All Chapters of Claiming the Billionaires Frosty Heart : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
68 Chapters
KAREN'S POVI sat on the table and waited impatiently. What did Jessica have to tell me? What if Jay found out I met her and got angry about it?There was no reason for him to be. I was there only to meet her just because she requested and nothing more. But why wasn't she here already? I glanced at my wristwatch and sighed. It had been twenty minutes since I arrived at the same place she gave, yet she wasn't here. I decided to leave if she didn't show up in the next five minutes. Almost immediately the sound of shoes sounded and when I looked up I saw Jessica. I took a deep breath and even though I was already sitting up, I adjusted in my seat again. She located me on her own and walked down to my table. “I didn't think you would honour my invitation,” she commented casually as she sat down. “Why wouldn't I?”She smiled. “Weren't you worried Jay would see you with me?”“Jay is a busy man. I doubt he has the time to be watching me and most importantly, he trusts me.”She smiled
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KAREN'S POVI parked at one corner of the road and watched as formal Mrs Adams, Mrs George, now Miss Catherine, stepped down from a silver coloured car and entered a store. I had followed her all the way from the hospital. I really hoped she was headed home since that was the only place I could have a conversation with her away from the eyes and ears of people. Mrs Connie had given me an off day and grudgingly agreed to relate my ‘excuse’ for absence to Jay. I wasn't sure I wanted to face Jay yet. I still wasn't sure of the action I was taking. Neither was I confident in telling him just yet about his mother. I rented a car, thanks to Tina and took an off day just for this. I really hoped it worked out. For Jay. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't seen Miss Catherine walk out of the store but when her car started moving again, I quickly followed it. I was worried that somehow Miss Catherine would have remained in the store and me following an empty car. But when the car turned onto th
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KAREN'S POV After what seemed to be forever, the meeting was finally over.While Jay walked the directors out, I couldn't help but feel pity for him. Hardly, he ever showed tiredness. Unlike me, who worked behind a desk most of the day, he received a series of clients in his office, had meetings outside the office and I bet he could sit through another hour of long boring meetings if there was one. But I looked more spent than he looked. Some of these he could have let Hugo handle without getting involved but he would rather see to it. Of course we all knew how much he trusted Hugo and knew Hugo was capable of matching the expectations. Sometimes I wondered if he just enjoyed keeping busy all the time. Thankfully it was the last for the day. Both from Mrs Connie end and Mr Hugo’s end. Like a dutiful assistant secretary, I arranged his briefcase and started outside. He would just meet me on the way with it. Only to be faced with a scene I never expected. One of the female clien
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KAREN'S POVEven though Jay assured me no one was in the house, I still tiptoed to the dining room for fear of the unforeseen. “You don't have to tiptoe. No one is around. And why do you have to walk on shells as if you hadn't been here before.”Back then, I was a maid. It was different now. Besides, he hadn't introduced me as his girlfriend nor had he said the three words to me. He pulled out a seat for me. “Sit down and dig in. I made these myself.”“You mean you microwaved these yourself.”He glanced at me and smiled. “With love.”At least he knew his way around the kitchen and made an effort to impress me. That was good for a start. “You owe me a proper dinner, you know that right?”“Now that we are talking about that. When are you paying your debt?” True. My debt. What a refreshing way to demand for your money from your debtor. Capon and the others would cringe at this sight. I almost smiled at the thought. “I thought you weren't very interested in me paying back.”“Remember
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KARENDespite Mr Hendricks warning, Miss Catherine followed them to the hospital. I tried to stop her but she said she only wanted to make sure Jay was alright. When Mr Hendricks left probably to get something for Jay, she stood behind the door, sullen. “I'm so sorry, Miss Catherine, I think I have made a horrible mistake. I have worsened things for both you and Jay.”“No. Don't say that. I wasn't expecting it to be easy but I would have preferred him spitting at me than what happened. I can't go and see him. Can you please check how he is doing? That is all I ask.”“I will do all I can. For both of you.”“You have done enough already. Thank you so much,” she forced a smile and again she squeezed my hand. She looked like she had given up hope of ever really seeing Jay again. I sighed. I wanted to make things right but only succeeded in worsening things. She started coughing and next she coughed up blood in her handkerchief. “I'm sorry but I must take my meds now.”I watched as s
