All Chapters of Her Feral Professor [ Your Professor Shouldn't Taste You]: Chapter 61 - Chapter 65
65 Chapters
Zane Warns Daisy
She is a good enough mother in that she is affectionate and does her best with Luna, but she doesn't share my sentiments about raising a kid in an environment with two parents who don't hate eachother. She grew up in a foster home with other foster kids where the guardians didn't care much for them asides the monthly government checks it afforded them with, but she claims she turned out well because she became a doctor and all that, whilst every single one of the other kids got hooked on drugs or one vice or the other. Basically, it is a considerably huge feat she accomplished, managing to get out of that life and make something for herself. But there was something fundamentally wrong with her. She keeps it masked, but it becomes clear when you get close enough. I can't believe it was that peculiar darkness that drew me to her in the first place. She was my muse. It was great while it lasted till I unveiled the real woman behind the mask and she hated me for it. She didn't even gi
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Alex Is Worried About Zane
I hear Luna's small footsteps bounding up the walkway, I look back and she hugs my leg tightly. "Daddy, daddy, the tea is getting cold." She says, looking up at me with disarmingly innocent eyes. "Oh princess, I was just about to come in." I say, I glance at Daisy whose face is kept neutral. Our conversation is nowhere close to being settled and I suspect it wouldn't be. I have to act without the delusion that I can talk sense into her. I don't know what I was thinking, believing we could settle this amicably. "Say goodbye to your mom." I say, patting Luna's hair. Fairy soft and clean. "Goodbye mommy." She says."Bye Princess, be a good girl for daddy and I will see you on Sunday." Daisy leans down to give her a kiss on the mouth and she doesn't spare me a glance before getting into her car and driving off. I stare at the moving car and Luna's small arms tight around my calf feels like a noose around my neck. What am I going to do? ♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎Alex POV::I can't put a finger to it
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Alex Goes To Meet Zane
Maggie snaps her fingers in front of my face, arresting my attention and bringing me back to the present. I blink at her dumbly. She frowns at me. The class is almost empty, we have another lecture at 3p.m. but people want to go have lunch before coming back. I guess. I spot Claire making her way up to my spot, I tense up instinctively, I haven't heard from or seen her since Thursday and I remember that Maggie told me she was peeping in that day and might have seen something. I don't feel like dealing with her mental bullshit today. Even the blind can see that Zane is uninterested in her. She embarrasses herself in class, pandering for his attention. Maggie follows my eyes and her face twists into a fierce protective glare, Claire ignores her, she comes to a stop in front of my desk and glares at me with an intensity that I might have found funny and childish if I wasn't already very tense. "What do you want?" Maggie asks, her tone sharp and very confrontational. Claire ignores her
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Alex Begs Zane
Anticipatory, stupid with lust, I am so wet, it is almost embarrassing. How easily my body responds to him. All I need is a look from him, and I am thirsty. Ready. Needy and shameless. Wild. I love it, but it scares me. Who is this girl? Who is this Alex that is so sensual, she is bracing against a desk with her tongue in between her teeth, blind with lust? Zane's huge hands fumble with my jeans for a second, and then he is dragging them down along with my thin underwear, his breathing raggedy and desperate behind me. Even though I am arched, waiting, salivating, his hands on my hips, fondling my cheeks apart, his two fingers slide around my center, softly caressing it, make me tremble.I heard him take a sharp breath as his finger parted my pussy lips, " You have a beautiful pussy" Zane said, and I swallowed hard.I gasp when his finger slide around, playing with my wetness, " I love the way you keep it slightly hairy, like a beautiful garden " he said, and my legs shook.I gasp wh
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Zane Takes Alex
Zane enters me with one fluid movement, I gasp, I hear his audible exhale behind me, he is so hard and thick inside me, I lose my breath, clenching around his length. "Fuck. Fuck. Alex." Zane hugs me tight, our bodies conjoined so intimately, we could be one body. I can't catch my breath so I resort to breathing with my mouth, embarrassingly loud but it doesn't matter because Zane is holding me tight and doing the same thing. We stay like that for some time. Maybe a couple of seconds, but it feels like a lifetime. I try to remember if I locked the door when I walked in, but it's hopeless, nothing tangible or meaningful comes to mind. The room is not hot but a bead of sweat appears on my forehead, Zane's warm breaths at my ear. Then he starts moving and I am transported to an even higher precarious height where everything is hot and warm and feels too good to be true. My eyes roll to the back of my head, Zane brings a hand to my neck, pulling me back into his hard strokes, choking m
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