All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 91 - Chapter 93
93 Chapters
Chapter 91
Solana's POVThe night before our wedding, we reached the private island that Jordan rented for us. We rode a private chopper. We came here late, our friends came here first this afternoon using a yacht and now, I came here with my handsome husband. It's already 6PM. The night breeze was cold yet relaxing. I can feel the wind hugging my body as I was only wearing a sleeveless white long dress."OMG! They're so beautiful to watch!" It was Hershey who's watching us with our friends.Jordan is carrying me towards them. I was hugging my husband's nape while staring at his handsome face. My heart has been beating so loud and fast. I can't take my eyes off of him.Jordan kissed my temple before he put me down. I smiled at Hershey, Shun, Helena, Warren, Zach, Scott and Miss Wong. I didn't know Miss Wong was friends with Scott. It's really shocking as Miss Wong was cold towards everyone."How's everything?" Jordan asked Zach, who immediately took a step forward. He's so formal."Everything's
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Chapter 92
Jordan's POVI gently put Solana on the bed while kissing her lips passionately. I can stop looking at her beautiful face. I can't keep my distance from her. I can't live a day without her anymore. When she ran away from me that night in the hotel, I was broken. My world crashed. It was so painful seeing her running away from me. It was so painful to see her cry. It almost wrecked me. It was a nightmare and I don't wanna experience that kind of feeling again."You are so handsome," she whispered and caressed my cheek after our lips parted.I smiled at her and swiftly pressed my lips against hers again. "You're beautiful. We're even."She chuckled and wrapped her arms around my neck. I lay on the bed beside her. She's still wearing her wedding dress. Her flush face was so close to me and I can't resist her charms, I'm kissing her again."You're mine, Jordan. You're really mine. I'm so happy."I smiled and nodded. I am so happy too, my wife. You're like an impossible dream came true. Yo
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Chapter 93 THE END
Jordan's POV"Mr. President is here!"I looked at the woman who spoke and giggled. Her face was so red and she looked like she's about to pass out. I just shook my head and continued walking while carrying a box of pancakes. Solana texted me saying she wants pancakes, so here I am, being a good husband.I smiled but my smile faded when I noticed the people around watching me.This is crazy! I don't know when the truth about me spread all over the company but it's making me so annoyed. My employees are almost worshiping me.I stopped in front of the Design Team's office. I saw my wife working on her table. I told her not to work anymore but she's so stubborn"Hi, Mr. Evans!" Helena, Solana's friend in the team greeted me.I just nodded at her and entered the department. Alexandra grinned at me but I just ignored her. I went straight to my wife's place and kissed her cheek.She smiled at me. "Hey! Where's my pancake?"I put the paper bag on the table. "Here's your delivery, miss beautif
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