All Chapters of Claiming the Billionaires Frosty Heart : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
68 Chapters
Thankfully, Mr Hank’s presentation impressed Jay, giving him no room to regret not giving Miss Kimberly and Miss Sheila a chance. Karen managed to focus during Mr Hank's presentation but she found herself wandering off at intervals. She had a feeling Jay behaved out of ordinary for a reason. A reason she couldn't quite put a grasp on. Jay stood up. “Mr Hank, that is a good presentation but it is lacking in some things. Make a revision on the areas I commented on and send it to my secretary.”“Yes sir. I will not disappoint you chairman,” said enthusiastic Mr Hank. As if he knew the meeting was over, Director Harvey trotted into the meeting room. Walking closely behind him was a slim and tall woman. “I must be here at the right time. Chairman Jay, at your order, Miss Maggie here would give you a tour of Conil Hotels and you can taste our fine dishes and services. Of course it can't compare to that of Adams but I do hope we will be able to impress you.”Jay turned around toward Kare
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CARLOS FOWLER'S HOUSE“Damnit!” Carlos Fowler growled. In a matter of seconds, he shoved off his suit coat and tore off his neck tie. His teeth grinded in his mouth as he stormed to the wine cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Penfolds Grange. Mr Garrison, his secretary sprawled on his knees, sweat had broken out on his face as he rubbed his damp palms on his pants. “I'm sorry sir… I didn't know Chairman Jay would be there…it will never happen again sir.”Carlos pulled out a wine glass and poured the wine into it. He downed the entire content. And then threw the glass at Mr Garrison. It missed Mr Garrison and crashed on the floor, shattering into pieces. “Did you just dodge?” he asked as he marched to him. “No…sir…I didn't dodge…” Mr Garrison stuttered, feeling the stiffness around his neck increased by more than a notch. Carlos' eyes darkened. “Ah, you mean I am the fool that missed my target? Stand up.”“Forgive me sir…”“I said fuvking stand up!”Mr Garrison scampered up at once.
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“That will be all, Miss Karen,” Mr Hank said and closed his file folder. He looked up at Karen who was equally busy gathering her materials. Karen finished and got up. “Then, I hope you make the necessary changes so I can submit to chairman Jay.”As she tried to step around her seat, the chair abruptly shifted. She lost balance but her hand managed to reach the table and she grasped onto it. Mr Hank’s came around and threw his arm around her waist. “Ooops sorry. Are you alright? You almost fell. Thankfully my reflexes are great!” he grinned. Karen released herself. “Thank you,” she mumbled even though she knew he hadn't done anything worth thanking for. Mr Hank cleared his throat awkwardly. His eyes scanned Karen up and down in a lustful manner. “Erm, Miss Karen. If you don't mind, how about we grab a drink and then I drive you home?” “Thanks for the offer but my answer is no.” Karen turned for the exit only for Mr Hank to grab her hand. Karen stopped and tilted her head at him
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Karen didn't know how but somehow in a matter of days the news of Jay banishing him from stepping into his office or reporting directly to him travelled round the office. And was on the lips of every workerBehind her, they gossiped and in her presence, they scrunch their faces in disgust and acted like she was some smelly dung. One time she was delivering a message to one of the offices and heard them talking about her. “Serves her right. Did she think her charm or whatever she used on the chairman would work forever?” One of them scoffed. “She probably seduced him to get appointed. I believe the chairman will soon fire her.”“That annoying bitch carrying herself as if she owned the world when she was just a poor nameless bitch that got only privileged.”Gripping the folio in her hand tight, she turned around. Her legs carried her to the restroom where she wanted nothing but to shed some tears. But at that moment, Jay's words of how she truly deserved her position sounded Inside
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Karen felt a hand tap her. She squinted her eyes open shielding it from the sun rays filtering in through the opened window. She felt a pounding headache as if she had been smacked on the head several times the previous night.Lily towered over her with a scowl. “What happened?” Karen asked, forcing herself to sit up. Lily shook her head with a scoff. “Do you even know how you got home last night? You were more than wasted.”Wasted? The memories flooded in. Just as Tina promised, once she had gotten off work they had gone for another round of drinks. She vaguely remembered chugging down the drink as if it were her last day on earth. The thought of it made her head ache more. “Anyways, are you not going to work? You will be late if you continue sleeping. I'm off to school.” “Did you eat breakfast?” Karen called to Lily's retreating figure. “I'm not hungry!”The door closed and silence returned to the room.Karen sighed ready to get out of bed but recalling her previous day mista
