All Chapters of BITTEN BY FATE : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
65 Chapters
Alexa's POVAfter mother left, I was annoyed. I went back to my room in the packhouse and locked the door, deciding to try to see where Jade was without any guidance. I started with easy breathing but with the more I breathed, I realized that I was unable to do anything. I tried some exercises and techniques but neither did anything to trigger my seeing so I gave up, only temporarily and decided to use the physical method and just ask how jade was from others instead of just chickening out and relying on my own seeing eyes, if that really existed and I knew it did. If only I was raised with my mom I would've knew these things but whatever.I stepped outside of my room and the packhouse felt silent. I tried to listen in to any movements but it was quiet. The time was 9am so it was fine. Most people in the packhouse were probably already out and about doing their own jobs.I stepped out of the packhouse, immediately running into Dylan and Hawk. Two warriors that I'd just recently gott
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Alexa's POV“No, Jade always had the desire to be a tracker. All I did was—”“—Put her in to be a tracker.” Alpha Nate interupted. “Exactly what I said.”I sighed. Peharps that was true.“Where can I see her?”“I'm afraid you can't. She's too busy.”“How would you know?” I asked with folded arms while looking at him with a smirk.“I was the one who put her through.” The smirk disappeared from my face. “Sent her to Boaz to train her. As it appears, she hasn't been allowed to leave the training room.”“Oh no,” I muttered under my breath. “Will she be fine?” “She's following the process it will take to get her to her dream,” he said. “She'll have to be fine.”“I see,” I said under my breath but I was still nervous for Jade and I wanted confirmation on if she'll be fine but there was none.I turned away to get going to the packhouse but then Alpha Nate said, “You're going back?”I nodded.“Won't you be bored staying alone at the packhouse?”“Otherwise, what would I do? You won't let a pr
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Alexa's POV I decided to go with Angel to the dining room and in the hallway, I saw Jade coming from the distance in black gym sweatshirt with a pair of leggings. She looked sweaty and tired, and way more shaped than ever before.“Hey,” she said with a calm voice once she saw me and I enveloped her into a hug.“Jade,” I cried out loud. “Never thought I'd see you again. But I'm glad right now that you are fine.”“T-that is a nice thing,” said Jade. “But why did you think you'd never see me again? That is weird.”I pulled away from the hug and said, “Sorry, it's just because of the way the Alpha worded something to me.”“Really?”I nodded. “Anyway I'm just glad to see you. Are things working out in your sphere?” I asked. “You should get to be a tracker soon, right?”“Barely. I just started the training. I reckon I still have a long way to go.” said Jade. ***Jade's POVWe were all seated in the dinning room and I unfortunately had to watch my mate seated across from me along with his
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Jade's POVI looked at Logan and how confident he seemed speaking to me like that. It also reminded me of how weak I was to not be able to say anything back. But this time, I decided to not be the quiet one and to actually say something back.“I won't quit. Why should I when it's my dream.”He chuckled out loud. “Your dream? Please, Jade don't embarrass me. Just stick to your room like you always do, leave the important job to people like us. I know you miss me and would like to see me for goodness sake but please don't become a tracker, you'll only put yourself in some deep mess that you'll never be able to get out of.”I scoffed. How could he say that I was doing all of this because of him? What kind of ego did he have all this time?“Oh, you must be full of it.” I said aloud. “What makes you think my choices are all about you?”He grinned deviously. “I don't know what is going on and why you are talking back to me. Just what gives you the courage? I know you are not hanging out wit
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Alexa's POV“Come here,” I said gesturing for her to show me her hand. I looked closely at it, it was purple and greenish, but it was beginning to dry slowly but surely.“Why does your hand look like onions?” I said jokingly, and it seemed to make Jade laugh.I noticed that her eyes were swollen which meant that she had cried before coming. I wanted to know why but at the same time, I didn't want to be too inquisitive and push her away from me.“Are you okay?” I asked in a somewhat serious tone as I began to clean the wounds.Jade nodded, hissing as the liquids made contact with her wound.“It will be fine in a bit,” I said and she nodded. Then when I began bandaging her wounds, she starting hissing really loudly In pain.“It'll be fine, I promise.”“Sorry,” I kept saying all those words to her and she nodded.After we were done, I asked if she would like to chat for a little bit, and she was.“Guess what happened this evening,” she asked.I could only give her a look because I did n
