All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
93 Chapters
Chapter 1
Solana Stone's POVA sophisticated, kind-hearted and brave woman. That's how other people see me. I have seen the ugly side of the world. I became an orphan at an early age and was adopted, not to be loved but to be bullied and buried. My heart has become a stone, a stone that was shaped by the experiences. As a jewelry designer, I value stone, I value myself.Tired and drowsy, I entered the Stone family's house. I was called to the hospital this morning because Martha, the only person who cares for me, was diagnosed with acute kidney failure. Martha is like a mother to me, and there's no way I'll neglect her. The whole day was so exhausting, plus I have to shoulder the medical expenses because Martha doesn't have any family left. Oh, God! Where would I get the money that will save Martha's life?I took my cellphone from my bag, expecting a call or even a message from my boyfriend, but there's none. He's probably busy.My steps were so light that it didn't create even a faint sound. I
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Chapter 2
Solana Stone's POVThe Stone and Evans family decided to have a garden wedding for me and Jordan Evans. It was a beautiful venue, could be a romantic one without Agatha and Hans, who keeps on glancing at me. Agatha is obviously enjoying this.Wearing a beautiful wedding gown, holding a bouquet of flowers—I'm sitting on a white clothed monoblock. I'm patiently waiting for my unknown future husband, who's already 10 minutes late. There is also no trace of Evans' family, and I'm having doubts about it. I'm nervous. What if they didn't show up?I swallowed hard and heaved a sigh. The participants are now getting impatient. I glanced at my adoptive parents at the corner, and they looked so pissed as well. I scratched my cheek. What if he didn't come? He's an idler. What if he dumps me?The thought made me anxious. I chewed my bottom lip and looked around. I balled my fists. That man! I already hate him for making me wait like this. It isn't showing on my face, but I felt so embarrassed.I
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Chapter 3
Jordan EvansMy forehead creased after Solana's eyes widened because of what the priest said. I want to laugh. What? She wasn't expecting a kiss? I thought the first born of the Stone family is liberated. Why does she look shy? Is she pretending? This woman is interesting.I licked my lips and lifted her veil. She was looking into my eyes. Her eyes are strangely blank, but she can't hide that she's shy. Her innocent face is showing what she truly feels. This woman is really something.I tilted my head and leaned closer, pretending to kiss her lips as I took a step closer invading her personal space. The intimate distance made Solana gasp. She nervously took a step backward, reclaiming her personal space. Avoiding my lips that attempted to own hers.I hide my grin and move to kiss her forehead instead. I felt her stiffened.What I did stunned her, and I chuckled at her reaction. I wet my lips again, drawing her attention even more. Solana couldn't hide her flushed face anymore as I sta
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Chapter 4
Solana Stone's POVI don't know how it happened. I don't even know how he managed to take my clothes off. I was so whipped. I was so drunk with the pleasure he's giving me. I just found myself lying on top of the bed, naked, with him between my parted legs. My heart is racing. My hands couldn't find the place to hold on to. I was so lost in pleasure as he nibbled my lips, licking it afterwards."Ah!" I moaned and arched my back when I felt the rough fabric of his towel against my now sensitive folds.I cried when his hands started traveling all over my body until it reached the peak of my bre*sts. I sucked my breath and accidentally bit his lip when his fingers played with my sensitive bud.A foreign feeling is consuming me wide-eyed. I wanted to scream and cry in frustration as I felt something in my loins.I heard him groan and my fingers found his back. I scratched his back accidentally when his kisses trailed my jaws, down to my neck, nibbling and sucking my skin as if marking his
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Chapter 5
Solana Stone's POVI was unable to sleep anymore after I woke up because of my dream. The picture of us on his bed keeps on lingering in my mind as I cook our breakfast in the kitchen. The sausage almost got roasted because I was too preoccupied. After cooking, I went to the guest room and heaved a sigh before knocking on Jordan's door.I chewed my bottom lip. I've been trying to keep my composure and cool because I don't want to show him that he affects me so much, especially in a silly way.The door swung open. I opened my mouth to speak, but my words were left hanging in the air when I saw his naked body again. My eyes traveled down to his waist, only covered with white towel. Oh, damn!I sucked my breath and quickly lifted my chin to meet his eyes. My lips parted upon seeing a playful smirk curving his lips.He wet his bottom lip. "Good morning, babe."Babe…My breathing hitched as I remembered my dream. He called me babe in my dream while we're having sex. I hid my hands and pinc
