All Chapters of BITTEN BY FATE : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
65 Chapters
Jade's POVThat night, I couldn't sleep. I could only think about the mistake I had done kissing Logan. That was the only thing that had made the situation escalate.“Help me, god.” I thought to myself and laid on my bed while feeling totally miserable. Now that he found out that I'd hurt myself because of his cheating on me, he probably felt like the most powerful person in the world. I felt irritated with myself. I got dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and pants and got myself prepared to step outside. I put on a coat around myself and stepped outside. I started to jog to and from to get my circulation moving as I didn't feel any need to do anything than a need for active movement because of my tiredness and constant flashback of what happened between me and Logan. Alexa's POVI stepped outside only to see Jade jogging around. She looked really cool doing it and I couldn't help but smile. The jade that I know was becoming better than ever. I didn't want to disturb her so I decided m
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Alexa's POV “What do you think you're doing?” Jade asked me as I proceeded to lean closer to her. “Just the right thing, okay?” I say calmly. “I just want to clean up your wound, what else do you think I'm doing?” I said causing her to sigh and stay still.I proceeded to clean up her wound and she didn't even hiss. This made me realize that the wound had healed enough that it didn't need any extra liquids on it.Once I was done, Jade rolled her sleeves back to the appropriate place and I stood up from my feet.“Have a nice day, Alexa.” She told me.“Have a nice day,” I told her back and she nodded and I proceeded to walk away. The next garbage can I saw, I disposed the used cleaning utensils for the wound. I walking to Shirley's house in the woods when I heard a sound. I halted in my steps and looked around to see who the invader was.Then I saw Nora in front of me in a black coat and black-colored hat. Her eyes looked red like she was going through something peculiar.“Finally, I re
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Alexa's POV“Oh you do? I'll just leave you alone then. We can talk to each other next time.”I didn't say anything, I simply walked past Nora.By the time I got to Shirley's place, my mood was lightened, but it was also fifteen minutes past 6am, our unspoken time of meeting. I knew she wouldn't mind as long as I made it.I could see that the kitchen lights were on in her house. She must have been in the kitchen preparing something for us to eat.I knocked on the front door and waited for her to come out.The door opened and I saw headfirst her gorgeous face as she stayed halfway by the door.“Finally, you are here.” She swung the door open widely. “Finally, you're here.”“Yes,” I said and stepped into the house and she shut the door as soon as I was in the house.“I'm preparing breakfast.” She told me.“And what would we have for breakfast?” I asked with a slight giggle. “The aroma is exciting.”“Just some lasagna and eggs.”“Ooh, that sounds absolutely nice.” I said and she nodded i
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Alexa's POVWe were diving into the woods like it was our first time doing so. I was able to feel the pleasure of the wind dancing through my hair. It was an erroneous feeling.“Calm down,” I told myself but I couldn't help the excitement that danced through me. It was a feeling that I wasn't used to. Yet, it was different and nourishing. I felt entirely happy because Shirley was here with me and I knew that she felt happy with me too. The two of us were just two girls recklessly traveling through the woods to Deep into woods pack. It was about afternoon now, and the sun's reflection was on my skin. I was a bit sweaty now and thought of changing my clothes.I told Shirley about it but she shook her head at me. “No, hang on. We're almost there.”I could see from up ahead that we were almost there. So I kept in my discomfort and watched as we successfully crossed into the territory Deep into the woods.“We're here,” I said as I hopped off Shirley's back. “Right.” She said and I smiled a
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Alexa's POVSo as it appeared, Jasper was the first one to get here and inform the guards about my appearance. I never told him about Shirley so I wondered why they didn't ask about it. Well, it was all good. At least, he mentioned that it wasn't only him that would be here. That was good enough. I wondered how Jasper found his way here. How did he see the letter? That meant that I was right in the way I sent the letter. It must have landed right on his desk.Anyway, that wasn't something I was keen on thinking about for now. Now that I was here, my heart was beating hard because of the possibility that my parents were here. Damn, I really needed to talk to them if they were truly my parents. And I hadn't tell Jasper the real reason I was here. I was certain he was wondering about it but let's forget about all of that for now.I looked to Shirley who I was walking with and then sighed. “I need to talk to Jasper,”She waved me off and I sighed again. Why was she being so chill?I stood
