All Chapters of Claiming the Billionaires Frosty Heart : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
68 Chapters
Catherine felt a bit relaxed and comforted after Karen left. Seated on the bed, she raised her pillow and took out a picture.A man smiling broadly held her close and in their midst was a little boy. His smile dazzled as he grasped her and the man's fingers. Holding the picture close to her chest, she sobbed silently. There were so many regrets in her heart. If she had a chance to return to her life many years ago…she would gladly give anything. “Miss Catherine, you have a visitor,” a nurse entered and informed her. “A visitor?”As far as she knew, the only visitor she ever had was Karen. She looked up at the nurse, certain there was an error somewhere. “I'm sorry nurse but I think you are mistaken. My only visitor just left minutes ago.”“You are Miss Catherine right?” “Yes, I am.”The nurse confirmed with the notepad in her arm. Then she turned back to her,” then I have the right person. If it's okay with you, should I send him in?”“Him?” Catherine felt the walls of her stom
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KARENI fumed inside when I heard people talking badly about Jay behind his back. The popular saying of you never knowing when people would turn back against you in a matter of seconds for when things go wrong played in my head at such times. These were people he might have in one way or another helped. If only they knew even one thing about him… they would not talk shit about him. Later when I visited Catherine, she looked pale. I knew immediately that something was amiss. But she would not speak about it. “Did something happen?” I asked her. She forced a smile. “Nothing is wrong, my dear. Now that I am approaching death, some days my body feels so weak and unable to do anything,” she said, smiling faintly. “Don't speak of death so lightly. I know I'm not supposed to be getting involved in your life. But could you tell me why you have decided to not take the chemotherapy as your doctor suggested?”“What is the use of living…” she shrugged and muttered under her breath with a s
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“Would you be satisfied to see her die? Why are you being stubborn!” Karen slammed. “You think I'm being stubborn? Then you know nothing about me.” Jay spun and darted back to his seat. But stopped when he had almost gotten around his desk. His chest tightened and he forced down a hard lump. Turning around to face Karen while putting up the calmest expression he could mutter. “You should leave. I am never seeing her again. I am still trying to remedy the situation she has brought upon me and my company.”“Your trauma all started because of her. I know. You have nightmares and seizures. You love and hate her at the same time. You know why? Because you still think about her.” She spoke almost accusingly that it pricked Jay. Jay's brows furrowed as he stared narrowly at Karen. The next instant he turned around and backed her. “Leave.”“Jay…reconsider your decision. I know you want to hate her so much. But do you know I hate her more than you? I hate her for hurting you…for putting y
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Jessica leaned in. Her lips lingered close to Jay’s face. “You still love me, don't you…”“Jessica…”“Shhhhh.”She placed a finger across his lips and brought her face closer. Jay sighed and tilted his face away. He stepped aside, walked over to the window and stood backing Jessica.The face of Karen chose that moment to flash in his head. He gnawed on his lower lips. He had broken up with her, why did she keep appearing in his mind. Why did he feel guilty being in the same space with another woman?Behind him, Jessica’s teeth grinded. She could never get used to being rejected by Jay in this manner. Once, he had loved her, breathed her and couldn't live without her. Even if she stayed away from him and returned later, his heart was always for her. He was always ready to welcome her back, grateful she felt pity enough for him to return. They were too worlds apart emotionally but he loved her deeply and that was all that mattered. His love for her. Everything was supposed to remain
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Jay went through the note Hugo left him on his desk for the umpteenth time. Something that he hoped will be able to remedy his current problems. The only step he would need to not allow the greedy men from taking away his labour and sweat of many years. In addition to his father's toils. Hugo had written it perfectly as he ordered him but Jay still felt he might get emotional the instant he mounted that podium. It was either he forgot some parts and added the parts purely from his emotions or he spoke directly from his head and completely abandoned the script written for him. He remembered Jessica's offer and sighed. The moment she had left his office the last time after making that tempting offer to him, more articles and news came up. Adams group was bashed in the worst way ever. As if it was his mind telling him to accept Jessica's help and end things quickly before things got worse. But he didn't want to allow himself to be trapped in her web again. It took him a lot of self
