All Chapters of My Bully's Crush: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 Chapters
Chapter 31: ELENA
"Are you shitting me? Is this real?" I kept looking back and forth from my phone screen to Sydney, who was sitting next to me on my bed, digging into a tub of ice cream like the world was coming to an end. She had the biggest smile on her face that had been there since she walked in half an hour ago."It's real girlfriend. I'd like to find this MengeLiNi person and give them a reward; they came prepared. I hear Mary and her demon spawn are catching their ass trying to do damage control, but I don't see how they're going to come back from this.""But how does this person know all of this?""I don't know, but the receipts don't lie. Maybe it's someone close to them; who knows? They screw over friend and foe alike, and they must've pissed off someone by not paying them or any one of the other underhanded things they're known for, but people were always too scared to say out loud. Whatever it is, whoever it is, I am here for it."I wasn't sure how to feel about any of this. I'd taken some
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Chapter 32: JANIE
I braced myself and waited for the volley of insults that always followed after the hellos were out of the way. I felt the energy coming off her, the smell of sulfur, and knew where she'd been. This could get very ugly if I'm not careful. It had been some time since I'd had a meet with mom to have her cast, and with Ryder in the wind, most of her efforts had been on keeping him under some semblance of control even from a distance, although we had no idea if it was working or not."So, what are we going to do about this mess you've gotten us into?" How did I know she would blame me once again for her own screwups? It's not my fault that people were now ostracizing and canceling her family because of her actions and theirs. "Didn't you hear me? I asked you a question."I wanted to yell back at her that it wasn't my fault she was known as the woman who pimped her daughters out for clout and wealth. Ever since that post was made, it's been open season on the whole Hudson clan, something I
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Chapter 33: RYDER
"You can't!""How do you know what I was thinking?" The one named Tyler looked at me with a smirk on his face but didn't answer. How the hell did he know that I was tempted to go to Elena as soon as we landed?I'm not sure what to make of these two men that Saunders had sent to the mountains to get me. They weren't the most talkative bunch, and I got the feeling that there was a whole lot more going on than what they'd told me so far. They hadn't shared much, and all Saunders would say is that I would know in due time, but they did say that I was helping them in a big way, whatever that meant.I'm not sure how, but I get the feeling that it's huge, and it has something to do with the church and Mary, and they were about to use me to get inside. There was an underlying feeling of something dark and sinister about their hushed tones and the way they seemed on high alert even when we were thirty thousand feet in the air.I know military men when I see them, and these two are most definit
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Chapter 34: RYDER
It's a good thing the deal with Saunders is a lie, or I'd be in deep shit. My first time at bat, and I'm about to fail this acting thing already. I could barely keep the snare off my face as I watched this witch approach me with that lying smile on her face. Standing still for the few seconds it took for her to kiss my cheek almost took me out, and it was all I could do not to wipe it off. I couldn't resist stepping out of the way, though when she tried clinging to me, it felt too much like cheating. If this isn't some Hollywood bullshit, I don't know what is. I'm married to her, but it feels like I would be cheating on Elena by letting her get too close. Just the bare touch of her hand on my arm felt like a violation. Like she, the woman I'd so foolishly married, had no right, whereas my ex did.I saw the hurt look she gave me when I pulled away and stepped out of reach and had to turn my face away so that she didn't see the scorn in my eyes. When I was high on whatever it was that s
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Chapter 35: ELENA
Ryder's back. I shouldn't feel this much relief that he was back safe, but there it is. I think I knew of his return even before the news broke; I felt it. I hadn't let on to anyone, including myself, just how worried I was about his disappearance or how often I'd looked at the photo of him in the crowd amidst my fans in the last few weeks. And yes, I've finally admitted to myself that I wrote and released that goodbye as a way to keep in touch with him in a small way.Not that I expected him to reply or anything of the sort, but at the time, even with all my other excuses and reasons, I needed to do it for me. But it wasn't long after the release that I realized how futile the effort was and that my heart may never heal enough from the blow of losing him. Something I only found out afterward.I thought I'd done a lot of healing and that I was ready to move on in some small way, but my own goodbye had proved me wrong. I'd gotten sidetracked with the whole rumor mill thing that was now
