Semua Bab BITTEN BY FATE : Bab 31 - Bab 40
65 Bab
Alexa's POVAlthough this wasn't something I asked the Alpha for, it sounded like something that he really needed to get done and so I yielded to that desire of his.“Well okay, Alpha. Thank you for considering getting me an office.” I said politely and he nodded.“Don’t worry about anything, okay?”“Okay. Thank you, Alpha.” I saidI stood up from the edge of the bed and the Alpha got up too. He headed to the door, “I'll see you later.”I bowed my neck, then he stopped midway and turned back to me. “By the way, a woman asked for permission to see you not too long ago. I think her name was Shrek or something,”I stifled a laughter. “It's Shirley, Alpha.” I said.“So you know her.” He said and I nodded, not wanting to get into details with him. He seemed to understand that too because he folded his arms and turned to the door before walking out of it.I was left alone once again in my room. I sat cross-legged on the floor and began some breathing exercises. I wanted it to last long. An
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Nora's POV “You have no idea what she's like. She may not help you when you tell her what your desires are. After all, she's pregnant.” “Exactly because she's pregnant Is why she'll help me. I'll wait until she gives birth and then I'll hold the child captive. Once that happens she'll have no choice but to help me.” “Oh, you're so mean Alpha Nate.” I said. “And what will you do about me?” “What will I do about you?” He hummed to himself. “It depends on how useful you prove yourself to be.” “Are you trying to say that I'm not as powerful as Alexa?” I asked. It was only a harmless question but it sank deep into the pit of my groins. Was he trying to insinuate that I was not as powerful as Alexa or was he saying that just to piss me off? “We’ll have to see based on your performance then, won't we Nora?” He said and disappeared out of my home. I watched through the window as he left, my eyes filling with rage as I watched him leave. Alexa's POV *** One week later I w
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Alexa's POV I kept drinking the water until it was nearly finished. Afterwards, I closed the lid of the bottle and Shirley watched me closely. “How has your stay at the packhouse being? I still don't feel very comfortable you being away from me but guess what, ,I have to suck that in don't I?” I exhaled. “That's not very probable, your thoughts I mean. Even though I stayed with you in your house for days, it doesn't mean that you automatically shouldn't trust anyone to host me. For example, this is your own Alpha you are talking about. Alpha Nate. He couldn't possibly do anything to harm me.” I said. “Even if that's a possibility, I don't want you to be too relaxed at the packhouse.” I smiled, “At this point just take a job at the packhouse so you can watch over me like a hawk.” I said with a slight giggle. “Don't challenge me, Alexa.” Shirley said annoyedly. “Don't challenge me because I'll do it.” “Don't be silly!” I said jokingly. “Are you going to come with me to see my p
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Alexa's POVI took two steps in front of the garden and all of a sudden, I felt a gust of wind on my face. I turned around to see who it was and was shocked to see Nora right in front of me.“Nora,” I gasped, taking a step back.She was dressed in a black coat and cream heels. I did not know why but I was scared to stay in front of her. Partially because I had promised to Shirley that I wouldn't go to see Nora again. At least, not untill the truth was confirmed that she wasn't my mother.“Why…” she said. “Have you not paid me a visit lately?”I remained quiet, unknowing when to act or how to. This was a sensitive issue. Couldn't be sorted out by just opening my mouth and saying whatever came out from it.“Nora—”“—Mother, mom,” she interrupted me. “Why aren't you calling me that?” She asked and I sighed. Did I just tell on myself?“Well…”She stopped to look at my face clearly, then she hesitated as she talked to me. “Don't tell me that you are still mad at me because of what happened
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Alexa's POVOnce we pulled away from the hug, Angel smiled. “Now where are you off to?”“Just to see the Alpha,”“Why? do you need something?”“Well,” I winked at her. “That's between me and the Alpha.”She nodded, “Fair enough.”“Do you know where he is?” I asked “Uh, sorry I don't.” she said, fluttering her fingers in front of me. I noticed that they were freshly painted.“What's the use of that when you're going to shift into your wolf?” I said, referring to her nails.“Oh, it won't spoil just because I shift into my wolf form.”“Are you sure?” I asked.“To be fair, you have a good point. By the way, I haven't seen you shift into your wolf form? When will I get to see it?” “Probably when the baby is out.”“Right.”“I don't want to do anything that's gonna risk the health of the baby.”“I see.”“By the way, I should get going.” I said to Angel. She chuckled and patted me on the shoulder. I was about to leave but a thought crossed pertaining Angel crossed my mind so I stopped in my
