriage?” he asked with his piercing eyes daring me.

I bit my lip in thought, I can’t say no to this. Hailey and Maya’s lives are on the line and it won’t be so bad to be married to this sexy stoic man sitting in front of me. My bills would be paid and I could at least be a trophy wife…

I gulped and nodded slowly.

Enzo leaned back, his thighs parted slightly with an amused look on his face. “So you listen after all.”

What in the world have I gotten myself into.

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