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JAY'S POVNot many people might remember but I wasn't always wealthy nor was I born into wealth.In fact I was born into a poor family. My father was unlucky and never got his chance. He laboured day and night working for a big company. And my mother was the most beautiful woman I knew. People say I got my looks from her. I loved my parents and everyday I studied harder hoping to bring my family out of poverty one day. Suddenly my mother changed. I was fourteen then. That time, I gave myself excuses why she was feeling frustrated. She was a woman and there was so much she needed that my father couldn't provide. But still… still she should have been patient and understanding of my poor hardworking father. She began to neglect my father and I. She insulted daddy to his face always and called him poor. She began to worry and care only about her looks and her desire for money suddenly skyrocketed. Showing no respect to me or daddy, she brought home men. She cared not for our feelin
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KAREN'S POVWho could have told Jay I visited his mother?It was a long walk out of the hospital. I lingered in the hospital, worried. I knew he was going to be angry but I never knew he would push me away like this. Miss Catherine would never have told him. So who told him?Or was it just his mere guessing? Jay was a very smart man but there was no way he could have directly questioned me about it if he wasn't sure about it. Someone definitely had told him. And the only person aside from Miss Catherine that knew of this whole thing was…“Jessica.”Now that I thought of it, I recalled I had seen a smirk in her face the moment Jay asked me to leave. And they were together. The imagination of it alone was so devastating. I called Jessica and requested we see at the hospital restaurant and she agreed. But for the next thirty minutes, I waited. It wasn't the waiting that bothered me but the fact that she was still inside with Jay. What could they be doing? That was literally the
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KARENI heard voices and forced my eyes open. “She is finally awake,” Lily said, shaking her head. "I'm off to school. Bye auntie Tina!”“Bye Lily dear. Have a nice day at school!”Still trying to sort the millions of scenes and words playing in my head, Tina came over to the bed. “How long did you cry? I found you in some bar. Hell, Your eyes were damn swollen and puffy and the bar woman was on the verge of locking you out.”“What happened?” I asked as I began to push myself up. “Ouch…shit..” I groaned, feeling my head bang. “Easy now.” Tina lent me a hand until I steadied on my feet. I walked to the kitchen and downed a bottle of water. Crushing the bottle in my palms, I threw it into the trash can. “It's this about your billionaire chairman boyfriend? what happened this time?”I sighed as the memories of last night filtered through my head. “Nothing,” I said, forcing a hard gulp. “Nothing and what is this?” She waved my reassignment letter. “You have been reassigned to the c
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“You can't see him now,” Mr Hugo said, blocking Jessica from entering Jay's office. Jessica stepped back, half pissed. “What do you think you are doing?”“Chairman Jay is busy at the moment,” Hugo added firmly. “You haven't told him I am here yet. Make the announcement. You are not Jay and you have no right to turn away his guests.”“I speak the mind of my boss. I would advise you to return when he is less busy.”Jessica glared at Hugo. “I see you are finally showing your fangs…You know I was beginning to imagine how much longer you could hold up…hating me. But you know what, your hatred won't sway a strand of my hair. You know why, you are nothing but a mere secretary. Now go in there and inform Jay I am here to see him.”The door opened. “Let her in, Hugo,” Jay said. Mr Hugo remained in the spot for another moment before he finally moved away. Jessica swayed past but not without rolling her eyes and hissing with irritation at him. “Hey sweetie. How are you feeling today.” She s
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“Let's watch the movie another time. You can take another car,” Jay told Jessica and got into the car alone. “But… “Jessica tried to protest then stopped. “That bitch…” she clenched. As Jay's car drove off, she strongly contemplated on getting back inside to have a go at Karen or going after Jay. Shit!” She cussed, stepping out to flag a taxi down This was the time she needed to be by Jay's side the most. To win his heart, she had to act when he was most vulnerable and she almost did it. But Karen had ruined things for her. She bit her lips and groaned in frustration. Taxis weren't coming forth and she hadn't brought her car. It would have been a lot easier if they had just gone to the movies together. Why did Karen have to speak at the worst timing?Finally an empty taxi pulled up. Muttering profanities under her breath she got in. Miles ahead of her, Jay sat at the back of the car. He had loosened his neck tie, taken off his suit coat yet something still tugged uncomfortably
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