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Alexa's POVThe next morning, I woke up feeling relaxed so I wanted to try some relaxing exercise. I did some little exercises and they made me feel a little better, then I arranged my room only to encounter the envelope that I'd gotten previously from the mailbox. I didn't know who it was from but I was curious to check in out. I opened the envelope and tore open the letter.Dear, Alexa. It reads.This is Damian Stone and Rachel Stone. We are the Alpha and Luna of Deep into the Woods. We finally found you, our daughter. Please once this letter finds you, let's talk. I looked down at the letter only to read the address that they wrote the letter from, so I could actually go to them and find them. I didn't know how to feel after reading the letter. What about Nora? Didn't she say she was my mother? How could another set of people find me and claim that they were my parents. Usually, I would be angry but I had a deep urge to see them. Parents or not, who were they? How did they get to
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Alexa's POV“If you failed to protect yourself, how did you survive then?” she asked with wide eyes as she stared me in the eye.“Alpha Nate came to my rescue. He saved me, Shirley.”“Wait, Alpha Nate came to your rescue? How did he do that? That's crazy!”I nodded, showing Shirley my sincerity.“It's true that he did that.”Shirley looked to herself in deep thought. “I heard a rumor of Alpha Nate being so nice while treating everyone as a family but to think he actually was able to rescue you drives me insane. I mean you're just a nurse here, things could have gone seriously wrong but he manages to rescue you? That's erm way crazier than I can think.”“Shirley,” I put my hand around her. “Don't worry about me, okay? Alpha Nate is right here looking after me and the baby.” Then I thought of the time that Alpha Nate said in front of Nikki that I was his type, but I refused to divulge that information because I didn't know what Shirley was thinking.“What do you mean?” She asked, almos
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Alexa's POVThe next day was filled with all sorts of lingering thoughts about what I read in the letter. Not only was it disturbing, it sets my heart on a pace I didn't understand either.I wanted to find out the truth as soon as possible. Was Nora my real mom or did she lie to me? If she lied to me, that would make a lot of sense on why she refused to train me deeply, and took offense when I asked her to teach me more.If she lied to me about being my mom, I swear…Tears rolled down my cheeks which I angrily wiped away. If Nora wasn't my mother, I wondered what she would get from lying to me? It didn't make sense why anyone would lie about that.There was a knock on the door and I cleared my throat, “Come on in,”I wiped my face and the door opened revealing a cheerful Angel.“Hey, the Alpha is training warriors today. Would you like to come and see?”I stood from my bed. “It's fine..I already watched the Alpha train the warriors yesterday, it was amazing.”“Come with me, I don't w
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Alexa's POV“Are we? Because I don't know what to do.”“Don't worry, I'm right here for you. I'm not going to let anyone deceive you.” Shirley held my hand and I sighed, relieved that she was here.“What do you suggest I do, Shirley?” I asked and she smiled at me. “It's pretty easy, lovely.”“We're going to Deep into the woods to find out the truth. For now, don't talk to Nora about anything, okay?”I nodded. “Then when are we going to take this trip to Deep into the woods?” I asked and she grinned. “Well, about right now. That's why I took a day off.”I sighed, knowing just how lucky I was to have Shirley take a day off of work because of me.“Then we should go. But what about permission from Alpha Nate. We're going to need his permission before we move anywhere.”“Well, you're right. It's great you know about the rules of the pack right now, Alexa.” I smiled, “Well… after being here for such a long time, I have no choice but to learn.”Shirley chuckled. “Well then, let's go tell th
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Alexa's POVAfter I couldn't take it anymore, I decided to see what Nora wrote.To Alexa,From Nora.Dear little one, I'm beginning to get worried as I haven't seen or heard from you after our disagreement the other day. I look forward to hearing from you again, cheers.The letter did sound like what Nora would write but I was more than convinced that she'd heard or sense something which was making her write this letter to me.If she could do it… send this letter to me without being seen,I could also send a letter to anyone else without being seen. It was one of the perks of being half-witch, wasn't it? Although I wasn't fully taught on any of these things, I was willing to expediate my morals and knowledge on these things. How? By focusing.We were nearing winter period where I usually bruised easily. But before that period, I was willing to give it a try.I grabbed a paper from one of the books in the back and grabbed a pen. I sat on the edge of my bed and dragged a chair towards m
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