All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
93 Chapters
Chapter 61
Solana's POV"Is there an issue between you and Miss Agatha?" Miss Wong asked while we're inside the elevator.I heaved a sigh and slowly nodded at her. "Yes. She's my… uhm sister. We never get along, so yeah…"She stared at me for a series of seconds and then she nodded. "That explains your last names. She's so unprofessional, Solana. I pity you for having to endure her bitchy attitude."I chewed my bottom lip. I couldn't agree more. Agatha is just so annoying. She's so eager to ruin me that she's willing to do anything as she pleased. And that Mr. Carter. Damn! I hate him for being unprofessional.After we got out of the building, Miss Wong turned to me. "I need to meet another client. So, I'll just drop you off at the company."I quickly shook my head and smiled. "It's fine, ma'am. I can just take a cab."Her eyebrow shot up. I can still see her annoyance because of what happened inside.I nodded at her. "Yes, ma'am. I can manage."She just nodded and turned her back on me. I just
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Chapter 62
Solana's POVMiss Wong talked to me. She told me that we had no choice but to choose a different design. I understand it and I'm not mad. I'm just sad because of what happened. It's all because of Agatha.I watched Miss Wong walked towards Warren. She still have this intimidating aura but actually kind. I admire her too."Warren, come with me. Bring your design," Miss Wong said, shocking Warren.I saw Helena glanced at me. Even Shun stopped what he's printing after he heard that.Warren pulled himself up, still shocked. "But, Miss Wong. I thought you chose Sol's design?"Miss Wong's face went blank. "Just do what you are told, Warren. Let's go."Miss Wong left without looking at anyone of us. Warren then glanced at me as if asking for a permission. I nodded and smiled at him. He left, following Miss Wong after that and I just heaved a sigh.Shun and Helena went to me with a shock written on their faces."What was that, Sol? It should be your design, right?" Helena asked, frustrated.I
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Chapter 63
Scott's POV"Miss Agatha?" I called her again, raising an eyebrow. "So, what is your position in this company?"She slowly shook her head, feeling so awkward as she did everything to avoid my gaze. "I-I don't have a position."The corner of my lips rose as I nodded and stared at her face. "You don't have any position in this company, thus, that means you don't have any say in everything. You can't dictate anyone nor decide on which design should be used."Her face showed combined fury and shame. She angrily growled… "I will tell this to Rome!"So dumb! She's amusing me with her dumbness.I nodded and crossed my arms. "Go ahead and tell him, Miss Agatha. Tell him that I insulted you and I should be punished. I would wait gladly.""Screw you! I'll make sure to make you pay," she cursed and stormed out of the conference room angrily.I sat on the chair and looked at Alexandra and Warren. The latter was looking at me with amusement while Alexandra grinned at me. She sat across and shot an
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Chapter 64
Rome's POVI grabbed and pulled my hair in frustration. Agatha just told me that she had an argument with the Vice President of the Muller Group and it's making me so f-cking scared. I have no power against him as he was the second hand of the powerful and ruthless tycoon.I jumped in shock after my phone rang. I cursed under my breath as I saw the name of the Chairman on the screen. F-ck! This is Agatha's fault."Hon…"I ignored Agatha and answered the Chairman's call. "Hello, Mr. Chairman?"[Did you or did you not let your girlfriend step into our business with the Muller Group?]I swallowed hard in shock. I let Agatha intervene and hold the decision about the project so she can be happy but I didn't know that it would reach the Chairman. He scolded me for being unreliable. He even demoted me which shocked me to the point that I was unable to defend myself until he dropped the call."Hon…" Agatha called my name and tried to touch me but I pushed her to the floor with a furious face.
