All Chapters of BITTEN BY FATE : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
65 Chapters
Alexa's POV “So Alpha, this is the end of the border. I wonder why you brought her here, our men are tracking rogues and killing them. Things could get really dangerous while we are here.” Beta Boaz said. “Not while I'm here.” Alpha Nate said confidently. I hid my smile while firmly clutching to the first aid box. I looked ahead of them only to see multitudes of werewolves in their wolf forms. They looked ready to tear me up until Alpha Nate stood in front of me and introduced me to them. “This is Alexa, I brought her here to take care of the injured.” “I've never smelt anything like her before Alpha,” “That's because she's new. She's a new pack member.” Alpha Nate said and they all seem to relax a bit. I stood by on watch. Alpha Nate kept calling scores and the beta helped to give Alpha Nate what he needed at that moment in time. It was the first time I was watching the Alpha and beta both work in sync to do their jobs. As the wolves read the centimetres of the bound
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Alexa's POVKnock knock “Come on in,” I turned the door knob and pushed the door open. I came in contact with Shirley who was already smiling upon meeting me.“Alexa, you're here!” She ran towards me and engaged me into a big hug.I hugged her back and sat down. “You haven't changed at all.”“What do you mean you haven't changed. You moved only a few days ago, what were you expecting?”“I don't know Shirley, why don't you tell me what I should be expecting?” “Oh, I guess my mate should appear by now and I should be living my happy ever after but since he's not appeared, I'm still content with everything going on. Reason number one being, you are my first love Alexa. My huge first love!”I laughed at Shirley's overreaction and it brought forth joy into my spirit, just being here and listening to her.“Anything new with you at the pack? If anyone bullies you I —”“—There’s no such thing as bullying there. Infact, the Alpha took me to the front spheres today and I helped those that we
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Chapter ThirteenAlexa's POVI was now surrounded by three rogue wolves and there was no one to rescue me but myself. What do I do? What do I do? I could not let myself be killed by rogues for no reason so I decided to do the only thing I could in the situation. Fight.I decided to put together all that I learned from my mom, Nora into practice.She taught me to hide my scent. But I was going to need more than that if I were to escape from this werewolves.As one bared his teeth and aimed to attack me, my hands yanked forward causing some of my powers to release through my fingers. The rogue that wanted to attack me was tossed back as my powers hit his body.Growl!The remaining two wolves were now weary of me and began to circle around me. “Uh-oh,” I thought to myself. Now I didn't even know what triggered my witch powers but now I was in real trouble.“Help me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and held my hand around my stomach, waiting for the next attack to hit.The rogues seeme
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Alexa's POV After the Alpha made his order clear, I had no choice than to do as he says.He had told everyone in the packhouse that I was pregnant and because of that would not be going outside the field least he endangered my life like what happened a few moments ago. So what happened was that he told everyone who needed medical treatment to come straight to me in my room in the packhouse.Angel was in my room now, and I think it was because Alpha Nate sent her to me.“So.. you're pregnant. I never thought of that because… you're so pretty.”“Hey, a woman can be hot whilst pregnant.”Angel seemed a bit beguiled by my words but then she eased up. “Why didn't you tell at first?”“I just didn't think it was important,” I placed my hands on my thighs. I didn't know why this was such a big thing because it was asked so often. I think it was because this pack I choose was so intentional and family-tied. They cared a lot about the children. I thought about it for a moment and thought maybe
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Alexa's POV“You know I kinda thought you were going to reduce my responsibilities as a pack nurse but you're actually…”“Don't be funny. You have to earn your month's wage.”I smiled and then he turned away, leaving me alone in the hallway.“Thank you Alpha Nate,” I said, knowing that he heard me.*** “Finally, you're here.” I said while hoping on a tree branch to sit on. Nora walked up to me with a rare look on her face. She stood in front of me. “So now the entire pack knows you're pregnant, what good does that do?”“Are you mad at me, mom?” I asked her but it was hard to see her reaction because she turned away from me.“It's not my fault,” I said. “I was in danger, and Alpha Nate saved me. In the midst of it, he found out that I was pregnant.”“Whoa, can you start again?” She turned to me and I could finally see her eyes but it didn't tell me much.“Mother, I legit got into danger.” I said. “Then tell me!” She said snappily. A little bit impatiently I could tell, this made me
