All Chapters of Claiming the Billionaires Frosty Heart : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
68 Chapters
JAY'S POVWhy did it have to be her?Why did she have to be home at the time?Why did she have to be the one to save me?My teeth grinded. I could have accepted anyone else…anyone at all seeing me in my worst state but her.The mere thought that she had come at the right time told me she must have heard everything that bastard Carlos Fowler said. I forced myself out of bed and went for a glass of water. But I had yelled at her when she had helped me. Guilt prickled me. I shrugged. I never asked for her help. She didn't have to… but she did. And that was driving me crazy. “That bastard Carlos…”A moment later one of the maids informed me Mr Hugo was coming up to my quarters. It wasn't too long a time before Mr Hugo showed up. “Good morning sir. I thought I might have been mistaken but I drove past a car that resembled that of the vice chairman of JF group.”“You saw him.”I edged towards my dressing room feeling my jaw tighten. Mr Hugo followed me. “Sir, was Mr Carlos Fowler he
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KAREN'S POVNo thanks to my prickly boss, I arrived at my interview place minutes late. Coupled with the fact that I looked dishevelled, my college background gave me no chance. As usual, I lost before I was given a chance to prove myself. I left there feeling nothing but exhaustion. Adams group was my last and only option. Could I bear facing my arrogant boss? If I ever got a chance to be accepted based on their demands, what if I ran into him at work?A shudder crept up my body. I couldn't imagine that. But he was the CEO and chairman. He had lots of things to tend to for a mere worker like me to run into him. I reasoned that if I could successfully avoid his arrogant face, I could work there. But if I ever bumped into him…But then I was lost on options. I was going to think about the consequences later. But as for that moment, the only thing I needed to do was to apply. I called Tina and asked if the opening for application was still ongoing. “Yes, babe, I think until the en
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WRITER'S POVJay looked at the flowers again. For the upteenth time. What would he say was his reason for offering a bunch of flowers to his worker? Surely he had gone crazy. He let out a groan and began to practise his line. But he stopped after a few seconds, surprised at himself. What was he thinking asking Mr Hugo to get the flowers? But he had already gotten them. It would be a shame to let them go to waste. He was a honourable man supposed to preserve nature. And she saved him. Yes, a gift for saving him. That was it. He picked up the bouquet and without another second to begin another round of contemplation, he sauntered out of his chamber. Out of his quarters, he trotted down stairs. At the foot of the stairs he momentarily paused. Looked left and right. Coast was clear. If he was correct, the elderly maid servants must have not yet arrived from their various homes at this hour. For his sake, he hoped Karen was early that day. He proceeded towards the servants quarters.
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WRITER'S POV“What? You gave one of the elderly servants the bouquet? And right in front of Miss Karen?!” Mr Hugo couldn't contain his shock. Jay shot him a glare. And he quickly apologized for his outbursts. But still he couldn't believe it. And wanted more explanation. “And what did she say, Mrs Caro?” Jay shrugged. “Probably still smiling at the bouquet by now?”My Hugo grinned. He tried to imagine the whole scenario and it made him grin more. “And what about Miss Karen? What did she say, I mean what was her reaction?”The image of Karen's surprise face flashed in Jay's head. Was she disappointed? “Lucky Mrs Caro,” Mr Hugo commented, still grinning. Jay eyed him and shook his head. “You must have nothing to report to me this morning, Mr Hugo, seeing as my private life interests you more.”“Urh,” Mr Hugo quickly snapped back to the moment. He placed the bunch of files he was holding on Jay's desk.“The list of the interviewers and the interviewees. I thought you should have a
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WRITER'S POVIt had been over an hour since Karen confirmed she had been called and she had missed the interview. But she couldn't bring herself to leave the interviewing surroundings. What was the essence of leaving? Where was she going to go? Lost in her own thoughts, staring at things but seeing nothing, people walked in and out of the interviewing room. One after the other, people got interviewed. The place got emptier by the minutes. The woman calling out names came out each time announcing a new person to get ready to be interviewed next. Karen wished for a moment that the woman would change her mind and let her be interviewed. But the woman never said a word to her the entire time. It was as if she never saw her. Deep into the afternoon and it was now remaining just a woman waiting to be interviewed. Tiffany sat up and scanned around. How could she just go? She looked at herself. She hadn't even been able to get some quality sleep the past nights. All for this interview.
