All Chapters of BITTEN BY FATE : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
65 Chapters
Alexa's POVShirley didn't know I was part witch either and I knew if I told her, it would lead to a bigger issue and I didn't want Shirley to be implicated. I knew if I loved her as a friend like I said I did then I would have to keep my mouth shut for now and decide later what to do.“You should go tomorrow, Shirley. I'll figure a way out.”“No, you need to come with me and figure a way out. I won't let you stay here when it's this dangerous!” Shirley said and I could tell that she was serious this time. Even I, didn't know what to say back to her.But thankfully, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. Shirley seemed annoyed but she adjusted her face and her posture. “Come in.” I said.It was the pale lady at the door holding a tray containing some small chops.“Ruth?” I said. “Why are you here?”“The Luna asked me to check on you. Are you okay?” She asked as she entered the room with some tea and snacks which I didn't even know what it was.“I'm okay, thank you Ruth.”“Then I
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Alexa's POV“She is.”“That's cruel.”“Anyone that could dare deceive his or her Alpha is more cruel and deserve such a punishment.”I swallowed nervously. If he ever found out that I was pregnant and didn't tell him… If he also found out that I was part witch, I wondered how he would feel. Would he also ban me from getting close to him? Would he reject the child I was carrying? I was filled with so much what ifs that my thoughts didn't make sense anymore.“But you wouldn't do such a thing to me, Alexa.” I swallowed, feeling inhumane to even stand in his sight considering what I was doing to him.I cleared my throat and calmed myself down. “That's all in the past.”“But my feelings for you aren't! We can finish what we started in the pack.” he said. “We can love each other, the way it was supposed to be before that woman ruined what we were building.” he grasped my hand in his.I stood there rigidly, not knowing what to say. All of his assumptions about me were wrong. I had grown past
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Alexa's POV “You can't take away her position, I think. She has more guts than you.”“Really?” He chuckled. “Well, you don't know me that well to decide that.”“You just don't look it.” I said. “Zaria North on the other hand..” I trailed off. “She's very inquisitive and very violatile. I would never want to mess with her.”Phillip chuckled. “Well, if you say so. I, on the other hand can't say that because I grew up with her. She's quite chill to me.”“That's because you're her brother,” I said. “You should give her some respect.”“I already respect her, but do you mean I should give her more respect?”“That's right.” I said.He sighed. “Fine, If you say so.”I kept staring at Phillip. He wasn't my mate for sure but there was a spark between us and I wanted that spark to last for a long time. Maybe it was just me being desperate for a long-lasting connection but I found that it was best for me to go somewhere to have a rethink. I made up my mind. I wanted to have a good talk with Shir
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Alexa's POV“No need to pretend, dear, I already know. I saw in a vision of mine. Although I thought that it would take longer and not so soon but I guess I was wrong.” “Hmmph!” She scoffed. “It's so rare for me to be wrong. Anyway, you met your parents how are they?” Her eyes glimmered when she looked at me, they were unlike my mother's piercing eyes. She had to be the witch between her and my father. She just had a way about her. She was beautiful and enchanting.“Aunt,” I said. “Are you really my aunt?” I asked straight away. It was a stupid thing to do and I knew it but I couldn't help but do it anyway. I didn't know why but knowing my identity gave me a newfound confidence and grit. One I didn't have before.“Didn't you ask your mother?” She said which sounded like a mock to me. Nora saying that question made me realize that my mom was probably the witch in my family. I decided to take advantage of Nora's revelation too.Now that I knew that piece of information, what was I going
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Alexa's POV“Because honestly, he's not your mate. I already told you, didn't I?” Nora said.“You did but that is none of your business. I can't be with him after all. I think I already found my mate.”“You did? Who is he?”“You don't need to worry. He's not someone you know. I only met him in Deep into the woods. I think that's where my destiny is. I found my family, and now my mate.”“Does he hold a vibrant status in Deep into the woods?”“Not necessarily.” I said.“Then who is he?”“Just… someone. I hold a deep pull towards him. What should I do?”“Just follow your heart.” Nora said.I nodded and brought my hands close to my chest, hoping to keep those words verily to my side.***I knocked on Alpha Nate's door but there was no answer.“Why isn't Alpha Nate saying anything?” I wondered out loud.I felt a pinch on my back and that was when I jumped and turned around only to see Alpha Nate. He raised a eyebrow at me causing me to halt in my steps.“Alpha Nate,” I said with a bow. “Ho