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Alexa's POVWe were now sitting in the Beta's office with cups of tea in front of us but I didn't dare drink any of them.The reason I was here was simple and I was even becoming scared to find out If the reason I came here would be fulfilled. For now, we were alone in the room and the Beta would be back soon after fulfilling a task.“Alexa, why don't you tell me the reason you are here.” Jasper said to me, but no words could escape my lips.“You didn't tell him?” Shirley said with her eyes widened.“I couldn't.” I said and watched Shirley talk to me with her eyes.I turned to Jasper and he sighed, his hand massaging the temple of his head. “Look, I don't have any words left to say to you except for this. Will you please tell me what you're here for because miss Beta comes here enraged that we're wasting her time?”Shirley smiled at me, urging me to speak. “Well…”The door bursted open and the Beta walked in sweaty but all glorious and full of power. She looked incredible.“Well… are
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Alexa's POVThe Luna was dressed in a long silver dress with gold stones at the bottom of the dress. Her hair was in a bun and she had small bows surrounding the front and back of her hair. She had fair healthy glowing skin and her lips were bright pink. Her eyes were piercing and bright. She was lovely to look at.The Alpha on the other hand was distinguished and bright. He had scales in his hands and he looked like he had being through the hardest of times. While he looked like that, his wife on the other hand who was also his Luna looked untouched by the glamour of time.“If you wish to speak, you can start now.” The Luna said once again, her voice calm and luxurious.I looked at Jasper, and he nodded, giving me the go ahead.“Don’t worry, you can say what you have to say.” Jasper said.I looked to the Alpha and the Luna. Could they really both be my parents?“Actually, Alpha and Luna of Deep into the woods, I do not mean to cause any wedge between the both of you so please listen
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Alexa's POVThe Luna raised up the sleeve of my dress and the Alpha leaned in only to see the birthmark. They checked both my side and my feet and once the birthmarks were confirmed, they both cheered in excitement and embraced each other, and then, me.“Oh my darling daughter, I knew that it was you all along.” The Luna said.I didn't know what to do in their embrace so I simply stood still while they held me. The Alpha also spoke up, “It's been a while. You look just like your mother.”“You're very funny.” I said out loud to the Alpha. “Wasn't it you who asked for some proof first?”He pulled away from the hug first, “That's right but I had my reasons,” he said. I knew that was true but I wanted to push him a bit more. “That's not enough. If I'm truly your daughter you should have recognised me straight away instead of taking me through the agonizing move of going through the marks on my body.”The door opened and the Luna broke away from the hug. Walking in was Jasper who looked i
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Alexa's POVNow that I'd come to realize that it was the truth that my parents indeed were the Alpha and Luna of Deep into the woods, I felt at ease. But I was still thinking about other things and I did not know how to feel.“Hey, Alexa. We think it's been a long day for you, you know finding the truth and knowing that we are your parents. You should get some rest.” My father said. My mother was a bit hesitant but after looking in my eyes, she seemed to relax a bit. “You should go to rest.” She said. “We have a room stationed for you already.”“Uhm I actually prefer to have an ordinary room.” I said. Being pampered this early and too soon made me feel like I was overexerting on somebody else's territory.“How could you sleep in an ordinary room? You are our daughter,” My father said and my mother smiled.“Yes, that's true. We've been arranging a room for you since the moment we found you. I'll take you there right away.”“Please don't forget about those who came with me. They should
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Alexa's POVKnock Knock“Come in!” I called immediately while soothing the bed spread.The door opened and Shirley stepped in, wearing her change of clothes. I smiled afterwards at her.“Hey girl!” I said, feeling so light in her presence. She smiled also at me and sat at the edge of the bed. She leaned closer to my hand and squeezed it tight. “So you found your parents, huh, after all this time.” She said, wiggling her eyebrows at me playfully.“Yes,” I said. “It's a bittersweet feeling, you know.” I grabbed Shirley's hand and hold it tight. “Thank you so much for coming here with me, Shirley. I really appreciate it.”“You're welcome, sis. You know you are, always.” Shirley said while squeezing me tight.Then she turned to me and grabbed my hand, “When do we go back?”I looked at Shirley. “Go back?”“Right,” she said, “When do we go back to my pack?”I didn't know what to say. I was just seeing my parents. Should I hurry back there? I mean sure I had a job there but was it really wo
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