All Chapters of Claiming the Billionaires Frosty Heart : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
68 Chapters
Collins Morgan swiped off imaginary dirt from his shirt and hissed. He had never felt so insulted in his life. His jaw jutted. “Jay Adams…” he gritted. The only thing stopping him from already descending his wrath on Jay was Jay's influence and the fact that his father would not like it as they do business with Adams group. He stopped and tilted his head, mentally reviewing Jay's facial expression again. Suddenly his eyes twitched and soon a smirk deepened along the lines of his mouth. He smacked his lips at the sudden awareness.“This is getting interesting,” he muttered as his grin widened. To further confirm his suspicions, he retrieved his phone and dialled a number as he proceeded out of the garden bar. After the first ring and the receiver didn't pick the call, he cussed aloud and resorted to sending a text. He quickly typed a two word message and sent it. “See me.” the message read. Then he got into his car and drove off. Collins Morgan arrived at Morgan Cosmetics and
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Karen felt frustrated getting off the call with Collins Morgan. What one help could do to her. She groaned and bit her lips in frustration. Deep in thoughts, she did not realise when Mrs Helen came over to her table. “Miss Karen? Miss Karen?”Frowning, Mrs Rose reached and touched her when she didn't respond. Karen jolted at her touch. “Is everything alright? You seem to have a lot in your mind,” Mrs Rose said as she extended a folio towards her. Karen exhaled heavily. “I'm sorry… I just…”“It's alright. You look tired. You should go home and get some rest. But before then, look over this list. This is the final list for the participants in the product testing. Morgan and Co brought in equal people as we did. I want you to visit these women and get them informed and prepped. You can start tomorrow but try to get some rest.” Mrs Rose finished, patted Karen gently and then turned around for her office. Karen looked through the names and their provided addresses and phone numbers. S
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ROOM 344
Jay remained in the spot where Karen had left him, completely gutted to take another step. Everything about Karen's reaction screamed suspicious. Where was she going that she wouldn't like him to drop her off? It wouldn't be Carlos Fowler. But if it wasn't Carlos Fowler, then who was it?As he contemplated on going after Karen or returning to his office, he heard his name. He turned and squinted at the figure he easily recognized approaching him. “What are you doing here?” Jessica Brown cheeks pulled into a big grin. “What else? To work of course.”Jay's brows knitted. “Work? It's almost evening.”Jessica did a small twirl around him. “Well, I just thought it would be nice to get acquainted with the work space today. Come on, let's go up.”Jay drew in a breath and casted one last look behind him, at the path Karen walked, before he followed after Jessica's prowling figure. Inside the elevator, Jay's mind wandered. Karen's breath still clunged in his brain from the last time. Safe
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KAREN Set in the center of the table was Filet Mignon truffle and by the side of it, mashed potatoes and roasted Asparagus. All stared at me almost in a way of trying to elicit guilt from me. For the upteenth time, I stuck my fork into it but couldn't muster the courage to guild it into my mouth. Instead I reached for the glass of Cabernet Sauvignon and had a sip. How much longer did I have to stay before taking my leave so I don't look rude?It wasn't that the food wasn't nice, at least from how appealing it looked. But having Collins Morgan seated across me tightened my stomach. I wanted so badly to get into his head and figure out what he was planning. He had barely said a few words all the way down here, if I counted. Yet he ate with relish. His mood and demeanor took a drastic turn when he called his secretary to find out the reservation spot. I didn't hear what his secretary said at the other end as I was behind him. But he had cussed out his secretary and acted almost viol
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ROOM 344 (II)
Jay pulled over in Haven Hotels in just a few minutes drive from Adams building. He stopped in front of the building entrance and took in a breath. “What on earth is Jessica planning?” he thought out loud but continued inside nevertheless. At the reception, he just had to flash the card Jessica had given him to the woman. “That way please,” the woman pointed towards her right. Jay followed the direction he had been given. He arrived at Room 344, without stopping to think, he opened the door and entered inside but then stopped. Jessica's figure stood by the window. Part of the warm golden light that filtered through the sheer curtain struck her as it casted a soft glow across the room. Noticing his presence, she tilted her head towards him. “You are here,” she whispered, her voice like velvet. “Look, Jessica I only came to—” Jay started to say until Jessica turned to face him fully. The silk robe she wore that clung to her curves caught his eyes and the rest of his words hook
