All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
93 Chapters
Chapter 11
Jordan's POVI was strumming the guitar when I saw Solana approaching me. She gently sat on the couch across from me. Her eyes are sad. She's still obviously bothered about her problems and it's pissing me off big time.Last night, she refused to tell me her problems. She slept the pain away and it's making me so f-cking angry. I want to know what happened, but I don't wanna force her.I clenched my jaw as I stared at her face. She was biting her lip while keeping her eyes on the floor. A few seconds later, she lifted her face and met my eyes."Have you eaten?" She asked in a low tone.I smiled. "I had a coffee and bread. You go to the dining now and eat your breakfast."She shook her head. "I'm not hungry."I shook my head too and pulled myself up. "No. I'll get you a coffee."She looked at me with her lips parted. I just smiled and went to the kitchen. I make a coffee for her and grabbed the bread that Zach bought this morning.I went back to her and gave her the coffee and bread. "
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Chapter 12
Jordan's POVI scratched my head after I accidentally sideswipe the bottle of beers under the kitchen counter. I heaved a sigh and was about to clean my mess when I heard loud footsteps rushing to my direction. On bended left knee, I glanced at Solana who came running with a shock face.My lips parted. Is she worried? The corner of my lips unknowingly rose as I saw worry in her eyes. I pulled myself up and faced her. She looked at the broken bottle of beers.I scratched the back of my head. "Sorry. It was an accident."She looked at me. Her expression screams her emotions. It seems like she doesn't know if she's gonna laugh or what. Eventually, she frowned and looked into my eyes. "Did you drink last night?"I chewed my bottom lip and brushed my fingers against my hair. I shrugged my shoulder and picked the broom and dustpan. "Just a little. I just needed to drink a bit so I can sleep early."She nodded. "Okay. Don't touch the broken glass, you might get hurt."I smirked at her, enjoy
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Chapter 13
Solana's POV"Do I look okay?" I nervously asked Jordan, who's sitting comfortably on the couch. I'm standing in front of him, wearing a simple buttoned blouse and white pants. My heel wasn't that tall and my hair was in a ponytail.Jordan smiled at me. "You look exquisite, Solana."My cheeks heated because of his compliment. I squinted my eyes at him. "Don't flatter me."He chuckled and crossed his arms against his chest. "I'm serious, Solana. You look extremely beautiful. Are you sure you're going to an interview? It looks like you're asking me for a date."My eyes widened at his remark. "Jordan!"His laughter broke like thunder, echoing in the whole house. I frowned at him. He's at it again. He really loves teasing me.He rose from his seat and walked towards me. I swallowed hard as my heart started reacting in a weird way when he tucked some left strands of my hair behind my ear. He smiled at me again. "Goodluck, Solana. You can do it! This time, I know you'd get the job."I blink
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Chapter 14
Stacey's POVI can't believe what I just heard. Clearly, Mr. Merlin didn't call me here for the unjust treatment, he called me here to embarrass me in front of everyone and defend Solana. He's on her side when I'm his employee. I can't believe this. Solana has always been a pain in my ass and even up until now, she's stealing everything that's meant for me.I sucked my breath. This is insane! Mr. Merlin must've something for Solana. That bitch!"Speak, Miss Smith," Mr. Merlin's voice was still cold.I looked at Mr. Merlin with teary eyes. Why is he siding with Solana? He's protecting a mere applicant over his employee when he's rejecting tons of applicants every single day. This is just unreasonable. Defending her is unreasonable. He can just simply stress my mistakes without defending that woman but he's obviously on her side.I sucked my breath, trying to stop my tears as I glanced at Solana. She was looking at me and I know, deep inside her, she's enjoying this freaking show. Did s
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Chapter 15
Jordan's POVI wet my lips and messed up my waxed hair after changing my suit into a shabby and old t-shirt and jacket. I glanced at Zach, who's watching me. He's on the driver's seat while I'm behind him.He actually keeps on glancing at me and it's irritating me. I shot one eyebrow up. "What?""You have a house, sir. A big and beautiful house, so why did you choose to live in that small house?"Pressing my lips together, I looked at the small house in front and heaved a sigh. "Are you insulting my house, Zach?"His eyes widened. "No. Of course not, sir."I pursed my lips and glared at him. "Don't stick your nose in my business, Zach. You can't tell anyone about this, not even to my wife."He quickly nodded at me. "Yes, sir. I understand."I cocked my eyebrow and grinned. "Good. I'll go now, you go home too."He nodded. "Yes, sir."I pursed my lips again and got out of the car. I swayed my hands in the air. "Go go!"I watched him drive the car away and I walked towards the house. I g