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Chapter 65
Solana's POV"Your hair is so soft," Jordan commented while he's blow drying my hair. I was drying my hair when he offered to help and I allowed him. I've been watching him through the mirror the whole time. He really looked so serious with what he's doing. I smiled and chewed my bottom lip while watching him. He's just so caring. Should I tell him about my secret now? I don't wanna lie to him anymore.I heaved a sigh when I remembered what happened to me. I was kicked out from the project. It really hurts. I have so many problems."You should smile, Solana," Jordan whispered to my ear after he leaned towards me. "I like your smile."He squatted beside me and picked a lipstick. He then gently grabbed my jaw and made me face him. He stared at my lips. "Let me do this."I laughed, causing him to freeze. He stared at me with a creased forehead. "What?"I grinned. "I feel like you're a beautician."He frowned and glared at me. "I'm too manly to be a beautician. Look at my large frame. It
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Chapter 66
Scott's POVI started coughing after I realized what she just said. Wow! She was looking down at me while I continued coughing, gripping on my table. I feel like I'm dying now. I can feel my blood rushing through my veins and my neck feels so hot. F-ck!Thankfully, I was able to recover from my cough before I die here. I lifted my face and stared back at Solana. "What?""Do you like me?"I gasped and cursed in my head. She really asked again. Damn! Jordan will kill me. That lunatic will think that I'm seducing his wife. It's so hard to be so handsome.I heaved a sigh and massaged my temple. Clearing my throat, I looked at her again. "What… made you think that I'm interested in you? Don't get me wrong. It's just so… So, what gives you an idea of that thought?"She shook her head. "You've been favoring me, sir."I sucked my breath and slowly nodded. Okay! That's reasonable. She would really think that I like her 'cause I've been interfering with her life. But hey! That's because her lun
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Chapter 67
Solana's POVI was staring at the air while sitting on my chair. Now that I have calmed down, I realized what I have done. I just suspected the Vice President of the Muller Group and accused him of wanting me secretly. Gosh! I must've gone insane! What if he fires me? No! I need to save my dignity. I need to apologize for what I did. Why am I so careless and impulsive?"Sol!"I lifted my face and saw Helena looking at me. Behind her was Hershey, who's grinning from ear to ear. What? Did they hear what I did?I swallowed hard and turned to Shun and Warren. They're all looking at me."Come on! You're gonna treat us tonight," Helena excitedly exclaimed while giggling.Oh! That was it? I thought they heard about what I did. But… Did I agree to treat them tonight? I can't remember. I need to save money, so I think I'll have to refuse tonight.Scratching the back of my head, I looked at them. "Uh… Can we postpone it? I promise I'll treat you next time. We can even have a drink."Helena squi
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Chapter 68
Solana's POVI was slapping my cheeks, waking myself up. I spent three days working on my design for the project collaboration with the SLJ Company. I was unable to sleep properly, nor eat. I don't even have time to do the house chores. It was always Jordan, who's doing everything in the house."What happened to your eyes?"I looked at Shun, who put a cup of coffee on my table. I smiled at him. "Thanks for the coffee."He nodded and sat on his chair which was across from me. He cocked an eyebrow. "You have dark circles around your eyes, Sol. Have you been working overnight?""Kind of. I need to work hard since this is my first project."He nodded and smiled. "You're one hell of a designer, Sol. I believe you'd be one of the top designers this year. I won't even doubt if you get promoted within a year of working here," he paused and chuckled. "… You can replace Miss Wong."My eyes widened and I looked around. He laughed hard and I just shook my head in disbelief. This guy!Miss Wong ca
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Chapter 69
Solana's POVI angrily rolled my eyes after I blocked Hans' number on my phone. He keeps on calling me and it's irritating the hell out of me. He cheated on me. He betrayed me and he doesn't have the right to ask me for another chance. He won't be needing another chance if he didn't break my heart. He was the reason behind our break up and he can't just do what he wants.Dropping my phone on the kitchen sink, I thought of the days I spent with Jordan. He helped me. He unknowingly helped me move on and I owe him big time for that.I glanced at the wall clock and heaved a sigh, realizing it's already midnight and Jordan hasn't home yet. He called me three hours ago saying he'd come home late.I smiled as I continued baking cookies. I missed Jordan. We haven't talked for a while now. I've been very busy with the project and I want to make it up to him.A few minutes later, the door swung open. Jordan entered and he immediately went to me. He hugged me from the back and kissed my cheek as
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Chapter 70
Solana's POVI don't know what to say. I was just staring at Jordan for God knows how long. I cleared my throat and put the cookies in the microwave oven. I felt my cheeks heating. He just indirectly admitted that he's jealous and I don't know why he became so easily jealous. I mean… does he like me? Is he falling for me? Does he feel the same way as I feel?"Tell me, Solana. Am I not handsome? Am I not attractive?"I gasped. Why would he think like that? He's the reason why my heart keeps racing. He affects me in so many ways, so his questions were ridiculous.I chewed my bottom lip and faced him. I nervously laughed. He stared at me with reddish ears and neck. He looked so shy but his eyes were showing determination and intensified emotions."Ah!" I nervously chuckled. "You have similar shapes, Jordan."Well, it's true. He has the same body shape as Mr. Muller. But of course, I find my husband more attractive and handsome than Mr. Muller. Jordan's large frame seems like dominating e
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