All Chapters of BITTEN BY FATE : Chapter 61 - Chapter 65
65 Chapters
Alpha Nate's POV“That's where what went wrong?!” I asked“The proposal.”I grunted. “You need to make her feel so special she feels guilty about leaving.” I decided to yield a little to what Nora was telling me.“So what do I do?”“It's easy. Buy her a bunch of gifts. Tell her how much you like her and take her on dates.”“So much effort just because I want one thing. Am I still going go be respectful in her eyes?” I asked.“Of course! You just have to beware of your method of wooing her.” She said.“What method do I use?”Nora leaned closer to me. “What are you doing?” I was about to brush her off but she leaned close to my ear and whispered what I should do. I smirked after hearing it.Alexa's POVI didn't know how to tell Alpha Nate yet that I was leaving but I decided to do it in anyway that I can. I was sure he would understand even if I couldn't speak to him well. The same way he would want to understand.Knock knockI knocked on the Alpha's office door but didn't receive any
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Alexa's POV“Let's eat,” Alpha Nate said after more things had been added to the table.It was a generous sight to behold. Nevertheless, I was still worried about why he'd invited me here but indeed I was too hungry to say what was on my mind.I took a fork and a spoon, added chicken to my bowl of soup and took a sip.“You're beautiful, Alexa you know that?” I choked on the soup after hearing his words and he immediately brought out his hand to help me to drink some water.“Oh thank you,” I said while looking Alpha Nate in the eyes carefully to know if he really said that or I was imagining something. But I knew I was not imagining something. I clearly heard it which was why I choked on the soup.“Alpha Nate, this is a wonderful meal.” I told him honestly. “But who was it intentionally for? I only came here to talk to you about something but…” I trailed off. Alpha Nate was too good in a mood, I didn't want to ruin it by saying I would leave soon.“Actually, it's nothing. Let's just ea
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Alexa's POVThe guards finally believed me after hearing the loud scream engulf the woods.“That's Alpha Nate,” they chorused.The guards dropped their meat and ran off in the direction.When we got there, all the rogues were lying on the ground dead. It was only Alpha Nate that was left standing. But he didn't seem so well.“Alpha Nate,” I called and ran to him. “There are some of the rogues who ran off. You all should cleanse them out immediately.” Alpha Nate told the guards who nodded In salute and ran off to carry his orders.“Alpha, you don't look so well yourself.” I said, noticing his bleeding sides and stomach. As well as his shoulders. He had blood trickling down on his forehead and instead of the guards to pay attention to their injured Alpha, they were more interested in carrying out his orders. What if he died or something?“Alpha Nate, what kind of guards do you have? Instead of them to be more worried about your health. They are more worried about carrying out your order
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Alexa's POV“Alpha, you're hurt,” said Nikki while getting close to him. “Are you okay?”He shook his head at her, “Please Nikki, the least I want right now is to be surrounded by someone overbearing.”Nikki gasped, “Me? Overbearing? All I want is to do is keep you company and make sure you're well, sir.”“I can't believe you would do something like this.” She pointed at me. “How could you let the Alpha get injured like this under your watch?!”Alpha Nate grabbed Nikki's hand, preventing her from pointing her hand at me. “Stop what you're doing, Nikki. Alexa has nothing to do with what happened. We were attacked by rogues.”Nikki gasped, “Then she should have used her life to protect you. That's what I would do.”“Don't say nonsense Nikki, if you do, I can't protect you.” he said.“Protect me from this woman?” Nikki looked at me and then scoffed. “No way. What can she possibly do to me?” She said with the roll of her eyes.I picked up an injection and pointed it at her causing her to
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Alpha Nate's POV“What good are you for when you don't have the resources that I need?!” I yelled causing Nora to quiver and back away.“I am sorry! But at least, I did try to keep her in check. Because I stopped her from getting to know the extent of her powers, she's been good hasn't she?” Nora asked causing me to chuckle because I knew that Nora was plain saying rubbish.“Even if that were true, your techniques can never work on her anymore. It is a thing of the past. She knows now that you're not her family.”“And so? I told her I'm her aunt!”I smirked, this witch's way of thinking was quite primitive. “You told her you're her aunt and you think she'll believe you after finding out that you lied about being her mom.”“She hasn't gotten to know her family that well, I can still manipulate her.”I snorted, feeling entirely annoyed by the witch's way of thinking. “You can no longer manipulate her. Alexa may have been naive when she first came to Moonglade but now that she's been her
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