All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
93 Chapters
Chapter 41
Solana's POVI touched my lip after I sent the message to my client. I'm asking for an extension of the deadline because I don't think I can finish the design on time. I need to visit Martha and work harder in the Muller Group since I still need to prepare for the Autumn and Winter Series Exhibition.Hugging myself, I squeezed my legs together. I still can feel the desire that Jordan ignited in my body. I can still feel his lips on mine. His palms on my body. I can still feel the wanton heat but no, I can't give in to him.I received the client's reply and my eyes widened as I read his message. He said he doesn't need to do the design anymore. It scared me. I don't wanna lose a good paying client. I need him.I panicked so I replied that I will finish the design but I may not reach the deadline. I was relieved when he replied again, saying I don't need to worry and he's giving me enough time to finish the design.Lying on the bed, I stared at the ceiling and remembered the incident in
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Chapter 42
Lolita's POVI balled my fists after I heard Solana's threat. He still has the guts to threaten me? Can't she understand? I don't care about what she says or does. I already disposed her and threw her in the dust where she belonged. She belongs to the dirt with her husband, who's an illegitimate child and an idler. They deserve each other coz they're nothing but poor useless people."Call her now or I'll call my husband," Solana added.I gritted my teeth. Damn her for threatening me like this. Does she think I'm scared? I will never get scared of her."Lolita!" My husband, Robert pulled my arm and faced me. "Did you hear Solana? She's gonna call Jordan Evans and this will make the situation worse."What? This coward never fails to anger me. He's always defending Solana and I hate him for doing so. Agatha was his daughter.I glared at him. "I don't care, Robert. Call her husband for all she wants. I don't give a damn."So what if her husband came from a wealthy family? He's still an id
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Chapter 43
Solana's POVI chewed my bottom lip while staring at my phone after my salary was transferred to my account. It's just enough to fully pay for Martha's renal transplantation. I need to find a way to make more money. The bags. Right! I will sell it.I went back to the department after washing my hands in the powder room. My teammates already left and I was left with Pierce who just rose from his seat after turning his computer off."Sol," Pierce called my name, so I looked at him and smiled.He pressed his lips together and walked towards me. He glanced at my bag. "Uhm… Do you have any plans tonight?"Plans for tonight? I texted Jordan not to fetch me tonight coz I need to go to the hospital and pay the remaining balance for Martha's renal transplantation, so yeah. I have plans. Nevertheless, I smiled at him. "Why?"He scratched the back of his head, as if hesitating. "Can I invite you for dinner? Tonight? In a restaurant. My treat."I pressed my lips together and stared at him. I just
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Chapter 44
Solana's POVI smiled at Pierce, trying so hard not to look arrogant. "He's my husband."Shock was very evident on his face after I said that. He was unable to speak for a couple of seconds. He's shocked. Of course. He never heard anything about me getting married, so he'd be very shocked.I'm not a fool not to notice his stares. I know he still has feelings for me but I'm doing everything to ignore it.I felt Jordan's arm behind me, resting on the back rest. I looked at him and smiled after our eyes met. His smile was different. I know he's angry. Is he… probably jealous?I swallowed hard. He was staring back at me as if he's trying to convey his message through our stares. I felt my heart beating so fast. Jordan is just so hard to understand, but I feel like I know what he's trying to say.Pierce stole my attention after he cleared his throat. He has recovered from shock. He wet his lips and stared at me. "When did you get married?"I know he'd ask that. "Just this year," I answered
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Chapter 45
Solana's POVAgatha smirked as soon as she stopped in front of our table. She's beside Pierce whose face was showing confusion. Probably because Agatha is looking at me with a mocking and sarcastic expression on her face.I felt anger washed over me as soon as I saw her face. I really don't like seeing her face. Her presence alone can ruin my mood."Hey there, sis. I see you're having fun after you get money from mom," she said with a hint of anger and mock.I lifted my chin and kept my face blank. I see she's trying to shame me here but she's so unlucky coz I won't let her embarrass me in any way. I bet she'll run away as soon as I hit her ego. I wanna know what her plan is and how she would embarrass me tonight.She glanced at Jordan and Pierce. She looked so eager to taint my image and ruin me in the eyes of the people around, especially to Pierce and Jordan."Gentlemen, my sister here seems to be enjoying your company. I bet you'd go straight to a hotel nearby. Are you excited, So
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Chapter 46