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“What am I going to do!” Karen kicked her legs and wriggled on the bed. Last night she barely was able to get enough sleep and now she was awake before the alarm even beeped. Her mouth still tingled from the kiss. Mr Jay kissed her back. It felt so good when his lips touched hers. So soft yet masculine. And his scent… oh…He smelt so nice. Had he always fancied me or was it just a meaningless kiss? she thought. Heaven knows she would have gladly wrapped herself inside his arms if she had not come back to her senses. Thanks to the elevator. But the problem now was how she was going to face him on monday. “I really can't face him…” Karen cried softly and further curled herself up in the bed. She missed him. She could not believe she said it but she craved another kiss. She prayed for Monday to come and also prayed for Monday to never come. But time wasn't hers to control and Monday did come faster than she expected. With a racing heart, Karen dressed for work that day. What wa
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Jay arrived at the location Karen was held. A deserted area that had a few abandoned buildings in the middle of it. “What do you think you are doing now? Kidnapping a civilian? You should be ashamed of yourself, Carlos Fowler.”He made to charge inside but Carlos's men lined up in his path. Carlos was seated and smoking but stood on Jay's arrival. Jay did not see Karen. For a split moment the fear that he was late and that they had already done something bad to Karen flashed in his mind. He shook the dreadful thought out of his head and faced Carlos. “I warned you not to touch her. Where is Miss Karen? Where is she!” he growled, straining his eyes in search of Karen. Carlos threw the butt of his cigarette and pressed his shoes against it. “Oh, there you are. I didn't think you would get here so quickly. You must have driven so fast. Were you afraid your sweet little assistant secretary would be dead before you arrived?” he said mockingly and then motioned to one of his men. “Brin
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Over twenty laser sights flashed on him. Carlos cussed, grabbed Karen up and pointed his gun to her head. “Hello officers. Shoot me and she dies.”On the floor, half battered, Jay demanded the police to halt. “Carlos Fowler. You are increasing your crimes by doing this. Surrender now,” the police leader announced. Carlos laughed. “Surrender indeed. I will be dead anyway. But I won't be dying alone. It would please me to take with me, Jay Adams' little lover. I will need someone to keep me company on my way to hell.” He cocked his gun. Jay grunted and began to force himself up. “If you hurt her, I will kill you!” Carlos chuckled scornfully. “A dying man has no fear. With all these guns pointed at me, you think I am scared of the word of a half battered man?”He started to drag Karen towards the back of the building. He was still speaking when he suddenly let out a yelp. Karen had kicked him in the midst of the chaos. She broke free, shoved him and his gun fell off. Seeing that
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KAREN'S POVJay smiled and took my hands into his own. “I want you,” he said.“What…” I stammered. My heart started to race and I felt this sudden rush of hotness crawl up my cheeks. I threw my gaze away. But I felt his eyes, intense and watching me, making my legs weaken by the second. “I said I want you,” he repeated. It was at that moment I knew I had to escape. But I was too late as the door flung open. Mr Hendrick and Mrs Caro darted in. I quickly snatched my hand from Jay. “Jay!” Mr Hendricks called rushing over to Jay's side. “What happened? Hugo would not tell me anything. I was so worried when I saw the news. And the perpetrator is still on the run.” The worry in Mr Hendricks tone could not be unnoticed. “Sir, are you alright now? Everyone was so worried when we heard what happened,” Mrs Caro said. “I am alright now. No one needs to worry about me anymore. As you can see, I am very much alright.”It was then both Mr Hendricks and Mrs Caro finally turned and noticed my
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WRITER'S POVOn the second day after Karen survived a scare and Jay almost lost his life to Carlos Fowler and his thugs, she was helping Jay park his few things. Jay said he was going to go crazy if he stayed one more day in the hospital. Nothing anyone said would change his mind to rest more in the hospital. Not Mr Hugo who promised to watch over things at work nor Mr Hendricks. Karen didn't bother trying. She knew what his response would be. Karen grabbed hold of the bag that held some of his clothes and toiletries and they both stepped out. While Jay met with the doctor for the last consultation, Karen waited outside. A sophisticated woman approached her. Karen thought she looked familiar but she couldn't quite recall where exactly it was she had seen her. “I believe Jay is in this hospital…”The consultation room door opened and Jay walked out before the woman could finish her question. Sighting Jay, she turned his direction.”“Hello sweetie.” She waved at Jay and started tow
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