All Chapters of Her Feral Professor [ Your Professor Shouldn't Taste You]: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
65 Chapters
Opened To Maggie
"Maggie." I say with a mock serious tone. "More than half the class wants to fuck him. Boys and girls. You are not special in that regards, sorry to break it to you, love." She says. It is one of the traits I find admirable about her. She is straightforward and never minces words. But right now, I had like to shove her honesty back into her throat. I can't stand the thought of not being special to Zane in some way. I want to add the little important detail that we already fucked. Just to be smug and rub it in her face. But I swallow the words. "Oh well." I shrug."What I want to know is Claire's business in all this. That girl's weirdness is of the dangerous type. I don't feel good about her." Maggie is serious again, holding my eyes earnestly. I like that she is worried about me. It makes me feel flattered. I am worried about Claire too. Even more so now, realising that she didn't really forget about me in the past few weeks I have been going out of my way to ignore her. How she
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Zane Is Reassured
Zane POV:"I am so sorry, sir. I got distracted. Here is the file." Alex is breathing heavily, standing in front of me. She smells of sweat and heat and her sweet vanilla perfume still lingers underneath. She clouds my senses even when she is a mess like this. It is incorrigible, the purely chemical reactions she stirs in me on sight. I manage to keep my face neutral. I am not mad at her. How could I ever be? Though I enjoy watching her squirm like this, it is a perverse joy that I can't explain. Without saying anything, I flip through the file, not actually seeing anything because she is all I can see. Her full chest rising and falling discreetly as she tries to hide her panting. Her red full lower lip that she keeps biting. Her gorgeous hair all over her face. The sheen of sweat on her forehead. Did she run here? It is disgusting but I like her all flustered and breathy like this. She is not self conscious and defensive or painfully shy during these moments and I am able to glim
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Mentoring Session D-day
Alex POV:"You seem more fidgety this morning than I know you to be." Penny eyes me suspiciously as I fluff my ponytail over and over again, biting my lips, ruining the lipstick, and applying it over and over again. I am a mess this morning and it is only for one reason. Mentoring sessions are slated to start today. It is a week since the class got responses from their potential mentees. Classes have been rescheduled to make room for the two hour sessions. These mentoring sessions could be held however the mentor wants. Online. Calls. Texts. Mails. In person. There are no limits, really. The point is that the class gets two hours of free period in the morning. Professor Orion told me he preferred physical meetings last week. Of course he will choose the most nerve wracking option, not considering our history. How the hell are we supposed to be together alone for two whole hours and not tear eachother's clothes off? I remember less of his ex-wife's outburst that unfortunate Sunday
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Mentored By Zane
My phone vibrates in my hand as I get on the bus that does back and forth routes from the dorms to the main campuses. I usually walk but I am too nervous to do that without finding myself out of breath by the time I climb the stairs to his office. "Good luck!" It is a text from Maggie with dirty suggestive emojis accompanying the message, the silliness relieves me of my nerves a bit.Over the past week, I have found that I don't regret telling her a bit about my situation with Zane. She teases me endlessly about it at random times but I am able to laugh at the lewd jokes even as I blushed furiously. The guilt has also eased a bit. Maybe I will eventually tell her or not. Time will tell. The bus stops at the department, I get off and it moves along. I couldn't identify that bus in a lineup even if I had to. I turn towards the deceptively squat building and walk in.Like in a trance I find myself standing in front of his office, steadying my breathing, failing at that. I can't deny th
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Mentoring Alex
"Thank you, Zane. I am not even going to bother asking why. I am just grateful." I say and he smiles without showing teeth. I asked him the other day already, there is no need going around in circles. "Good girl." He says offhandedly and yet I blush furiously because of how erotic it sounded to me. A dark vision of me stroking him just to hear that rich velvety baritone of his grunt in my ears moaning, urging me on, flashes across my head and I blush even deeper. "What? Is that too much? Okay, okay, I will stick to just Alex. I am sorry." Zane says, he leans forward because I keep looking down at my shoes and the contrast of the brown leather against the blood red of the rug. "Yeah." I smile though I feel like bolting out of the couch and running away, and to keep running till I am out of his reach. His pull. Before I damn all the restraints holding me back and do something I might regret. I look up at him, he has a gentle teasing smile on his face. I must be the funniest thing he