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Jade's POVI couldn't help but giggle to myself when I saw the Beta, it was like a dream come true. He was the one who after all brought me here in the first place.“I have indeed being diligent,” I repeated after him and he hesitated but then he nodded. “From now, I'll train you to be a trainer.”A loud scream escaped from my lungs and then I clapped loudly.“Yes!” Beta Boaz seemed irritated by my loud cheer which made me reduce the amount of celebration I was acting with.“Uhm…” I trailed off.“Come with me,” beta Boaz said and I turned to him immediately, but then I looked at the bodybuilder who had been training me all along. He nodded at me, a gesture for me to do as Beta Boaz had said.I nodded and follow Beta Boaz out of the room. “Since you did not give up on your training, I'm going to have to pass you up to someone I trust to teach you.”“I thought you were going to train me,” I said.“Indirectly I am. I'm too busy to deal with just you alone.”That made sense. Untill I re
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Alexa's POV “A lot of progress,” she said and then looked at the scars up her sleeve.“It still hurts.”I noticed the wound was drying up but it still needed more attention. “I'll clean it up for you later and it'll be fixed up,” I told her and she nodded. “You know you're such a good friend, Alexa.”I stuttered in my words. “W-what? Me?” I didn't remember when me and Jade spoke ruggedly about what good friends we were. I just thought we were cool and that I was her cool nurse who said some smart words at times but who could have tell that she actually saw me as a friend? That was a bit flattering if I was telling the truth.“Yes, Alexa.” Jade told me. “You've been way more to me than I could ever tell you.”“And why is that?” I asked. “I only helped you bandage your wounds one time, it's not that deep.” I said.“Maybe to you, it wasn't that deep but to me…” Jade's eyes were teary now. “It was the whole world. Your words, changed my life forever.”“What?” I was still refusing to beli
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Alexa's POV “Have you seen the Alpha?”“Do you know where the Alpha is?”After asking a couple of people, I found out that the Alpha was not that far away. He was in his office so I went right there.Knock knockI knocked loudly on the door and heard a simple “Come in” from inside the office.I opened the door swiftly and stepped into the office. The Alpha was working on some paperwork which looked intensely complicated. I could see through my perfect seeing.“How are you, Alexa?” He asked the moment I worked in while still staring at the paperwork.“Well, Alpha Nate. You look really busy so I'm going to keep this short and easy.” I said, trying to keep my voice low and calm.“What is it?” He asked, looking up from his paperwork for the first time.“I would like to ask for permission from you,” I said with my head held high, for the first time I felt like he might not approve it but I decided to try anyway.“I would be going on a short trip with my friend Shirley tomorrow, would you
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Alexa's POVI went to the kitchen and saw Angel with the cooks arguing with each other over the way a meal should be served.“Hi guys,” I said quickly, getting both of their attention. They broke away from each other and turned to me. “What do you want?” One of the cook asked in a careful tone.I did not hesitate. “Is there anything I can eat here at the moment? I'm pretty hungry.”“See? Even the nurse Is hungry, now if you don't mind, pack us some doughnuts.” She said which made me sigh. Some doughnuts wouldn't do. I needed a solid.“Don't you have some pastries or something? I'm retiring to bed early tonight so I won't have dinner.”“If that's the case then we can whip you up what we already have. What do you think about some salad and rice?”“That's nice. If I could have it, I'd be very grateful.” One of the cooks said and proceeded to give me my order. By the time she was done, she handed me the plate and I took it from her gratefully and exited the kitchen. As I left, I heard Ang
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Jade's POV“You're the one that said to train you. Yet you have no idea how hard it is. I pity you, Jade,” “I have no regrets. Go ahead.” I said. “Fine.” He said and said, “Let's go to the open fields.”I went with him to the open fields and started to do some warm up exercises.“What is this all about?” Logan asked me midway into my exercise.“Oh it's just to warm up.” “Well, you're right to do so. Anyway, let me teach you the basics on what it means to be a trainer.”“Go ahead,” I said and crouched down to the floor.“To be a tracker means to know the secrets of the woods. Finding out both danger and treasure is the job of a tracker.”“I know.” I said. “To find out information without being caught is what it means to be a tracker. For example, finding out the rougues headquarters and reporting to the stationary in command such as the Beta or the trackers' leader.”“You seem to know a lot about being a tracker. However, it's quite more than words can say. You need to be active, yo
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