All Chapters of Her Feral Professor [ Your Professor Shouldn't Taste You]: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
65 Chapters
Foul-mouthed Alex
Alex POV:Oh. My. God!I lost my mind! What possessed me? I have gone crazy!I yell in my head as I walk down the hallway, needing to escape as quick as I can. But escape from what? From who?From the reckless girl who did all that with Zane in the empty lecture hall. What was that about? Oh God. My neck is still hot where he rested his stubbled chin on. I can still smell his strong cologne of quiet masculinity. Dark notes of rain washed woodsy forest. It is hard to note but it is so overpowering in a particularly quiet way. My body is still humming, thrumming like something alive and hard is still pressing against my ass. My chest is still heaving and when the bright morning sunlight hits me in the face, I squint against its harsh glare, momentarily confused. I have been walking in a daze. Feeling like I have been possessed by another entity. One fueled by jealousy and lust. I know what pushed me was the jealousy I felt because of Claire's brilliant composure of herself with him
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Going After Zane
Alex POV:"No, mom, I won't be coming home for the break." I say for the third time into my phone as I make the twenty minutes walk to campus. To the department. To Zane Orion's office. It is Friday and my mother all the way over in Boston has decided this crucial moment in time is the best time to call me and nag about our fragile mother daughter relationship. "And I don't understand why?" She retorts over the phone. The same thing she has repeated for the last three times I have told her I would not be coming home for the break that is still at least a month away. "Mom, I gotta go now. We will talk later." I say into the phone when the tall grey building of the creative writing department comes into view. "Alexander! Don't you dare cut me off." My mother yells at me over the phone. Because of the distance between us, the yell doesn't carry as much weight. I could almost laugh. "Okay. What were we talking about? Though I have to let you that you are making me late to my mentorin
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Zane Made The Move Instead
I push the door open and walk in, my eyes find him immediately at his desk. He is seated in a relaxed stance, the top three buttons of his shirt is undone, revealing a chest dotted with wiry smooth hair, his square chin is cleanly shaved and his deep set eyes watch me watch him from under those long lashes. I try to catch my breath as I walk to the couch in the centre of his large office, I hear his chair scrape back as he follows me to the seating area. Every part of my body thrums with anticipation. I place my totebag on the coffee table and pull out my notepad, Zane sits opposite me, I can't read the look on his face because I can't fucking look up into his face but I can feel the intensity of his eyes on my every move. I feel like I can't breath. "Hi, Professor Orion. Where did we stop?" I say after clearing my throat. Zane cocks his head at an angle at me, amusement stretching those perfect smooth lips of his. God, I am totally staring and he can tell. "Uh, let's see. I am c
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Pleasuring Alex
"Caught your breath?" He asks, voice low and deep as sin. "I...I...I think so.." I stutter, Zane grabs my hips and pulls me closer to the edge of the couch so my back leans further down, a more comfortable position, but also really vulnerable because now I won't be able to move away from him if I need to. He is taking control. Dominant and so fucking hot. When his tongue sucks me into his warm mouth this time around, I try to be prepared, I hold my breath to keep from screaming but I don't last. I pulse uncontrollably between his lips and even though my legs are held tightly in his hands, they start shaking. My body is not in my control anymore. I am his and he knows it. I am so close. It is both terrifying and exhilarating. Pleasure wounds me up so tightly, I feel like a coil stretched too taut. Like a ticking bomb. So intense. Zane laps at my flowing juices hungrily, his tongue flicking against my swollen oversensitive clit, my fingers in his hair tighten, my eyes roll to the ba
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Zane & Alex Intimacy
"No. But it was a factor." Zane says, bright strong teeth flashing at me. "Great answer." I say, smiling up at him like a lunatic. I feel satiated, I almost feel like I don't remember what it feels like to be stressed. My brain is still foggy, still in the throes of my intense orgasm. "I thought as much. Now, have you caught your breath enough for me to make you lose it again?" Zane lifts off me, his elbows digging into the bed on either side of my head, my heartbeat quickens but my body tingles in anticipation. "I think so." I whisper and Zane smirks at me, his hands travel down my body, grabbing at soft flesh and caressing with the right amount of pressure to strum my body to the point I need. When his thumb presses against my wetness, I arch my back and moan out loud, awakened all over again. "I like that you stay wet for me." Zane says, he pins down to kiss my neck, nibbles on the sensitive skin, he will leave an hickey and I don't mind. My body is his. " not somethin
