All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
93 Chapters
Chapter 51
Solana's POVI stared at Jordan while my lips were trembling. I felt his hand reaching mine. It's sending electrifying sensations in my body that I want to cry because I can feel his care but remember how he talked to me a while ago. He was almost shouting. He didn't allow me to explain.Pain crept in my heart as I took my hand back. He looked at me because of that.I looked at him before walking past him and stormed out of the pawnshop. I heard him calling my name, but I didn't look back. I'll just come back to get the ring. I just need to leave 'cause I don't think I can stand the anger and pain I felt because of Jordan.***Jordan's POVI watched Solana as she left. For the second time tonight, she turned her back on me and left. It's making my heart clenched.After I heard the conversation between her and the pawnshop owner, I realized my mistakes. I was so stupid. I judged her. I didn't let her explain. I wasn't even interested in her explanation. I just proceed with the judgment
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Chapter 52
Jordan's POVI sat on the chair in front of a woman. I'm certain my expression was hard and terrifying 'cause I saw fear in her eyes. I crossed my legs and arms. My jaws are constantly clenching as I glanced at Wayne behind her."Sir, she's the shop manager," Wayne informed me.I looked at the woman again and shot an eyebrow up. "Who replaced the ring? Was it you or the owner of the pawnshop?"She swallowed hard and looked away. "I d-don't know what you're talking about."I laughed without humor. "The sapphire ring, miss. My wife owns that ring and you brought it to an auction."She gasped and looked at me. Fear was very evident in her eyes. Yes! Fear me 'cause I won't let this slide. I wronged my wife because of this craziness."W-We bought it from your wife, sir."I clenched my jaws and my expression hardened. I'm losing my patience. Bought it from my wife? If I didn't hear my wife arguing with the pawnshop owner, I would believe this woman but no. She wouldn't be here in the first
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Chapter 53
Jordan's POVI entered the loud bar while roaming my eyes, looking for one particular person. My forehead creased after I spotted him on the couch, sitting with two ladies on his both sides.I shook my head and walked towards him. He noticed my arrival and he drove the two ladies away. One of them even touched my arm sensually. I just shot an eyebrow up. If she's Solana, I'd definitely pay attention to her.I heard Scott chuckled, so I looked at him and sat across from him. He poured alcohol on his glass and offered me a drink, but I shook my head. I just grabbed a stick of cigarette and put it between my lips."How's Solana? Did she already recover from the incident? Damn that Marcus Harris. She almost got violated."I looked at Scott with sharp eyes. I clenched my jaws. "I told you to keep her safe. Men are trying to get her, and you don't even know that."He looked at me laughing. "Whoa! Whoa! Dude, from what I remembered. I am your Vice President, not your wife's nanny."I puffed
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Chapter 54
Jordan's POVI groaned when the call wasn't picked up. I cursed and got out of the house while dialing his number again. I rested against the railing and stared at the closed door of our unit.I stood straight after Scott answered the phone call. "Sc—"[Ohh! Yeah! Yes, baby! Keep doing that.] Instead of a proper answer, I heard him moaning and it's so f-cking disgusting.I sucked my breath as irritation filled me. "Damn it! What are you doing?"[Oh! Haha! Wait, man—ohh f-ck!]I rolled my eyes and messed my hair up. "F-ck you! Finish that and call me back. You bastard. My wife said I'm insulting her."I ended the call immediately and massaged my forehead. F-ck! I shook my head and stared at the door while playing with the phone in my hand.I clenched my jaws as I pressed my lips together. I've never been this frustrated in my whole life. I've never been this eager to make up for my mistakes and I definitely know what's happening to me.After a few minutes, my phone vibrated. I quickly
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Chapter 55
Solana's POVI helped Jordan clean the house after he called some men to pick up the flowers. I was sitting on the sofa while waiting for Jordan to get back. It's already midnight and I'm starving. He actually told me to eat first but I don't wanna eat alone.I looked at the door when it swung open. Jordan entered and his tired eyes went directly to me. He looked so tired and so down. Did he spend the whole day preparing for his surprise?"Have you eaten?" He asked after he sat beside me.I shook my head. "I was waiting for you, but I already prepared the table."He heaved a sigh and nodded. "Let's eat?"I nodded and followed him. He looked so down and I felt conscience creeping in my heart. After we went to the dining area, he put wads of cash on the table beside me.I lifted my face and stared at him. "What is this for?"He pressed his lips together and stared into my eyes. I don't understand the emotions dancing in his eyes, but I can feel his strong emotions."For our groceries an
