All Chapters of My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
93 Chapters
Chapter 81
Solana's POV"What happened?" Jordan asked while staring into my eyes. He's obviously worried and he was waiting for me in front of our apartment building.I swallowed hard the same time I poured my courage into words. "I want you to come with me, Jordan. I will tell you something."He nodded as his eyes softened even more. "You're worrying me so much, Solana."I pointed at his motorcycle. "Let's ride your motorcycle. Let's go to the Stone's mansion.""Why?""Just do what I want, Jordan," I said with desperation. I need to teach Lolita a lesson. They f-cking need to realize that I'm not gonna let her or them aggrieve me again.Jordan sighed heavily and nodded. "Wait here. I'll just get the key and the helmets."I played with my fingers while waiting for him. I'm so nervous now. He might get angry but I don't have a choice, besides, telling him the truth will set me free. I don't have to pretend anymore. I can finally say or do whatever I want, freely, without considering acting like A
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Chapter 82
Solana's POVI kept on glancing at Jordan while we were entering our apartment. He locked the door and faced me, making me look away.I cleared my throat. "I-I'm sorry…"He stared at my face, completely silent. I don't know what he's thinking but there's only way I can make up with him. I looked at him and spoke again. "I-I'll leave after I pack my things. J-Just send me the d-divorce papers—""What made you think I'll divorce you?" He asked, irritation is visible in his voice.My lips parted and I swallowed hard. "I l-lied to you."He heaved a sigh and walked towards me. I was moved when he closed the distance between us. He hugged me tight, so tight while kissing my head. I ended up shedding tears again.He caressed my hair softly and whispered… "As long as you want to stay with me, we won't divorce.""W-What?" My breathing hitched."The decision is yours, Solana. If you still want me, nothing will change."My heart raced because of what he said. I hugged him back. I hugged him tigh
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Chapter 83
Jordan's POVI was massaging my nose bridge while biting my bottom lip. I'm inside my office in the company. I kept on thinking about what happened tomorrow. I was really planning to tell the truth to my wife but she got me with her courage of revealing the truth about her. She was so courageous and I wish I also have the courage to tell her now about my real identity. I badly want to tell her the truth but I'm scared and worried. Worried because she still have problems and I don't wanna put more pressure and burden on her. And I'm scared because I know she'll get mad at me because compared to her lies, my lies were heavier.I heaved a sigh and lifted my face when someone knocked on the door thrice. Zach entered after a few seconds. He immediately bowed to greet me and stood before my table."Sir, I already called the CEO's of the Companies that are in partnership with the Stone's family business. They're now contacting the family to terminate the partnership."A smirk curved in my li
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Chapter 84
Solana's POV"So, you love him?"I stared at Martha after she asked those words. I'm here in the hospital with her. She woke up this morning and now I'm back to visit her. It's already 6 PM and I went straight here after work. I texted Jordan that I'll come home late and he said it's okay."I can see it in your eyes, Sol," Martha added and smiled. "So, what's stopping you? Was it me? Don't worry about me too much."I smiled bitterly and looked at her. "I don't know, Martha. I know that I love him, but something doesn't feel right.""You're still thinking about the fact that you're not his supposed wife? Are you feeling guilty? Sol, it's not bad to be selfish sometimes.""I don't know, Martha," I shook my head and heaved a sigh. "I don't know."She smiled sweetly. Her eyes are still showing weakness, but I can see that she's happy. "I wanna meet this man, Solana. I wanna know what kind of man he is."I smiled at her. Of course, she'll meet him soon. I'll make sure of that.It was alrea
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Chapter 85
Solana's POVI was watching Jordan as he prepared the bed. He's been taking care of me ever since I woke up last night in the hospital. He's not saying anything but I know something is going on inside his head. I know him very well. I know he's angry about what happened. Who wouldn't? Even I felt so angry and disgusted. I can still feel those dirty bastard's hands on my body. It's so traumatizing but I'm keeping my courage since I know that Jordan is affected. He must be so worried. Silly me! Of course, he's worried. He loves me. I know. He told me."Come here, Solana. You have to sleep early. Don't think of anything." Jordan's voice was sweet and soothing.I stared at him while I sat on the bed. He pulled the blanket and put it over my body. He sat beside me and looked at me. "Lay on the bed."I shook my head. "I'm not sleepy yet."He nodded and held my hand instead. He caressed them and kissed the back of it. "I'm sorry…""For what?""For coming late."Late. He wasn't late. He came