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Aftermath Of Sex
I lean up, sweat film pooling on my forehead, her sweet scent mixed with her sweat is too heady for me, I still have her taste on my tongue, the murkiness of it shoots directly to my brain, intoxicating me so I feel like a savage animal on heat for his one mate. I lift her legs high so they go over my shoulders, giving me a better angle to thrust, I don't waste any time before I am moving inside her with sharp, calculated strokes. Her breathing becoming shallow, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, her fingers pushing at my hips at interval as I increase the force of my thrusts, all tells me that I am doing something right. I keep at it, switching the tempo and sharpness of each stroke, timing it so I hit every single crevice inside her, the tip of my cock brush against her g-spot and I focus solely on that spongy spot inside her hot dripping cunt. She is so tight. It makes me go dizzy with absolute euphoria. "Zane...Za-aanee...fuck. oh.. please..I c-can't..." Alex thrashes
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Uninvited Visitor
What is my life right now? Is this a fucking dream? It doesn't feel real. "Ha." I try to laugh but I am too nervous. I pull my legs up and wrap my arms around them as Zane gets off the couch. "Oh. Forgive my manners, Alex. I will get you a towel to clean up." Zane says when he sees me hugging my knees like a psycho, eyes searching for my clothes on the floor. He doesn't wait for me to reply before hurrying out of the office. There is some nervous energy about him, and I really hope I am just projecting my self consciousness. He seems like his usual self, like what just happened didn't, or like it was completely normal. I don't know what to think but I know I have to get out now. I don't know the cause of the sudden emergency but I feel like if I don't get out right now, I might suffocate. I grab my clothes off the ground, put them on as fast as I can. I can't find my underwear, but I don't waste any time searching for it. In the next second, I'm dressed, I comb my hair as best as
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Unusable Of Daisy
"Girl, we have got to stop meeting like this." Daisy says with a smile, her eyes doesn't trail down my body in disgust like that Sunday morning. I am so stunned, I don't even remember to pull up the robe, I stand there, frozen, watching her as she walks further into the room. It is like time has stopped and I am watching an horror scene unfold. My bloodstream gets flooded with alarm, my brain screams at me to do something, anything aside just standing here, but I can't act. "You guys know eachother? Are you related?" Penny asks and the absurdity of that question drags me to consciousness. Harshly. I draw in a sharp breath, I pull the robe and wrap it tight around my body. "Uhm, hi, Daisy. Uh. Sorry, uh, what are you doing here?" I stutter, water from my wet hair drips down my shoulder, I am cold and hot at the same time. My dread is even all the more heightened because of what I had just been doing with Zane. They are divorced, but I don't think Daisy accepts that. "I wanted to ha
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An Unsettling Feeling
"Oh well. That is all I came for. I am sorry I scared you by dropping in unannounced like this, but I have been putting it off for the longest time, I just had to get it out of the way." Daisy says, her face is clouded over with disappointment and hurt. She sees my hesitation to accept her apology as sincere, and she doesn't seem to like it.Well, tough fucking luck. How am I supposed to just believe her wholeheartedly after that stunt she pulled? She really seemed unhinged that day. I was genuinely scared for my life as I did the walk of shame down their street. My entire body shook with my fear. Her outburst gave me PTSD for weeks. It has been how long since then? Four? Five? Six weeks? Is that long enough for such a change in character? I don't know and I don't care to find out. "Wow." I say. I slip my shaking hands in my pockets. "Yeah." Daisy gives me a small self conscious smile. She parts her shiny hair, pushing a lock behind her ears, I note the nervous gesture. I don't eve
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Alex Tilt Zane Over The Edge
Zane Orion's POV::I should have just cancelled this class. I think about it for the hundredth time as the clock ticks away slowly. I prepared a class activity where I put the entire class in groups of five each for a quick presentation lasting three minutes maximum. The last group is almost done, I can't continue stealing glances at my watch. My lack of concentration is apparent and I know the students are aware and hence not taking their presentations as serious as they should. But I can't even be bothered. I will ask them to score themselves and collate the marks. I do my utmost best to avoid Alex. It is impossible. Her group was the first to do their presentation, she seemed like her normal self, gorgeous, fucking erotic without even being aware of it. No inkling of guilt whatsoever about what she did. Running away from my office after we had sex last week Friday. Today is Tuesday. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for five days now. When I returned with the warm
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