All Chapters of Claiming the Billionaires Frosty Heart : Chapter 61 - Chapter 68
68 Chapters
TINAKaren and I had been friends for so long. For as long as I could remember. Men always desiring her wasn't a new thing. I was always the invisible one and yes, I felt jealous each time we walked together and men skipped me like a sour doughnut for her. Honestly it did hurt. But I held in and always wished for my own destined man. Not until the man I have always had eyes for fell for her too. And now in just one day I have had three men all approach me for one reason — to help them get my friend. Why don't no one ever see me? Was I a stone? It would have been bearable but to have the man I have had eyes for also ask me for such a thing, it hurt. As I was contemplating on what Collins Morgan said to me, I decided to go up the rooftop to cool off and figure out what path to take. But I was forced to a stop as I heard people talking on the stairs. I hid behind the staircase and listened. From the sound, I figured it was a man and a woman talking and for some reason the man's vo
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Tina took a step towards Jay. “I have come to give my response to your question earlier today.”Jay inhaled and relaxed a bit. “Please have a seat.” She pointed to the arranged seats and a table in the centre of the room. “Was all this necessary?” Jay frowned, glancing around the room again. It reminded him of a memory he was trying to not recall. And that made it more discomforting. “Please sit. Actually, this will take time and I didn't want to keep you standing so I prepared here.”Jay shrugged reluctantly and finally sat down. Tina grabbed the wine she had ordered, walked to the table and began to pour in the glasses. “There's no need for this. Just go ahead and say—”She handed him the half-filled glass. “Don't rush. Let's take our time,” she whispered. Dazed, Jay's mouth parted. Tina lowered the bottle of wine, took a sip from her glass as she sat on the table, placing her leg on his body. Jay was utterly shocked. “You know, I have always had eyes for you but you someho
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KAREN Tina was my best friend. She had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. She had been there for me in my tough times and knew me better than anyone else. Infact, she was like family to me. Apart from my dad and Lily, she was the only one that knew me better. So entering the hotel room to meet her alone with Jay greatly surprised me. Although they were not in any suggestive or suspicious positions, still, it felt weird to me.“Ah. I didn't want to tell you first just in case you refused to show up. Chairman Jay here pleaded with me to have you meet him. I will leave you both to talk. See you at home,” she said and left. It made a bit of sense now after she said that and I relaxed. But the realisation hit me when she left and it dawned that I was in the room alone with Jay. Had he asked Tina to call me to speak to me privately so we could make up? My heart lurched. I gathered myself. “You wanted to talk to me. How have you been?” Being alone with him made me re
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KAREN’S POVIt was finally D-day. Even though I had slept off late the previous night, I woke up the next day quite early. Both Tina and Lily were still asleep by the time I woke up and I didn't bother waking either of them up. It was too early to wake Tina and I couldn't wake Lily as it was the weekend. Recalling I still needed to sort out some computer work, I got right into it. When I finished, I selected the clothes I would be putting on. I settled for one of the few well tailored pantsuits I owned. I opted for the black closed-toe shoes and a black handbag. An envelope fell off as I was transferring my things from my bag I used the previous day to the new one. For several seconds, I stared down at the fallen envelope vividly remembering it's content. Jay's attitude was still so confusing. I just didn't understand why he was avoiding me. But I decided to think l was perhaps overthinking things.There were so many things I wanted to ask him and so many things I wanted to tell
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TINA'S POV Even though I would have preferred to sleep in all day, I couldn't and for an important reason I had to go for the event–Jay would be there. The thought of it excited me. I wore a beige dress that stopped inches from my knees and clung to my body delicately. People had always complimented me each time I wore it. Men Especially. I just knew it was the perfect one to wear. The inbuilt brassier pad lifted my boobs and the slit revealed my cleavage showing morsel of flesh just enough to drive any man crazy at a close range. My phone beeped. I picked it up and saw it was a message from my mom. "Where are you? Why are you not coming home?"As I read it, I could almost hear her yelling at me for coming back without a man. Don't worry mum, I won't come back without a man this time around. Thank you for making me realize I deserve good things too. My aim that day was simply to meet Jay privately after the event. I had only two months. Two months to make him fall in love with
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“I’m alright,” Jay said and ended the call. He felt his head throb and suppressed a grunt. What a way to ruin the rest of his day. If he had known it was Tina calling he would never have picked up. Jay hated that he was under the control of some woman he had only met for the first time. What on earth had he gotten himself into. He groaned and rubbed his eyes feeling the tension gathering around his jaw. He had to stop this. He had to stop her. The only way to stop all of this was to get the recording from Tina without creating a scene. But he knew he had to play carefully. He couldn't trigger her. If she sends the recording to the media as she threatened, his company would receive a lot of backlash and would be greatly affected. All these years he had managed to keep a clean slate on issues related to women. Now he couldn't afford to let one mistake ruin all that he had suffered to build over the years. For Tina to have the audacity to approach him with such a demand, she must h
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KAREN'S POV Standing before Mrs Connie suddenly felt so choking and just like that, the entire recitation I had done in the elevator evaporated from my head. It reminded me of the first time I was employed and I tried to speak to Jay. Nerve wrecking. I was anxious as hell. To think I was even yet to stand before Jay whom I had come to see. I gathered myself. “Uhm,” I cleared my throat and looked up at her. She had not been entirely mean to me when I was her assistant but it still felt like a nerve wreck trying to speak to her. Or was it the thought of meeting Jay next that stirred my nerves. “Good morning Mrs Connie, I am here to see Chairman Jay,” I said and tried to sound as professional as ever. Just as she had taught me. Her sharp eyes stared past her glasses and landed on me. “Miss Karen Anderson,” she called me in her usual tone.“What business do you have with Chairman Jay? Do you have an appointment?”Before I could speak she already started looking through her jotter lis
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KAREN'S POV I had gotten things wrong. I shouldn't have tried seducing Jay. That is If what I did passed off as seduction anyways. What we needed, me and him, was a genuine conversation. How was that even going to be possible when he wouldn't look at me nor be in the same space with me?“What exactly is wrong, Miss Karen?”I jolted. My nearest colleague was starring at me questioningly. “Huh?”“You have been sighing since you got back from your meeting. Is something wrong?”“Uh–nothing.” I smiled at him. He shrugged and dropped it. Not like if he pushed on I had anything to say was the reason for my deep sighing. The mistake I made was returning to my desk after I left Jay's office. It wasn't just useless but had yielded nothing. I saw love in his eyes. Very certain I did. Yet he wouldn't look at me. No matter how much I thought about it, I just couldn't get a grasp of the problem. I scanned around the office searching for the perfect person to pour out my heart to. Everyone see
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