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It was the third time Jay walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water he never intended to drink. Mrs Caro and Mrs Rhoda happened to be the ones on kitchen duty. The two women exchanged glances at Jay's second time of coming in, holding back the questions already formed in their heads. At the fourth time, Mrs Rhoda, unable to hold back anymore, abruptly wheeled. “Chairman.”Startled, Jay halted. “Sir, is there something you would like to say?” Mrs Rhoda asked. Jay blinked. He felt his throat tighten. “Urhm… I was just…”“He meant you should prepare porridge and steamed vegetables,” Mr Hendricks said walking in. “Good morning, Mr Hendricks,” the women greeted and stared at him, surprised. Mr Hendricks nodded back their greetings with a light smile and met Jay's jaw slacked face. Seeing the way a towel hung around his neck and his outfits, Jay immediately knew he was coming in from morning workout. Mr Hendricks hummed lightheartedly as he picked a bottle of water from
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Sighing, Jay picked up the packaged food and started out of his house with mixed feelings. Minutes later he arrived at the hospital. As he approached the hallway to his mother's room, nurses were scampering towards the same direction he was going. And the alarm sound was beeping. Jay was trying to comprehend what was going on when a darting figure he hadn't seen coming brushed past him hastily. An eerie feeling swept over him. By the time he steadied himself and looked behind, the figure had disappeared. He continued forward but his steps quickened and his legs got heavier with each step that he took. Few feets from the door, his legs slowed to a stop. A nurse dashed out of the room. Jay felt a chill feel climb his body. A sharp exhale left him and it dawned on him the patient in need of emergency attention was his mother. The sound of the medical beeping equipment sounded very vivid now and he could hear the hustling and bustling of the medical team. He strided into the roo
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When Karen didn't pick after the first ring, Jay's fear increased. At the second ring, Karen fortunately picked up. “Where are you right now!” his voice boomed into the phone. “Why…why are you asking me that?” Karen asked from the other side of the phone. Jay forced himself to stop and take a calming breath. “Karen, please, tell me where you are right now. I will come there and get you,” he breathed. “Why will you come here?”“Just tell me where you are!” He didn't know when he yelled. Quickly realising himself, he took a deep breath before he continued, “I'm sorry…please tell me where you are. I will explain everything when I get there.”“Oak garden.”“Okay. Don't leave there. Don't talk to anyone strange and don't let anyone else know you are there…”“You are acting strange. What is going on?” Karen sounded alarmed. “Calm down. I will explain when I get there. Okay?”Jay scurried all the way to his car and hopped in. Hitting the gear to the high level he hit the road.His pho
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Jay drove in silence occasionally glancing at Karen and then out the windows. If at all Carlos was following them or had someone following them, he had to know. Karen looked everywhere but at him. She thought of so many things. One of which was why Jay was behaving oddly. Is he regretting breaking up with me?Earlier at the Oaks garden, she thought she saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes when Collins placed his hand on her body. Talking about Collins Morgan… Karen sighed. Things were gradually getting out of her control. She shut her eyes and tried not to think about anything at all and just let things play out. Opening her eyes and Jay cornering into the road by their right got Karen immediately alerted. Her head tilted to face Jay. “Where are we going? You haven't gotten to my stop.”“We are going to my house,” Jay said. Karen sat up, displeasure laced her eyes. “Why are you bringing me to your house?”“There will be safer at the moment.”Karen felt her ears twitch. “Can you
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It wasn't just Jay's long lashes that had Karen hooked. She had never seen such perfectly carved brows. Tempted to feel them, she extended a hand towards his lashes but stopped dead in track when Jay's eyes fluttered open and locked with hers. Frozen, her breath hitched. As she jolted back, her elbow lost balance and she crashed onto his body. She groaned and immediately attempted getting up again but his arms held her in place. “Can you stay like this for a moment…please…” he breathed. Weakened, Karen gave in, every of her resistance gone. His chest moved up and down and she felt his warm breath fan her face. His morning body scent found their way into her nose and Karen pressed herself further into him wanting to feel the pleasing fragrance more. Then she gave a shuddering breath, shut her eyes and allowed herself to soak into the moment. But Jay's phone rang and the moment was short lived. She rose from Jay's body and all of a sudden became conscious of it all, mentally sl
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