All Chapters of Her Feral Professor [ Your Professor Shouldn't Taste You]: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
65 Chapters
Professor Zane's Class
Alex's POV:"Oh, it is nothing sir! We are sorry." Claire pipes up. The class is so quiet, I can feel all the piercing stares directed at me but I am only concerned about one particular pair of intense dark eyes trained on me the most.Claire had been whispering to me nonstop about some shit I am vaguely interested in since Zane Orion joined the class, five minutes late. Judging by the way she is currently beaming, enjoying the attention from Zane and the whole class, I now understand that she might have been doing it on purpose."Okay." Professor Zane says after a few more tough seconds of silence pass. I can't look up to meet his eyes.It is Monday morning. I still hear the tortured sincerity of his apology from when he called me out of the blue last Friday in my head every time he speaks in this class. I feel like a broken record player already. I should still be mad at him for what his ex wife did to me and how he handled the aftermath of that situation, but I knew it would be ha
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Zane Fights His Inner Demon
Zane Orion's POV:Hearing the applause doesn't quench the angry fire in my chest.The little impudent prick. He doesn't realise I could end his career before he even started. The audacity to question my qualifications. Tristan Bryan. I note the name to memory. I will think of a better way to deal with him.For now, all I want to focus on is Alex. She doesn't seem as mad or unforgiving as she sounded on that call. Just neutral. Annoyingly neutral. But that is what is so bothersome about it. I can't accept nonchalance from her about us. It meant something to me, and it would truly pierce me in the worst way possible if it didn't mean anything to her.That night in the parking lot, her moans, her hot mouth sucking me off, the look in her eyes as she did it, how much cautious we threw to the wind that night. The recklessness. It was new and exhilarating. Just listen to our bodies and make magical love. The momentary madness that took hold of me to invite her to my house for the weekend.
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Claire's Threatens Alex
Alex's POV:Zane has me cornered. My back is against the wooden podium, and he is an air's breath away from me. I can't breathe. All the air in the room, and I can't instruct my lungs to take some in. All my anger peeled away, and I was left defenseless even as I stubbornly held my chin up. Refusing to let him see."Yes. According to your wife." I spit out the words like they are a bitter pill.Zane pauses, does a double take, it is all the time I need to escape and I take it. But I don't make it far before Zane grabs my wrist, spinning me around and I come too close to his body."You mean ex-wife." He says through gritted teeth. Is he angry right now? What right does he have to be angry? I was the one that was humiliated! I don't think I will ever walk down his street for any reason till I leave this earth. That is how bad the shame runs. I can't think of that Sunday without being acutely reminded of my walk of shame down the street."I don't care." I say, the anger slipping out in
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Penny Surprises Alex
I get to my dorm after a thirty minutes walk. I walked instead of taking the bus because I thought it would be good for me to think things through. But it didn't do anything. I just walked the distance in a sort of exhausted rage induced trance.I am worried about Claire. I have never seen anything like that performance she put up with me. It is such a scary thing to think about the repercussions if she spread whatever she saw to the class. I have never dealt with a situation like this before, I am so lost."Oh! Hi." I say to Penny as I enter the room after a tiring walk up the stairs to our room. I was looking forward to a few quiet hours of napping before she came in. It is so surprising to see her in the room after classes. She usually hangs out around the college or even outside around the city with her gang. But here she is, laying on her bed, popcorn in front of her, her laptop playing a film loudly.She doesn't reply. I don't know if she didn't hear me or just doesn't want to
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The Picnic
Zane Orion's POV:"Daddy! We are late!" Lana screams at me as I go back and forth between the car and the house, trying to make sure I have got everything I need for the picnic. She is just five, but she can throw a tantrum that would have me regretting every single bad decision I have ever made in my life if I forgot some essential."We can't be late, princess. It is a picnic. The park will be there anytime we get there." I say as I rush back in to look for one of her tiaras in case she suddenly needs it.The picnic is a little tradition we engage in. Just the two of us. On Sundays. Just before I hand her over to Daisy for the week. I hate this arrangement, this back and forth at such a young age for Lana, but it works for us. I am ashamed to admit that I enjoy it even. It leaves me time to focus on my work as both a writer and a professor. I am grateful that my toxic marriage with Daisy is dissolved.But it doesn't remove from the fact that my heart aches for Lana. She is too young