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Alexa's POVHer hands lasted on mine for a bit before she pulled away.“Wow, Alexa.” “What is it?” I asked as she moved away from me quickly. It was as though she was shocked by what she saw.“You two have fate together. Quite frankly, I think he could be your mate.”“My mate?”I couldn't believe that. Although, Alpha Nate's and I meeting seemed to have been powered by fate, it was too high strung for me to consider him my mate.Also, I hadn't felt anything that elaborate when I was with him. Although I perceived him as a nice person because he protected him when I needed him. This was something that I did not plan but it happened anyway.“Yes, Alexa. But follow your heart anyway. Just don't be too forward about it. And this moment, I need you to focus. Especially while we unlock all of your powers and I train you.”“Fine.”“Today, I'll teach you blood magic.”“Blood magic?”She smiled at me and brought out a table knife from her pocket. “What is that for?” I asked, slightly tired fr
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Alexa's POVI had thought Jade wouldn't answer to me seeing from the way she spoke very little to me. However, when she stretched her arm forward and peeled over the long-sleeved shirt, I saw bloody marks on her hand.I jumped off my bed to access clearly what she was showing me. They looked bad as well as with purple and blue marks left on her hand. There was no doubt that she was going through abuse with the bloody marks on her hand.“We need to tell the Alpha,” I said calmly.“No, please no.” She said as I made to walk out the door. She grabbed me by the waist, halting my movements.“No, I won't let you leave.” She said.“And why is that?” I asked.“You can't tell the Alpha, Please don't tell the Alpha. It's much more complicated than you think. Please listen to me!”“I don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing easier to understand than the fact that you're hurting and someone close to you is doing that. Could it possibly be your mate?”There was silence for a bit, and
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Alexa's POV“You really think so, Alexa?”“Yes,” I nodded. But then I remembered that I hadn't officially told her my name yet so how did she know?”“How do you know my name?” I carefully asked, careful to not distort the main topic we were on.“Angel was talking about you, also I think when we were about to eat in the dinning room, you were introduced to all of us.”“Well, then I see.” I said quietly. But then remembered what the main topic was on. I had to say something really impactful in order to stop jade from self-harming. I also had to do something in order to followup with her, get to know her and stuff.“Do you have a job, Jade? Maybe get to focus on that? Then you won't be affected by the minute things going on with your cheating mate.”“Well I don't have a job yet—”“—That is something you should definitely tell the Alpha about. Alpha Nate is a kind, generous person. If you tell him about your need for a job, he'll help you, like he did with me.”“That's different, you have
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Jade's POVAs I stepped out of Alexa's room, I couldn't help but feel much bolder and strong. If my mate and his mistress were trackers then why couldn't I? Afterall, I'd hear him boast about how easy he had it because of constantly training his muscles for flight or fight. Hearing him talk about constantly was the same as having first hand training, wasn't it? I couldn't help but feel rather distraught after hearing Alexa convince me to find another job other than tracking. I knew it was because she was trying to stop me from seeing too much of my mate and his mistress but that was none of my business for now, wasn't it? She told me to follow the interest I had in my heart and that was it. I was not going to let another steal the dream from my heart. Not even if it was me.I bumped into healthy Angel drinking a dose of wine on the hallway.“Hey Jade…”“Where's the Alpha?” I asked head-on and she seemed shocked to see that I was on guard with her. I hoped she wouldn't blame me but rig
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Jade's POVI was next taken to a bodybuilder.“Beta Boaz, why are we here?” I asked after seeing that we were at a professional bodybuilder. The bodybuilder was a 6’5 tall tan man that was big with a lot of muscles. I had a feeling he could rip me apart just by his look.“Beta Boaz, fancy meeting you here.” He told the beta without bowing. It seemed they were already used to each other by now.“Hey Claude,” Beta Boaz said carefully. “Train her.”“What do you mean ‘’train her'?” Claude stopped boxing the green bag for a moment.“She wants to be a tracker,”“Oh?” Claude smirked, “She's good as dead.”“Just the basics.” Beta Boaz insisted. “Train her body in such a way that she'll still be alive.”“Ooh! I see.” Claude chuckled heartily making me uncomfortable. I made way to Beta Boaz but as he walked out the door, Claude got a hold of me making me scream out loud. “Beta Boaz! Where are you? Come to save me!”“There would be no such thing happening here!” He told me with his sharp eye fix
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