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Chapter 36: RYDER
Well, this is interesting. No wonder they allowed Mary into the house today. They must've known what was coming and were planning some scheme to put her visit good use. Both Tyler and Zak seemed too laid back and unbothered while the rest of the world was about to crash and burn. At least L.A. Was.I've been following the theatrics online, and I think I see a pattern forming. "Hey, is there any rhyme or reason to whatever it is these nieces of yours have planned?" I still had no idea what the end result was supposed to be with this whole thing. I knew they were supposed to be helping me in some way, but to what end?"I wouldn't go sticking my nose into that mess if I were you." These two tough guys were the last kind of men I'd expect to sweat whenever those little girls were mentioned, but just like Saunders, they seemed to tense up and look around for cover whenever I brought them up.Had I not seen their handiwork firsthand, I'd find it comical, but in the last couple of weeks, sinc
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Chapter 37: JANIE
I couldn't take my eyes off his face as he led me into the room and sat me down on the loveseat, taking one of the chairs closest to it. Even with that initial smile, I was terrified about what he was about to say.What if he asked for a divorce? What if everyone was right, and this was really the end? There was no way to read his face, not like in the past when the drugs kept him under control, and I didn't have to worry from one day to the next what he was thinking. "I want to apologize." I think the world stopped. It wasn't a declaration of love, but it might as well be. Ryder was saying sorry to me about something. It didn't matter what it was he was apologizing for, just the fact that he was talking to me and so nicely, too, was enough, and he wasn't finished."I know I haven't been the best husband, especially since I came back this last time, but I just wanted to get this acting thing right, and I couldn't have any distractions. I see it as a new adventure for the both of us, a
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Chapter 38: ELENA
Really Ryder? Really? Just how much of a raging lunatic are you trying to be? Just when I thought my life was getting back on track, you have to go pull a stunt like this. The first song was bad enough, especially when the internet's new favorite denizen had deciphered the code, something I still don't understand since the code was a secret between him and me, but this second song is going too far.Thank heaven this MengeLiNi person hadn't revealed the secrets in this one, or who knows what would happen. Then again, it's only been a few hours since it dropped; they might be taking their time before dropping the bomb. The first song was all about missing me and what we had together, but this one would put the Police's every breath you take to shame. It was a stalker's daydream if you ask me, and an outright threat. In short, this beast who had left me at the altar and moved on with his decrepit life was now threatening anyone I went out with on a date, as well as letting me know that h
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Chapter 39: RYDER
It's time. I'm as nervous as a hooker in church, but there was no way I wasn't going to go through with this. "Do you remember everything we told you?" "Yeah, but I still don't know how you know what the inside of her house looks like." "You really wanna have this conversation now?""No, I guess not." I wasn't in the mood for a tongue-lashing from Zak, and we both knew I was just talking to hear myself speak because it's a given that I don't know how they know half the shit they do. They still haven't come right out and said it, but my money is on military."Just breathe, kid; it's gonna be fine." Yeah, that's what they've both been telling me for the last hour or so. I don't know why I feel so sick to my stomach. This is what I've been striving for since my return, but now that the time was near, I wasn't sure I could go through with it.I knew it was fear of her reaction that held me in its grip, but still, I couldn't figure out how to shake it off. There was so much at stake here an
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Chapter 40: ELENA
"Elena, please, just let me come in so we can talk.""No, it's too late for that." I felt such rage inside that I was almost afraid of what I might do. The tears that I'd been fighting so hard to contain were winning, and I hated that for myself; I hated showing any kind of weakness in front of him.How dare he show up here like this? Acting so blasé, as if he wasn't the monster who had hurt me in the worst possible way. How dare he think that all the pain and hurt of the last five years could just be swept away and forgotten by his mere presence?In the past, it was always like that. I was always quick to forgive him and move on from whatever idiotic thing he'd done. Because I believed that that's what love was. Long-suffering, forgiving, merciful. All the things an innocent young girl should believe. But look where that got me.He made me a laughingstock, something to be ridiculed and laughed at, someone to be pitied. "Damn you, I told you to go away. It's too late for explanations a
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