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Alex Meets Zane Again
Alex's POV:"Hi, Alex. I didn't know you took walks in this park. Meet Lana, she is my princess." Professor Zane says to me as I stand there feeling all sorts of feelings. Prominent of all is that I should have listened to my damn guts when I didn't feel like coming to walk in this park.I don't usually take walks. I am severely unfit. I have not even walked for up to thirty minutes around the park, and I am already out of breath, sweating like I ran a marathon. This walk was a spur of the moment thing. I just needed to leave the room, I was feeling stuffy. Also, Penny has been around more, mopping around and being irritable. I can only guess that things are not going really well with Tristan. I can't stand another moment of her mood swings and loud sad music bouncing off the walls of the room.I also have something to mope and be sad about but mine is better experienced privately because I dare not tell anyone that the reason for my mood swings is because I fucked my professor and h
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Alex Snaps At Zane
Alex's POV:"Alex, I am so sorry. There is no excuse." Zane says, filling in the silence. The sincerity shines bright in his deep voice. I can't look him in the eyes because I am scared of feeling weak by the genuine intensity I will find there. I keep my head straight, like the squealing children have suddenly become interesting to me."Right." I say, my voice is low, and I hate the vulnerability I hear in it. Fuck. He can't know how weak I feel on the inside. How easily he gets to me. I pick up the golden leaves on the floor around the mat, and I pick at it mindlessly, still maintaining the absence of eye contact."Alex." Zane says when I don't say anything more. He doesn't know that there is a lump lodged in my throat and that if I speak, I risk sobbing."Alex, look at me..." He says quietly, and he moves an inch closer to me. We are sitting close but not suspiciously to anyone who might be watching. His crazy ex-wife, for example. I dread coming across Daisy ever again. Mostly bec
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The Mentor Reveal
Alex Pov: "Okay, that will be all. Have a great day guys." The tall thin language lecturer wraps up her lecture after answering a couple of questions from the class. The class doesn't move or make a sound as she leaves. We are all waiting for something together with bated breaths. It is mid semester already, the time seems to have flown past but not for me. I noted every single passing week since that afternoon in the park with Professor Orion and his daughter. It has been four weeks of some kind of clarity for me. I am able to focus on my studies, classes and activities outside of my studies. I stopped taking walks in that park as a precaution but I joined a pottery class and that is as far as my extracurricular activities go. I also attend a debate club once a week. I managed to find a new friend in class. Maggie. She is nice and quiet with a sense of humour that catches one off guard. I like her. I hope she likes me as much. I rarely see Claire in class except on days we
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Mentor Reveal
Maggie sits patiently beside me as the class starts moving out. Some minutes pass by, I am sweating, and I still can't bring myself to type my name. Because I am afraid of the result. Things have been normal, or at least close to what normal should look like between us since the Park incidence. We have done our quiet best to act normal. I know I have. If he accepted my proposal, it would confirm everything we have tried not to talk about for weeks. In a way, it would. If he rejected my proposal, it would be the same thing. There is no winning. Then why the hell did I pick him? Because I couldn't imagine myself mentoring under anyone else. Fourteen year old Alex wouldn't forgive me for being a coward. It is all I have ever wanted. Mentoring under him would open doors for me. People always thought that writing is just talent. Nobody except those in the industry fully understands the hardwork that goes into perfecting the craft just like almost any other profession. You might have a
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"That," Maggie points at the door with an angry pointed finger, I notice she is flushed in the face, she is pretty worked up, I have never seen her get this worked up over anything, Maggie is always chill and almost never takes anything seriously, I feel flattered, "that wss more than just crazy. Why is she so angry that Professor Orion picked you?" "Because he didn't pick her." I say calmly, in a tone that suggests that it was a pretty straightforward deduction. I am not being totally honest, but I can't help it. "Right." Maggie says and starts packing her stuff. She wants to leave and I don't know if I should follow her. We usually go to the cafe around the corner from the department to hang out and spend the afternoon, studying or working on an assignment or just chatting. "I mean, yeah. She is just a really weird girl and she is crazy about Professor Orion. You also noticed she only attends his classes, looking like a hooker and being all chirpy throughout his lectures." I say,
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