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Chapter 6
Jordan Evan's POVI watched Solana clean the table after our breakfast. My arms are crossed against my chest while watching her every move. I'm still not convinced that she's the real Solana Stone. I want to know why she seems so shy and not as shameless as what the rumors said. I'm confused, though I enjoy watching her reactions everytime I tease her. Perhaps she's just pretending, but I already tested her. She looked so shy and tempted, but she rejected my attempt."I'm leaving," she said after putting the used dishes in the sink. She faced me. "Wash the dishes for me. I need to do something."Whoa! She just asked a billionaire to wash the dishes. I want to laugh, but nevermind.I shot one eyebrow up. Something? "Where are you going?"Her eyes became untamed until she met mine and spoke… "I'll just get my clothes."Clothes. Yeah, right. She can't use my clothes forever. I rose from my seat. "I'll help you.""No need," she quickly refused and pointed at the dishes. "I want you to cle
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Chapter 7
Jordan's POVI grinned after I parked the motorcycle in front of the Stone's mansion. I wet my lips after taking my helmet off. This motorcycle is cool.I looked at Zach, who followed me using his own motorcycle. I cursed. His motorcycle is f-cking expensive and it will draw attention in no time. I went to him and grabbed the bags of gifts in his hands."Sir, I'll do it."I glared at him. "No. You're like my f-cking boss, Zach. Leave now. My wife might see your damn motorcycle."Confusion filled Zach's face, but I ignored him. I turned my back and started walking towards the gate of the Stone's mansion. A maid opened the gate for me and greeted me but I ignored her. I went straight to the door of the mansion but I froze on my tracks when I heard commotions inside.What the… Solana!I rushed to the door and was about to enter when I almost bumped into a small frame of a familiar woman. She lifted her face, looked at me with reddish eyes.What happened? My forehead creased as I glanced
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Chapter 8
Solana's POVI drank my water after eating street foods. I was leaning against the motorcycle and Jordan was standing beside me. I glanced at him, his hair was tied so the wind wasn't messing them. His sharp jaws are very visible from my sight and he looked so intimidating. Jordan Evans. I was unaware that he's a very interesting person.I squinted my eyes. I was wondering why he defended me. He was so angry back there and it really made my heart skip a beat. He cares. Even if we're not a real couple. Should I consider myself lucky for marrying him even if I was tricked?He suddenly looked in my way, so I looked down, feeling embarrassed. Did he catch me watching him?I scratched my cheek and looked at him again. My heart raced after our eyes met. Damn! He's waiting for me to look again. He really caught me."Why are you staring?" He asked, chuckling. That made my cheeks flushed.I pouted a little. "I-I was just wondering…"He shot his eyebrow up. He seems so interested. "Hmm?""Why w
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Chapter 9
Solana's POVI kept on smacking my head after I shooed Jordan away. I'm almost crying in so much embarrassment. For God's sake, I jumped to him completely naked just because I freaking felt a cockroach on my feet. Why was there a cockroach here, anyway? The house is clean, so why?"Argh! Stupid, Solana!" I grabbed my hair and cursed myself. That was very embarrassing. How will I be able to face him again tomorrow?I chewed my bottom lip while sitting on the bed. My phone suddenly vibrated, so I picked it and saw a message from Hans.I frowned angrily. I forgot to delete his number. I opened the message and he's begging me to take him back. Rolling my eyes, I deleted his message and blocked his number. I lied on the bed after and closed my eyes to sleep.I'll just apologize to Jordan tomorrow.The next day, I was woken up by my vibrating phone. It was near my pillow, so I could really feel the vibration. With my eyes half open, I answered the call from an unregistered number. "Hello?"
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Chapter 10
Stacey's POV"What do you mean, Stacey? Do you know Miss Solana stone?""Yes," I answered and nodded confidently. I looked at my work mates' faces and they're still confused."She was classmate in college," I started. "She plagiarized my design back then. She even flirted with one of the judges when we had a competition for a scholarship. She won, so she got the scholarship even when my design was better than hers."The confusion on their faces were now replaced by shock. I kept the sad expression in my eyes to get their sympathy. There's no way I'll let her get into the Muller Group."Is that true, Stacey? Aren't you just angry because of what happened in the past? Clearly, she's skillful. She can be an asset to the company."I balled my fists in annoyance. "Yes! She's skillful. She can be an asset but she will stain the company's name. If you want to keep this company in good state, you must not hire her. She will flirt with every men in this company to get on top…"I swallowed hard
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