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Chapter 56
Solana's POVI was sketching some designs while sitting on the bed and resting my back against the headboard of the bed. I smiled as I felt satisfaction with my design tonight. I was almost finished when the door swung open. Jordan entered while combing his hair. We're still not on good terms, but he's really doing everything to make it up to me. He's serving me everyday.He stopped combing his hair and left the comb in his hair after he saw me looking at him. He cleared his throat and dropped the comb on the vanity. He walked towards me without taking his eyes off of me."Can we talk?" He asked with hope.I looked away. I suddenly felt uncomfortable with his stares. I wasn't able to answer him."Are you done sketching?" He asked again.I shook my head and chewed my bottom lip. I looked at him and found him nodding and speaking… "Okay. I'll just wait for you."He sat on the bed while I stared at my sketchbook. It was so awkward. I know he wants to say something. Perhaps we wants us to
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Chapter 57
Jordan's POVI shook my head after putting a small wound plaster on my face, covering Solana's scratch. Damn. I heaved a sigh while staring at my own reflection in the mirror. Zach, sitting on the driver seat was watching me intently, so I turned to him and shot an eyebrow up."What?" I asked, irritated.He shook his head and fixed his eyes in front. We're in the parking area of the Muller Group. I have a meeting with the CEO of the Spring Leaf Jewels Company today for a project collaboration. If not for the project, I wouldn't have come to the office today. I'd rather stay at home, thinking about Solana and reflecting on my mistakes last night. Damn! The wound in my face is proof that I became a jackass."Sir, the meeting will start in fifteen minutes," Zach informed me.I just nodded and heaved a sigh. If not for the Chairman of the SLJ Company, I won't be here today. It's just that he personally requested me to attend the conference.I got out of the car and went to the private ele
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Chapter 58
Solana's POVI entered our unit while stretching my neck. I'm tired and starving and I smelled something delicious as soon as I entered the house. I blinked thrice and found Jordan in the kitchen. He's cooking steak and it smells so delicious.I stared at him. He's so busy cooking that failed to notice my presence immediately. If I didn't clear my throat, he wouldn't be informed about my arrival.He looked at me and smiled a little. "Hey! Have you eaten?"I shook my head and smiled. "Not yet."He nodded and I think my answer lightened up his mood since his smile became wide. "Sit down. I'm almost finished."Without answering, I went to the dining set to sit while waiting for him to finish his cooking."How's work?" He asked while preparing the table. I pulled myself up to help him, but he held my hand and shook his head. "You're tired, let me do this."I stared at his face. He looks tired too, but I just allowed him to do what he wants. He seemed to notice me staring at him and he mis
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Chapter 59
Solana's POVI looked at Jordan after he stopped kissing my face. He smiled at me and caressed my cheeks. "Do you like it?"I squinted my eyes at him. "Jordan, is this a real diamond? It cost a fortune. Did you spend all your savings in this?"He pressed his lips together and shook his head. He took the ring from the velvet box and slowly slipped the ring on my finger. "This isn't genuine, babe. Don't worry, I won't lose all my money."I heaved a sigh of relief. He, then, chuckled and kissed the ring on my finger and pulled me closer. He tilted his head to kiss my lips again. He pressed it for a series of seconds. He pressed it a lil hard. I thought he's gonna force me again but he didn't. He pulled away after he's content with the kiss and smiled at me."We're good now. We're gonna date again on Sunday, right?" He asked, staring at me so intensely.I chuckled at him. "We just missed one Sunday."He frowned as his forehead creased. "Even so. You always spend your Sunday with me. You s
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Chapter 60
Solana's POVI was sitting on my swivel chair while staring at the monitor of my computer, looking at the design I made. I don't know what's wrong with my design. Miss Wong said she likes it. I even saw her smile after she saw my design. Shun, Helena and Warren even praise me for being good, so I don't see any reason why the client rejected my design.I felt Helena's hand caressing my arm. "You okay, Sol?"Heaving a sigh, I looked at her and shook my head. "What's wrong with my design, Helena? Was it too much? Or does it lack something?"Helena frowned. "Don't think that way, Sol. The problem was the client. Not your design."I lifted my chin when Miss Wong rose from her seat after talking to someone over the phone. She walked towards mer, hands inside the pocket of her coat."Can you redesign it, Miss Stone?" She asked, obviously annoyed by something. I don't know if she's annoyed with me or what but that's not my problem anymore.I stared into her eyes. "Can you help me, Miss Wong?
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