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WRITER'S POVJay finished the last of the documents he had brought home to look through. He had been so tired the previous night he couldn't do it and dozed off as soon as his body touched the sheets. He lowered the papers and covered the laptop. His eyes found the wall clock. It was already past twelve noon. He wasn't planning on turning in early for work that day and wasn't bothered. He sighed as he stood up. Yawned and stretched. It had been over five hours he was seated going through the documents. He then remembered he was informed a few hours ago by one of the servants to have his breakfast. He made his way out of his room. Perhaps he could eat with his grandfather. In front of his grandfather's room, a memory flashed in his mind. It was the exact spot he had fired Karen the very first day he had seen her in his house. His mind drifted. He refused to agree that Hugo was right. That he had joined the interview because of Karen. Although he had to quickly end his meeting t
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WRITER'S POV“I am done for,” Karen mumbled, sprawled on the floor. She looked at the door that just went shut where Jay had disappeared into. Was he aware?Was it just her eyes or did she really see a hint of smirk in his face?She couldn't tell but one thing was certain, she could not accept this job. But she needed it. She needed it so desperately. She sighed heavily and began to pull herself up from the floor. Karen couldn't help but think of her luck as she trudged home.She was just about to call Tina when her phone started ringing. It was Tina calling.“So much for I will be posted to one of their subsidiaries…” Karen muttered and stared fixedly at her ringing phone. “I was just about to you…”“How was it? Do you think you did well in the interview? How were their faces?” Tina’s questions bombarded Karen's ears. She had to slightly shift her phone away from her ears. “You said Mr Jay wouldn't be there.”“Wait…was he present? Really?! That's strange.”“Yes. Very strange,”
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Karen knocked once on the door just as she had seen Mrs Connie do before she entered. As she expected, Jay was engrossed with work. For some seconds she stood wondering what she was supposed to say. If she was supposed to say something or just delve straight to what had brought her to his office. “Yes? How can I help you?”Jay asked, breaking into her contemplation thoughts. Karen snapped back. “Sir, this…”Jay's eyes left his desk and fell upon her. Karen felt her tongue hook to the roof of her mouth. “I really had no idea I was going to be in your presence ever again. It's just that I really needed this job and…”Jay's eyes left her and focused back on his desk. Not a word did he say. Karen swallowed and bit her lips. He was going to act like he didn't know her. Fine. It was better he acted that way. It would make things a lot easier for her. “How may I help you?” Jay asked again. Karen felt a bitter bile rose in her chest. Her hand clutched tighter on the file she held an
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Mr Hugo finished parking Jay's briefcase for his meeting. “Sir, do I have to come along now that Miss Karen will be present for this meeting?” Mr Hugo asked as he handed Jay the briefcase. Jay collected it. “What is it, Mr Hugo? Do you have somewhere else to be?”“I… no, it's nothing. I will get the car ready at once.”Mr Hugo turned and headed for the exit. “You are dismissed.”He heard Jay say and immediately halted. “What?”“Go home and take your family to some fine dinner. Say happy birthday to Junior on my behalf.”Mr Hugo’s ears twitched. His heart swelled with gratitude and a sense of validation and importance took him. Jay hadn't forgotten what the day was to him. It was his son's birthday and that morning before he left for work, he had promised to be home earlier to spend time with them. “You remembered.” He mumbled. Jay casted him a glance. Then he made a nonchalant shrug. “Well, I owe junior one so I am fulfilling it by doing this. Tell him one of these I might pop i
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“Oh no! I’m sorry… I'm so sorry…” Karen muttered hastily as she knelt and began to pack the scattered things. Every eye rested on her including Carol Fowler’s and Jay's. A hurried footsteps followed immediately. The hotel staff that left to check for a vacant room was back. She whispered something into the ears of Director Harvey. Director Harvey immediately turned towards Jay, relieved. “Chairman Jay, good news. I have just been informed by my staff here that one of the best meeting rooms is available. Shall we head down there right away?’Carlos was infuriated for the interruption and glared down at Karen. He had ruined his moment to destroy Jay's image. He continued to glare down at Karen who stylishly avoided raising her face up for fear that he might recognize her. Jay saw Karen's body reactions. And quickly caught on. “Have a good meeting, vice chairman Carlos Fowler,” he smirked at Carlos and then went to Karen. He made to stand in a way to prevent Carlos from getting a
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