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Chapter 16
Solana's POVI giggled after putting lipstick on in front of the vanity mirror. I pressed my lips together and squeezed them. I smiled, showing my teeth and grabbed my sling bag. I turned around, looking at myself in front of the mirror for the last time before leaving the bedroom.I jumped in shock when I saw Jordan leaning against the door of his room. His arms were crossed and he chuckled after I jumped.Frowning, I faced him. "What are you doing there?"He smiled and stood straight. "Waiting for you. I'm gonna walk you to the bus stop again."I smiled and giggled. "Thanks!"He chuckled again. "Excited?""Yes!" I answered, nodding. I heaved a sigh while still smiling. "Though I'm really nervous."He grinned and shook his head. He took a single step forward and tucked my hair behind my ear. "That's normal, but you're amazing, so don't think too much."I felt my cheeks heated. He's so supportive. Yesterday, after the HR called me, Jordan celebrated with me and he was so happy about t
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Chapter 17
Solana's POVMr. Merlin looked at me again with a serious face. I chewed my bottom lip as I recalled how I bumped into him. Is he angry? Gosh! First day sucks!"You're in design team, right?" Mr. Merlin asked and I nodded. He wet his lips and swiftly glanced at Pierce again before fixing his gaze to me. "Are you okay with your team?""Yes, sir," I answered, confused. Why does he sound so concerned?Pierce cleared his throat, so I looked at him. He smiled at Mr. Merlin. "Don't worry, sir. I will assist and help Miss Stone if ever she has a problem. It would be a pleasure to help an excellent designer like her."I chewed my bottom lip and glanced at Pierce because of what he said. He chuckled when he saw my reaction. He's overreacting! I'm just starting and he already has a nickname for me."What? You're a great designer, Sol. I'm telling the truth," Pierce said, defending his claim.I was unable to answer him because Mr. Merlin cleared his throat, drawing our attention. I pressed my li
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Chapter 18
Jordan's POVI can't believe this! She really thinks that that guy was the one who helped her? I clenched my jaws in so much irritation. Was she so fond of that man that she thinks this way? Should I fire that asshole?"Given his family background and his position in the Muller Group, he can do that," Solana added.I rolled my eyes and followed her. She keeps on walking while talking about that man, so I cut her off… "How sure are you? Is he some kind of a royal blood? Does he know the President of the Muller Group?"She blinked continuously and looked at me. Now, I got her attention.She shook her head as her lips protruded. "It's not like that, but his father is a politician. That makes his family powerful."I laughed, mockingly. "Do you think his politician father is enough to manipulate and influence a renowned company's decision? That's totally absurd, Solana."She stared at me for a second or two until she suddenly laughed sarcastically. My forehead creased as I watched her flus
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Chapter 19
Solana's POVI clenched my jaws when Agatha got out of the BMW car and stood in front of me with a mocking expression on her face. She crossed her arms and looked at me from head to toe. Her eyebrow raised as she chuckled and shook her head in disbelief.What the hell is she doing here? She's here to insult me again? Obviously yes, but why the hell is she wasting her time insulting me? Does it really feed her evil fantasies of hurting me? She's unbelievable.I sucked my breath. "What are you doing here, Agatha?"She chuckled. "I'm here to see your face. I really missed you, Solana." Sarcasm is very evident in her voice.I lifted my chin, hiding my emotions. Whenever they're around, I feel like I'm turning into a robot. I clenched my jaws. "I said, what are you doing here?"She grinned sarcastically. "Come on! Chill! I'm here to offer you a ride… only if you washed my new car. You see, my car is very expensive and I saw a dust a while ago, I want you to clean it first before I sent you
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Chapter 20
Solana's POVI'm still staring at Jordan, who's silently sitting beside me. I'm still confused as f-ck, and my curiosity will really kill me if I did not ask him tonight. Wetting my lips, I cleared my throat, drawing his attention.He looked at me. From the angry expression, his face softened until I could say that he's fully calmed down. We brushed his fingers against the soft strands of his hair. "Did I scare you? I'm sorry, Solana."I shook my head and smiled a little. "No, it's fine. I'm actually glad that you defended me, but I'm just confused. How come the driver knows you and why are we sitting inside this expensive and limited edition car?"He scratched the back of his neck and glanced at the driver. He wet his lips. "Well… I got so offended and angry because of your sister, so I texted a friend to help me rent this car, so we can shame your sister and get back at her. Did you see her face, Solana? She's humiliated."I remember Agatha's face and I felt contentment in my heart
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