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Zane's Fighting His Demons
She tries to be the opposite of her actual self in her writings. For example in this poem, I can tell immediately that she is writing about herself, but she warps the character into some cheery extroverted popular teen with lots of friends. It comes off as dishonest and garish. Trying too hard. I read the poems once more.I look up at her pretty face watching me with naked anticipation, and I see for the first time how bad of an idea this was. I don't have the heart to criticise her work. I don't have the right words. I am not cut for these kinds of interactions.I have tried mentoring before. The first and last time. I don't know how to use the kind of words these kids want to hear. I drive straight to the heart of the issue and try to iron it out but they don't see beyond my wording of their flaws, they can't or won't get past it and it all just goes to hell from there. I don't like remembering Shane. But I can't deny that he hasn't filtered into my mind since I accepted Alex's pro
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Started And Ended Badly
I didn't mean to raise my voice. I didn't mean to project all my insecurities from the Shane business on her. I am probably jumping the gun here but I don't care. She drives me crazy. She gets up suddenly, I am still seated and have no intention to get up too. I am too worked up. "Right. I am sorry for putting you in such a tight spot, Sirr" She says, I hear the slight trembling in her voice and I feel even more terrible. "Alex." I get up but she is already at my door. She doesn't look back as she steps out hurriedly, in the defiance of her shoulders, I think I see them shaking but I can't be sure. I sink back into the chair and Shane's face comes back to me, laughing, taunting, I cover my eyes with my hands but he won't go away. ♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎Alex POV:I don't know how I got to the room but I find myself at the door and I push in blindly. I managed to reel in the hot bubbling tornado of tears of embarrassment threatening to spill out of me in torrents since I ran out of his office.
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Visually Avoiding Professor Zane
I sit up, Penny leaves my bed to go sit at her mirror, and she starts moisturising her body like she didn't just drop a bombshell on me. Though I don't even know if I believe her. Because of Tristan's angle. She would believe anything Tristan fed her. But it kind of makes sense, too. Tristan's preconceived hatred and anger of Orion seals it. That can be the only reason. "But that can't be true. If even his parents didn't believe him, how can you?" I say defensively, my tears forgotten, a lump of dread in my throat. No matter how hard I try to picture Zane the way she has painted him, it is hard. There must be a misunderstanding somewhere. "What do parents know about their kids?" She retorts with an all-knowing snort as she goes about putting on underwear. "I don't think you should just blindly believe all Tristan says to you." In my confusion, I feel angry. That fucking Tristan. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Penny stops looking for whatever in her wardrobe to glare at me ov
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After Class
"Ow!" Maggie yells and moves away from me. The people seated around us turn their attention to us and I cringe even more. "Okay class. Today, we are just going to discuss the assignment I gave. We are pretty ahead with our course work and I am proud of that. So, I am going to call someone at random to help us out today." Zane's voice booms from the head of the class. Everybody goes quiet. Even Maggie stops her fidgeting. In moments like this, I am stunned by the deep contrast between this man who commanded attention and respect like this and the man who spoke dirty to me privately. He rarely laughs in class. Yet we laughed together yesterday. I manage to raise my head and our eyes meet instantly, I look away. My heart starts beating. A cold fist twists my insides painfully with awful nerves. Oh God, he shouldn't pick me for this task. I can barely speak to him and he would pick me to speak to the whole class? I guess he must think there should be a difference, but there really isn
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Taking Zane By Surprise
"But, If you are serious about needing my mentoring, then I expect you to show up on Friday with your wits about you. I don't condone emotional outbursts. You didn't even let me actually say anything before storming out of my office. Should I transfer you to someone else? A senior? Would that be better?" I say. I mean to throw it in the mix as a sort of threat. Alex looks up at me defiantly, her startling green eyes blazing with that familiar anger I find so incredibly erotic. I don't know how she pulls me but I find myself inching closer to her or she walks closer to me? I can't tell, but we are suddenly standing too close. Mere inches between us and I remember the bewitching softness of her body from that night long ago in the dark parking lot. Her scent that lingered. "Yes, yes. Do that. Transfer me to a senior. A guy, preferably. I think that would be best so when I experience another of my emotional outbursts, he can take care of me instead of insisting I get a hold of myself.
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