All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
93 Chapters
Chapter 31
Jordan's POVI sniffed her neck and started planting soft and hot kisses on her neck. I feel so hot. My breathing was rugged as I continued kissing, gently biting and nibbling her neck to her collarbone. My hands were caressing her bare waist, feeling her smooth and soft skin against my calloused hands."Hmm…" she moaned between my kisses and her hands started pulling my neck.I gently bit her lips before looking at her face. I cursed out loud when she pulled me closer to her and kissed my neck. It made my heartbeat double. I was now panting while she continued kissing until she suddenly bit my shoulder."Ah! F-ck!" I cursed out loud again, not because of pleasure but because of pain. She really bit me. Oh, damn!Cupping my stinging shoulder, I moved away from her and stared at her face. Her eyes are closed but she's biting her lips. F-ck! I kissed her lips again, nibbling and biting as my hands cupped her bre*sts but as the kisses deepened and my hunger worsened, something clicked in
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Chapter 32
Solana's POVPierce called us for a meeting. The head of each R&D department are here. Even the Vice President is present. We are going to present our design for the Autumn and Winter Series Exhibition. I'm both excited and nervous because for the first time, I'm going to present in front of the employees of the Muller Group.I roamed my eyes and looked at Miss Li, the head of the Samples Department. She's sophisticated and intimidating woman but when she smiled at me, it somehow ease my nervousness. My eyes then turned to Mr. Marcus Harris, the head of the Moulding Department. I already met him and I don't like how he look at me. Even now, he's watching me with those disturbing eyes. I immediately looked away and looked at Mr. Scott Merlin, the Vice President of the Muller Group. He's here, but the President isn't. I haven't meet the President and I'm expecting to meet him today. I sighed. Is he that busy?I flinched and looked at Pierce when he gently tapped my shoulder. The head of
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Chapter 33
Solana's POVI smiled in front of the mirror inside the powder room while Jordan was on the other line. He called me on lunch break while he's eating his lunch.[How's work, by the way? Are you happy with your position?]Chuckling, I nodded. "Of course, I am. I told you Muller Group is my dream company."I heard him sigh as if he's relieved. I shook my head. As if he can do something if ever I don't like my position. I entered the cubicle and spoke again… "Gonna hang up now, Jordan. I'm gonna pee."[Alright. I'll fetch you again later. I'll bring my motorcycle.]"Okay. Careful."I ended the call after that and sat on the bowl. After I peed and fixed myself, I heard people talking outside the cubicle."It's spreading in the Production Department. The newbie is having an affair with the Moulding Department's head."My forehead creased after I heard that clearly. Newbie? Moulding Department's head. It's certainly Mr. Marcus Harris. So, who's the newbie they're talking about. There are ne
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Chapter 34
Solana's POVI walked towards Lara and grabbed her wrist. My jaws are clenching. I'm so mad. I want to slap her and made her realize that she shouldn't talk behind my back. I am no warfreak but I won't let this pass. I thought she's kind but just because of the exhibition, she wasted our growing friendship."What are you doing?" She growled and tried to break free from my grip but I held her wrist tighter.I glared her. "We'll go to Mr. Marcus Harris. I know you're curious about the truth. So, let's ask him.""Get off me!" She screamed and pushed me away.I was able to let her wrist go against my will. I gritted my teeth and advanced to her while my eyes are sharper than a while ago. She took a step back, whether she's intimidated or scared, I do not know. All I know is I want to scare her and grab this opportunity to make Mr. Marcus Harris realized that I'm not what he expected me to be. I don't have the intention or plan to entertain his ridiculous desire. I don't even like him.I s
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Chapter 35
Solana's POVI chuckled after I read Jordan's message. He just sent me a corny pick up line. It was an overused pick up line but realizing it was from him, it made my cheeks blush. Damn! Am I really falling in love with my husband?"Sol, can I borrow your concealer? I left mine," Helena asked while looking at me, pouting.Warren burst into laughter. "Stop pouting, Helena. You look like a puppy."Helena rolled her eyes and growled at him. I just shook my head and handed her the concealer. She smiled so brightly. "Thank you so much, my angel!"I just smiled at her and nodded. She used the concealer to hide the dark circles under her eyes and then she rose from her seat. "Alright! I'll be eating lunch outside, cuties! I have a date!"Shun grinned. "I bet he's blind."I chuckled at them but I immediately pressed my lips together when Helena turned to me, frowning. I lifted my arm and shook my head. "I didn't say anything.""Where are you going, Helena?" It was Pierce, who just entered our
