All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
93 Chapters
Chapter 21
Jordan's POVI entered the small house wearing a usual old jacket. I dropped my body on the small couch and massaged my neck. Damn! The paperwork has piled up and yet I can't work overtime. I glanced at my wristwatch. It's already 5 o'clock and Solana must be in a taxi or subway by now.I wet my bottom lip and combed my hair using my fingers. After a few seconds, my phone started ringing. I quickly picked it up and answered Zach's call. "Yes?"[Mission accomplished, sir. Agatha Stone won't be able to get any information about you. Rest assured that her private investigator won't get anything.]I grinned arrogantly. "Good work, Zach. You can rest now."[Thank you, sir.]I ended the call after that and shot an eyebrow up. After what happened yesterday, I know that Agatha will do everything to know who I really am, but sorry, I'm wiser than her. I have already perfected the act of pretending and lying. She messed with the wrong man.I rose from the couch and went to the kitchen. I put my
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Chapter 22
Solana's POVI quickly took a step back after the realtor entered the unit. I couldn't look at Jordan but I can feel his stares on me. I wet my lips and smiled at the realtor when he approached me. I was worried that he might see me and Jordan so close to each other but it looks like he doesn't know anything… or he just chose to ignore it?He handed me his cell. "Here, ma'am. The landlord is on the other line."I nodded and accepted the cell. "Thanks."I turned my back on them and stared at the kitchen sink as I put the cell against my ear. "Hello?"[Hello, ma'am. I heard you wanna talk to me about the unit.]I nodded. "Uh! Yes."[I guess you're shocked with the price?]I scratched my neck. "Ah! Kinda. 300 bucks per month is very cheap for this beautiful unit."I looked at the realtor and my lips parted when I caught him winking at my husband. Shocked, I turned to Jordan who then looked at me and his eyes widened. I turned to the realtor again and he winked at Jordan again, this time,
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Chapter 23
Jordan's POVSolana gasped as I lifted my arm. She's now in defense state, ready to attack me if I did something beyond her will. Slowly, a smile curved in my lips. I can't resist her adorable charm. She's really something.I wet my lips and stared at her beautiful face. Slowly, I wiped the sweat on her forehead using the sleeve of my polo."Calm down, Solana. I won't do something you won't like," I whispered, trying to calm her down as I can see that she's almost breathless.My eyes wandered all over her flushed face. From panic, I sense she's slowly calming down.I continued wiping the sweat off her forehead. "I'm sorry I forgot to turn the aircon on."She gasped and pushed me away, panicking again. I heard footsteps coming so I turned to the door and saw the pretend realtor entering. I clenched my jaws. I remember how he flirt with me because Solana caught him winking at me. Damn him! He's so freaking creepy! If I didn't know him, I'd probably threw him from this floor because of h
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Chapter 24
Solana's POVI sucked my breath as my heart clenched because of what he said. I know the drug trial is risky. My life and health is at risk so it's normal for him to act like this but why does it hurts so much? Why does it breaks my heart?I stared at his face. His angry face scares me. It makes my heart clenched in combined surfacing anger and fright.Squeezing my eyes closed, I wet my lips and heaved a sigh to calm down. I looked at Jordan again. He was just watching my face with sharp eyes and clenched jaws. I don't know why he's acting this way when we had an agreement about our personal matters."Jordan," I paused and shook my head. I don't have a choice. I have to tell him. "…I need this money, Jordan."He laughed sarcastically after what I said. He put his hands on his waist and faced me again. The anger in his eyes has intensified. "You have work, Solana. Can't you just wait for your salary? Can't your whims wait?"Tears formed in the corner of my eyes after what he said. Whim
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Chapter 25
Solana's POVI felt the electrified heat creeping through my nerves and body as he kissed my neck with combined softness and sensuality. I moaned against my heart as I gripped on his shoulder, supporting my weakened knees.I squeezed my eyes closed. He has completely lifted my dress and I can feel his calloused hands against my soft waist. God! I'm in heat. I don't know why his actions made me forget our argument a while ago. I completely got my mind blank after he kissed me sensually.I shouldn't feel this. No!He moved and I felt his breath against my ear. He suddenly cupped my face and tilted his head after looking at my face. I gasped when he moved closer as he's gonna kiss me.Shocked, I pushed him away but he didn't even budge. I quickly nodded and answered. "Fine!"His eyes wandered all over my face and his lips rose for a smirk. "Fine what?"I swallowed hard. "I-I do what you want. I won't join the trial."He stared at my eyes for a couple of seconds and then he nodded and too