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Jay was someone that was never not in close proximity to his phone. Karen very much knew that. Why he was not picking her calls greatly baffled her. What if Carlos Fowler had gotten to him and hurt him?Fear gripped her. She searched her phone for Mr Hugo's phone number and called him quickly. Hugo had her end the call and promised to find out if anything had happened to Jay and get back to her as he had clocked out from work. Karen waited impatiently. Checking the time, she realised time had flown by so quickly. Hugo was yet to return his call as he promised and it had already passed fifteen minutes since he promised to call back. Then her phone rang and quickly she picked up.“Yes, were you able to reach him?“Miss Karen…” Hugo started but then paused. “I'm sorry but Chairman Jay can't talk to you right now.”Karen felt a shadow envelope her. Forcing back a lump, she asked, “why? Is he busy with work?”“No. Urhm, personal stuff.”A soft sigh escaped her. She wanted to ask what pe
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KAREN Could it be…At the thought of Carlos Fowler, an unexpected storm swept through my veins freezing me in place with its icy grip. I had been so occupied dreading Collins Morgan forgetting there was a bigger evil after me. I shut my eyes and drew back. “Stay away from me!” I yelled. “Don't hurt me–I have done nothing wrong to you…”I said a quick prayer. Whichever deity was around to hear me should save me. Someone had to save me. Why wouldn't anyone walk this path now? I wanted to scream but quickly decided against it. Predators hated it when their victims scream and draw attention.Instead I thought of my Dad and Lily and Tina. Had it been Jay picked my call, he probably would have heard my voice for the last time.“Excuse me, you dropped this.”I heard a voice.Huh? How come I wasn't dead already?Or was I already dead? In the midst of wondering why my captor was yet to kill me, I heard the same voice again. I squinted my eyes. The person before me was pointing what looked
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KAREN If anyone had told me I was finally going to get some sleep last night, I would never have believed them. I spent a large part of the night with my eyes shut but my mind wide awake. When I finally was able to drift off, I was awoken from a nightmare drenched in my own sweat. Carlos Fowler and Collins Morgan were chasing after me in the most gruelling manner. But the worst thing was, I woke up late!Tina dashed out of the bathroom and I rushed in. “Why didn't you wake me up!” “I woke up late myself!” she yelled back. Before I could get out, Tina was already dressed. She gasped looking at me. “You startled me. What happened?” “What happened to your eyes? They are so puffy and big.”I hurried over to the mirror and truly my eyes were ridiculously puffed up and huge. I drew in a breath in shock. “How…” “Are you sure you didn't do something weird last night?” Tina teased.“Stop talking rubbish,” I retorted. She laughed, grabbed her bag and left for work laughing as she head
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KAREN I always knew this joint lunch was going to be a disaster. Of every place to have lunch, annoying Jessica had to choose the most ridiculous place. Or maybe it was only I that found it ridiculous. It was the most exquisite dining place in the Adams building meant for the 'people' I walked in with. But definitely not me. A meal here would cost more than an organ. The last budget I had was to pay off the debt I was owing Jay and couldn't afford to squander it on lunch way above my means. I didn't want to be shameless and eat without paying. No more accepting free offers coated with dark intentions from Collins or anyone else. It always ended in disaster. My stomach grumbled. Thankfully the background sound shielded it from being heard. This was what I hated with men. Their ego and always trying to be the superior ones amongst themselves. This joint lunch wouldn't have happened if Collins didn't intentionally poke at Jay's ego and if Jay didn't have to show his superiority.
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When Karen left, Jessica equally excused herself. Jay wiped his mouth with the napkin and got up “I will get the bill.”Collins scoffed and thumped his napkin on the table. “Annoying jerk,” he muttered under his breath.Jay turned. “What?” Collins stood up as well. “We are working as you must have already been verified. By the way, do you always get involved in the life of your workers?” “From the report I got, you are not directly involved. I believe you do not have any reason hovering around Miss Karen with the excuse of working together.”Collins chuckled. “I had no idea you were this kind of person, chairman Jay. Are you still obsessing over your ex when you were in the arms of another woman a few hours ago.”Jay blinked as the memories rushed back. Had Collins Morgan seen him with Jessica or was he just playing guesswork?“What are you talking about?” He feigned confusion. “Of course you know very much what I'm talking about. But if you don't, then it's okay. But don't try to
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