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Chapter 36
Jordan's POVI quickly changed from suit to a black shirt and jacket. I messed up my hair while looking at the rear view mirror. Zach is beside me, watching me as I tie my hair in a man bun."Do you think I need a haircut?" I asked Zach while looking at my reflection.He quickly nodded. "Yes, sir. I think you'll look more presentable if you get a haircut."I paused and stared at him. Really? "I shouldn't get a haircut, then."His lips parted, confused by my opposing decision. I just grinned at him and took my wrist watch off. I changed my phone too and got out of the car. I threw my keys in the air while whistling. I'm gonna fetch my wife again using my motorcycle. Fetching her always excites me for an unknown reason.I rode the motorcycle and stopped in front of the Muller Group's building. I roamed my eyes around without taking my helmet off. Why isn't she here?I clenched my jaws and took my phone out. I sent her a message and tried to call her but she's not answering. I cursed und
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Chapter 37
Solana's POVI stared at Jordan's face while waiting for his answer. I'm glad he came to save me, but I can't help thinking about his reasons for going there. Remembering the women I saw in the restaurant, almost naked before those men's eyes—I felt something in my heart clenching. Did he go there to flirt? Was he with someone?I'm dying of curiosity but I kept my face calm. Hiding my emotions, I hold onto his shoulder. "Jordan, why were you in the restaurant?"He smiled and caressed my cheek. "I accompanied a friend. He surprised his girl in that restaurant."His answer killed my doubts and exaggerated thoughts. I nodded and smiled at him. I don't want him to be with another woman. Hell! Just thinking about him dating a woman that's not me is already killing. If this isn't jealousy, then what is it?Because of exhaustion, I fell asleep early while Jordan was preparing our dinner. The sun hadn't shone yet when I opened my eyes and woke up. I sat on the bed and looked at Jordan, sleepi
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Chapter 38
Jordan's POVI stared at her lips. This is bad. I was just teasing her in the beginning but now, I have fallen into my own trap. She's just so beautiful and I can't help but to feel hot especially now that I can feel her softness against mine and she's naked under the towel.Damn! This woman is making me so, so crazy. I've never been this crazy over a woman and this is a bad sign.I licked my lips and started moving my face closer to her. I want to kiss her again. I want to taste her lips but she was so quick to push me away.She glared at me before grabbing her clothes and stormed out of the bedroom. I sat on the bed and messed my hair in frustration. My throat was dry as the picture of her naked chest kept playing in my mind."Solana…" I called her name under my breath and clenched my jaws. Damn girl!I sucked my breath and stared at the closed door. After a series of seconds, I laughed under my breath and shook my head. Damn! Solana, you will be the death of me.***Solana's POVI e
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Chapter 39
Solana's POVJordan picked me up earlier than I expected him to come. I saw him sitting on his motorcycle when I stepped out of the building. He was still wearing his helmet while playing with the keys in his hands."Bye, Sol!" Helena waved at me. I did the same to her and Shun. Warren left early too while Pierce was called again for another meeting with the Vice President.I walked towards Jordan. He immediately noticed my presence. He looked around and then handed me the helmet. "Let's go?"I chewed my bottom lip and nodded. Is he angry? He doesn't seem in the mood. He looked pissed.I rode the motorcycle after he started the engine. He drove safely while I'm still thinking what's the possible problem. Did I do something wrong? Is he mad about something?My heart raced thinking about the possibility that he found out about my real intention. It wasn't the problem, right?When we reached our unit, he opened the door for me. He sat on the couch while I stared at him with confusion. I'
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Chapter 40
Solana's POVI was about to pull away from the kiss as his hug around my waist tightened, but I wasn't given a chance because he pulled me even closer and his kisses became carnal. He was now nibbling and gently biting my bottom lip.I squeezed my eyes closed and held onto his shoulder. "Hmm! J-Jordan…"I sucked my breath. His hands started caressing my waists. It felt so hot. I flinched when he licked my lips, urging me to part my mouth and when I did, he pushed his tongue inside my mouth and played with my tongue. Oh, God!It's burning. I'm burning.I moaned against his lips when he suddenly carried me. He walked and after a few seconds, I felt my back on the sofa.He let go of my mouth, allowing me to breathe. I sucked air as his lips went to my cheek and then to my ear. "You're so innocent, babe."I don't know what he meant by that but I was lost in thoughts again after he bit my earlobe."Oh!" I moaned and arched my back. He's doing something in my body. Something I couldn't resi
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