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Chapter 26
Solana's POVI can almost feel his lips against mine so before he finally claimed my lips, I pushed him back on the bed and quickly pulled myself up. I jumped off the bed and rubbed my sweating palms against my pants. Swallowing hard, I bore my eyes to him as he sat on the bed and tapped the space beside him.He lifted his face and met my eyes. "I'm sorry. Sit here, Solana. Tell me why you were screaming."I chewed my bottom lip and scratched my forehead. "Uh…"He heaved a sigh and offered his hand to me. His eyes softened. "Come here, Solana. I won't do it again."I saw the sincerity in his eyes so I nodded and put my hand on his palm. He gently squeezed my hand and pulled me closer. I sat beside him. He smiled and moved back, giving me a comfortable space between us."What happened, Solana?"Gradually, the awkwardness between us faded. I smiled at him. "Well, you remember the design I've been working on for the past few days?"He nodded. "Hmm? What about it?"I grinned even more. "I
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Chapter 27
Solana's POVI can't believe I heard those words from the people who are working under the Muller Group store. We don't afford the price of the clothes here? This is very insulting and I won't let this pass. Not even in their wildest dreams. They're just some random people trying to crash me down with insults and social status. That's something unworthy of my downfall. Screw them for being this judgemental.I've been through hell in the hands of my adoptive parents and sister. Another group of people humiliating me won't crash me down as I am stronger than I look. Never will I let anyone aggrieve me again. Never!I advanced to the two women as they froze after seeing my face. I shot an eyebrow up and looked at them alternatively. "Who can't afford the price?"They looked at each other before looking at me again. One of them glanced at Jordan, who's now looking at them. I saw the lady's eyes change emotions but she immediately shrugged off the attraction towards my husband after perhap
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Chapter 28
Solana's POVJordan gently pulled me and put me behind him as he took a single step, advancing to the Supervisor, intimidating him. His eyes were sharp. His jaws were clenched. Jordan is certainly mad at this very moment and I can't help but to stare at his handsome face, darkened with anger.I wanted to punch the Supervisor's face, but nevermind. I wanna leave here immediately. I can't stand those people looking at us, judging us. God! I badly wanna ruin their grinning lips. They're insulting us too much and this is frustrating the hell out of me.I held Jordan's wrist, determined to leave as I couldn't take it anymore. "Jordan, let's go. I don't wanna waste more time here."If they don't want us, I won't insist. We already fought for our rights. I don't wanna waste any more time fighting with these close minded people.The Supervisor turned to me and laughed. I shot an eyebrow up, ready to speak again when Jordan's fingers intertwined with mine and gently squeezed my hand. I looked
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Chapter 29
Solana's POVWith my still parted lips, I swallowed hard and stared at Jordan's face. His expression was still hard and serious but I know that he's now calm. My eyes averted his gaze when he licked his lips and his eyes flickered with a certain emotion I couldn't name."I'm sorry," he whispered. "Did I scare you?"I looked at him again with a creased forehead. Scared me? I shook my head. "No. You didn't. You confused me, Jordan. How come the Manager seemed so scared of you?"His lips parted. He looked around and faced me again. Squeezing his eyes closed, he heaved a sigh and answered… "H-He knows me. I beat him before and he's scared… of me."My jaw dropped. "What?"He shook his head and lifted his face, avoiding my gaze. "Come on, Solana. Let's just forget about this. He must be scared that I'll do the same thing I did to him back then. I think he doesn't want to taint this store's name, that's why he chose to believe his customers."I palmed my forehead and nodded. I looked at the
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Chapter 30
Jordan's POVI pulled away from the kiss to give her enough time to breath but she followed my lips and claimed mine again. I fought back. I grabbed her nape, pulling her closer as I kissed her deeply, nibbling and licking her addicting lips.F-ck! She's a damn temptation and I can't say no. I think I'd lose my mind if I refused her kisses. I'm just so addicted. This is our first time, but I'm already addicted to her. To her scent. So addicted to her kisses."Hmm! Jordan…" she cried my name, something that made me feel hotter.Oh, yes babe! Moan my name. Just my freaking name. I clenched my jaws and moved away a little. She followed my lips again, intensifying the heat within me.My hands went to her waists. I carried her weight, and put her in my lap. She straddled me and it worsened the heat that's burning me. I hugged her waist as my lips trailed kisses on her neck. She threw her head back, drunk with the kisses."Ohh!" Her moan filled my ears as I licked the skin on her neck.Yes!
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