Solana's POVShe attempted to snatch the bag back, but I lifted my arm, moving it away from her reach. Her face turned red. She's now furios because of what I did. She roamed her eyes around, looking at the people watching us."Shut up, Solana!" She growled at me.I frowned at her. "Now, you want me to shut up? Why don't you tell yourself to back off and never dare to interfere with me again?"She tried to insult me by laughing sarcastically but I rolled my eyes at her. She has reached the peak of my limit. It's time for her to shut her loud mouth.I shot an eyebrow up. "What can you say about my suggestion, Agatha?She fell in silence. She obviously wanted to pull my hair now, but she's too humiliated to even argue. She really can't take humiliation, huh?"You'll pay for this!" She whispered angrily and I just grinned.I advanced to her once again. "How much?"She's now really furious. She snatched the money and the bag from me. She's trembling in so much anger and red as hell. After
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Chapter 47
Solana's POV"It seems like you're so mad at them. Why?" He continued asking. Curiosity is very evident in his eyes.Of course, he'd be curious. He knows that Agatha was my sister and yet we're not acting like siblings at all. I understand. I just hope he won't ask too many questions as I don't know if I could answer him properly.I pressed my lips together and looked down. "They just owe me money, Jordan. And they're refusing to pay me back."That's the safest answer and that's the truth anyway. They owe me the money they promised.I looked at him again. He nodded and tucked some strands of my hair on my ear. "Okay. I won't ask more, but I have a favor to ask."A favor? I hope it's not much. I nodded and smiled. "Sure."He heaved a sigh and stared at me, so intensely as he spoke… "Tell your colleagues that you're married, so they'd stop hitting on you."What? Hitting on me? Who's hitting on me? Pierce Adams? I don't think he'll continue pursuing me since he already knows that I'm mar
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Chapter 48
Solana's POVI hid my hand, hiding the ring from the pawnshop owner. Based on his expression, he wants the ring and I won't let him get this. I shook my head. "I'm not selling this ring, sir."He looked into my eyes and smiled. "I could pay 2 million for that ring alone."I gasped. 2 million? That's more than enough for Martha's renal transplantation. I can even buy our apartment with that money. But… No! Jordan gave me this ring, and I don't want to disappoint him.I shook my head again. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll just sell the bracelet and nothing more."He pressed his lips together and scratched his temple. "Let's make it 2.5 million."My forehead creased. What's so special about this ring that he's willing to pay that much?"I'm sorry, sir. But I'm not selling my ring. My husband gave it to me and I never thought about selling this."I looked at the staff and she gave me the money for the sold bracelet. Just when I'm about to leave, the pawnshop owner blocked my way. "Then, I can offer
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Chapter 49
Solana's POV"Did you sell it, Solana?" He asked again. He's now raising his voice because of anger. His neck and face are red. He's showing too many emotions in his eyes which I couldn't interpret. All I know is he's furious about the heirloom."F-cking answer me, Solana. Why did you sell the ring?"I stared at him. Startled and confused. I sold the ring? Why would I sell the ring and the ring is right here, in my finger. Is he blind? I showed him the ring with an annoyed expression on my face. I don't think I'm following him. He's talking about the ring that's actually on his face."I have the ring, Jordan. Can't you see?" I asked back, annoyed.He took the ring off my finger and examined it. He gasped and looked at me again. His jaws even clenched. "This? This is a counterfeit, Solana. How could you try to fool me?"My eyes widened and my lips parted. Counterfeit? "What?" That's impossible. I think he's wrong.He gritted his teeth. "The ring I gave you has my mother's initials. Thi
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Chapter 50
Jordan's POVI rolled my tongue over my lips and stared at the closed door. Solana left in anger and I sucked my breath as I realized what I did. I remembered her face. Her face showed pain and disappointment. My lips parted as I recalled how she said the last words she threw at me. She sounds so… f-ck!I messed up my hair and rushed out to follow her. I almost tripped on the stairs in combined rushed and anger. When I saw her walking along the sidewalk, I followed her silently.Where is she going? I bit my bottom lip as I watched her walk. Her steps are heavy as if it's so hard for her to carry herself. I swallowed hard, realizing how stupid I was to throw hurtful words at her when she's obviously tired. I saw it in her eyes. She's tired, but she still cooked our breakfast. I cursed under my breath.My forehead creased when I realized she entered a pawnshop. I clenched my jaws. Did she really sell the ring?I walked closer not to show up, but to hear what her intention was. I wanna k
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