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Chapter 86
Solana's POVI was standing in front of Robert Stone who's kneeling before me. We're here in the police station to file a case against Lolita Stone and the two guys he paid to harm me. I was expecting Robert Stone to wake up from his senses but I just failed my own hopes. He will never change at all."Please, Sol. Please, please! Forgive your mom. She's still your mom."I looked away as tears pooled at the corner of my eyes. I saw Jordan watching me from afar. He's talking to the Captain but his eyes are on me."Sol…" Robert Stone squeezed my hands, still begging.I looked at him. I was used to hiding my emotions from them, but today, I couldn't hide it. I stared at him with nothing but pain and disappointment."D-Dad…" After so many years, I addressed him like that again and I felt him freeze as his lips parted.Oh, God! Why is it painful to call him that?I laughed without humor and shook my head. "I missed that."He caressed my hands again and kissed them. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry, So
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Chapter 87
Solana's POVI chewed my bottom lip. I want to deny the suspicions in my head. I don't wanna entertain Pierce's words. Hell, I don't even wanna think about it but I'm too scared and confused. I wanna believe Jordan but I haven't heard his side. I don't even know much about him and it scares me more."Sol?"I lifted my face and met Hershey's curious eyes. She immediately went to me. "Are you okay? Why are you still here?"It's already 7 PM and I stayed here in the company to write my resignation letter. I know it's impulsive but if I confirmed the suspicions in my mind and Pierce's words, I will leave. I will need time for myself.Hershey caressed my back. "Are you okay? Your eyes are swollen."I smiled at her and hugged her. "I need to go somewhere, Hershey."She nodded. "Do you want me to accompany you?"I shook my head. Hershey seemed worried but I don't wanna disturb her. I hailed a can to reach the luxurious hotel where Jordan wants to meet me. I kept on swallowing hard. I kept on
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Chapter 88
Jordan's POVI begged Martha Dawson. She's watching me with pity in her eyes but I don't care. I've been searching for my wife for two days and I'm dying of pain and regrets for two consecutive days. I thought I could find her using my power and money, but I was wrong. Money will never work on something priceless.It's so painful. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I can see her in every corner of our house and it's breaking me. It sounds so gay but I'd always end up shedding tears while staring at her spot in our bed.Martha Dawson heaved a sigh. She stared into my eyes. "Jordan, right?"I nodded and sniffed. Damn! I want to cry again. This is insane!She gently caressed my hair. "Jordan, Solana told me everything. She's hurt."I looked down. "I'm sorry.""Solana is a kind woman, Jordan. She must've lied to you but she did that to save me. I was the reason behind everything, so I'm sorry."I shook my head and smiled at her. Damn! She's just as kind as my wife. "You
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Chapter 89
Solana's POV"What took you so long? I'm so excited to dance!" Helena said after I arrived at our meeting place. I smiled at Shun and Hershey."Warren's in the bar already," Shun said, making me crease my forehead."Warren?"Hershey wrapped her arm around my arm. "Warren was the one who suggested a place. He said he's going there with his cousin. OMG, Sol! He said he's gonna introduce us to his guy friends."I just nodded. We rode two taxis to reach our destination. I stared at the newly opened bar while Helena was the one who's paying the taxi fares. I chewed my bottom lip and looked at the man who just entered the bar. He has the same hairstyle as Jordan so I got nervous for a second. Crazy!"Come on! Let's party!" Hershey screamed excitedly.I smiled as she dragged me inside the bar. Shun and Helena followed us.The loud music, disco lights and cigarette's smoke welcomed me. I'm not a party girl, but this place somehow made me smile. I never had the chance to enjoy my teenage life
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Chapter 90
Solana's POV"So, partly, I pretended to be poor so my fiancèe would refuse to marry me," Jordan continued telling me his story.We're on the bed. He's leaning his back on the headboard, while I'm leaning my back on his chest. I was sitting between his parted legs, his arms wrapped around my waist while his hands were resting against my belly."My father's biological family can't accept me and my father can't do anything. In Fact, he's just like Robert Stone. He's like a puppet," he added.I heaved a sigh and started playing with the hair on his arms."Why won't you tell the world that you're the President of the Muller Group? Why are you hiding the fact that you're the son of a respectable businesswoman?" I asked in curiosity."My mom was hated by many for being a mistress, Solana," he answered and paused. "She doesn't want the people to treat me badly. She doesn't want them to look down on me just because she's a mistress. But my father's biological family found out. The only thing
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