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Alexa's POVI stayed in my room wondering about the words and actions of Alpha Nate the previous day. So he meant that he had feelings for me all this time?I couldn't believe it. There was a knock on my door, interrupting me from my thoughts.I hopped off the bed and stood up and headed to the door. I turned the doorknob and opened the door revealing Alpha Nate. He diggled a key in front of me.“Your office is done, tada!”I sighed. “Look, I appreciate the gesture but I don't think I'm going to live that long here. I have to go to my parents and—”“—Hey, just use the office until you make up your mind.” He handed me the key.I hesitated but then I grabbed the key from his hand. “Thanks.”“Would you like to see the office?”“I sure would!”“Then let's go,” Alpha Nate grabbed my hand and led me straight to the office. Compared to the first time I got here, the office was basically done.“Wow,” I looked around. It was furnished with all the resources I never thought I could have. For
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Alexa's POV“Oh wow,” She said, looking around my office as though it was some fantasy room.“It's so beautiful, I love it.”I leaned over my office desk while she looked around the office as though in search for an hidden gem.“You are so lucky,” she said and embraced me. Tight. I nearly passed out in her grip.“Angel, I can't breathe.” I told her and then she loosened her grip on me. “Oh, sorry.”“By the way,” I said. “You look so much better than when I first met you. Good thing you're here.”“What? I feel like you're about to ask me for something.”I grinned. “Just so you can help me get some equipments,”“I see.” she said and continued doing what she was doing. But then she turned to me.“Fine let's go get the equipments. I'll help you.”“Really?”“Yes. Let's go quickly before I change my mind.”“Okay.”I went to my room to pick up the keys to the storage room and once I was done, I invited Angel with me to the storage room and she helped me move the medical equipments in there t
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Alexa's POV I tried to move Jade out of the way but it was impossible to. I simply couldn't. She was stronger than I could ever imagine.“I called you a whore, what about it?” Angel said. That was like asking for trouble. But it was too late. I couldn't interfere with their beef anymore.“How dare you call me a whore when it's you who slept with the beta?” Jade said firmly causing me to gasp.“So you know about that,” and my biggest guess was that if Jade knew that then there were others in the pack who probably knew more.“Oh, of course I do. Everyone knows you slept with the beta unless you're being too delusional to think only you and the beta know about it.” Angel looked defeated by Jade's words even I didn't know what to say towards such strong words.“Then answer me this honestly,” Angel said in what sounded like a calm voice. “Did you sleep with him too?”“Are you kidding?!” Jade snapped, but she didn't say anything else. Instead she seemed to be thoughtful.“Did you sleep wi
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Alexa's POV “I can't.” Shirley said.“Why not?” I asked. “You love you right? Then come with me.”“I already have a life here, Alexa. So do you. You have a job. You have many people here who love you, you don't have to go to Deep into the woods because you found your parents. Wouldn't you like to figure things out on your own instead of getting them involved in every single thing about you?”“But I never even got to know them growing up. I think it's about time I get to know them, Shirley. I want to give them the chance. I want them to know me as more than their daughter. I want them to know my soul and we can be happily together.”“As for me, I'm not leaving this place.” Shirley said. I sighed to myself. There was not going to be any relative companionship between Shirley and I because she doesn't want to leave this pack. Whilst I couldn't blame her, I was also disappointed. I had thought she'd come with me.“Well, then. It seems you've made your decisions. I'll get going.”I headed
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Jasper's POV “Why are you mad, Jasper? Being a witch is not a bad thing.”I clenched my fists feeling annoyed. “If she knew she was a witch, then why didn't she tell me? Holding such important details from me, and for what?”“She might not know. Her father is a werewolf, that might have been her most predominant gene. Without a witch to train her, that side of her is pretty dormant.”“So you mean to tell me Alexa may not know that she's a witch? I'm never going to believe that.”“You better do, buddy. These kind of things there is no way to it.”I nodded mentally. It wasn't a big deal If she didn't know she was a witch anyway. But at the same time I shouldn't conclude unless I know for sure what is up.“Alexa seemed different when I met her. I think she might be pregnant.”“Oh, Alpha you worry so much.”“I'm not,” I said. “It's just what my instincts told me.”“Okay and if she's pregnant, who's the father?”I had no words to say. “Maybe someone else,” I said after a couple thoughts.
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