All Chapters of Her Feral Professor [ Your Professor Shouldn't Taste You]: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
65 Chapters
Intimate with Professor Zane.
I can't hide my proud smirk as I watch Zane in the throes of his climax. His head is thrown back, and his Adam apple bobs as he breathes sharply in the darkness surround us. His fist in my hair is tight, but I don't mind. I swallow and get up on shaky legs, I am sure my knees are bruised, but I don't care. It is worth it.To watch this dark mysterious man lose himself like this. It makes me feel giddy with an untamed ego. So this was what it felt like to be a woman with the power to make a man lose control."You." Zane says, his baritone is scratchy, and his eyes are even more darkly intense. It makes me momentarily scared in the darkness, but I know this man won't hurt me."Yes, me." My smirk is uncontrollable. I lean into him, and he takes my mouth with a gentle kiss. My mouth hurts from the oral I just gave him, he was so fucking huge, I overstretched my lips around him. But with the way he is kissing me gently like this, I would gladly bruise my mouth to hell for him again and ag
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Wanting Alex More
Zane Orion POV:Alex is loud with her climax but I don't mind because I am right behind her. With a couple more savage thrusts and her tight pussy walls clenching mercilessly around me, I come undone too.We rend the quiet night air with our moans and it is the most erotic thing I have ever heard. I hold onto her tight and she hugs me so close, our skin meld together, still connected in the dark. We stay like this for what feels like a lifetime.I was a bit hesitant about doing this here but she peeled away my restrictions when she sucked me off and made me bust like that. I lost all sense of control when she went on her knees in front of me. Those bewitching eyes casting a spell on me."Fuck, that was insane. Fuck, Alex. You are a dangerous little cunt, aren't you?" I say, as I lift my head off her heaving chest. We have to get out of the open at some point.She smiles at me from under her long lashes, her cheeks are flushed a deep red, her face is a picture in the dark night I see c
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In Zane's Apartment
Alex POV:I have only seen the exterior of Zane Orion's bungalow online, but I never once imagined I would ever see the interior. I only admired it from afar like the millions of his fans who love him.It is a quaint house, with minimalist interior decor and a lot of plants and a lot of fully decked bookshelves dotting almost every free wall space.I never pegged him as a plant dad. Another side to him I don't know about and yet I am here to be fucked silly by him. His mystery adds to his overall appeal. He is so hot, I can't possibly stay away.I look around the quiet living room as he goes into the kitchen to get me a glass of water. I don't know if I can even qualify it as a living room, it is just a living space. There is a huge TV but I get the sense that it is rarely on. Maybe it is just there for when his kid is around.I still feel sore from how he fucked me against his car just over an hour ago. And yet I want more. Tonight, we are not professor and student. Just two people w
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Making Out With Alex
Zane Orion POV:"I see two fucking hot people." Alex whispers eventually in between gasps and quiet moans.I need her to say it. To see it. Since we walked into my house and seeing it through her eyes, I have felt self conscious about her age. It gnaws at me that she was so young. I almost asked her to leave instead. I don't know where the hesitation is coming from.Watching her through the mirror helps sharpen my focus. She is fucking hot. And she is here because she wants me too. I have to remember that. To help with the background guilt. Fuck.Why did it have to be her?I slide my middle finger inside her and she throws her head back with a sharp moan, giving me access to kiss her neck better, I take it. When it comes to pleasuring Alex, I can multitask quite easily.I will never tire of feeling her tight cunt clench around my finger. It is like a drug in my system, the rush it gives me."Open your eyes, Alex. Watch us. Look at how fucking hot we look." I whisper into her ears and
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Caught Redhanded
Alex POV:I wake up to being wrapped around Zane's arms. We are cuddled tight together on the couch, and I am naked. He has his white briefs on, and we are covered with a thick duvet. I don't even remember falling asleep last night.Fuck, last night. We were hot as fuck together. I am sore but the pain is pleasant. If he wants to take me again right now, I would gladly offer myself to him."Where do you think you are going?" Zane whispers, his sleep laden voice is so fucking hot. He holds me closer against his warm hard chest making my escape impossible."I am parched." I say, and he lets me go. His eyes are still closed. I take a second to admire this stunning man. He looks less like a sex expert in the morning light compared to last night. His features soften with sleep. It is a remarkable switch. But he is still darkly handsome even when vulnerable like this. I wonder what I look like. Probably like a train wreck. But I don't mind because I know Zane wants me in any way I present.
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Alex's Mom Confront Her
I do the walk of shame down the street, putting a safe distance between me and the house. But not before Lana sees me from her mother's car parked a few blocks away from their bungalow. She presses her face against the glass, huge hazel eyes like her father's, and follows my shameful movements. I can't stand her innocence. It makes the shame burn more acrid.Thankfully, the street is quiet. It is not a rich neighborhood per se, but it is comfortable with its simple bungalows and family-friendly apartments. Well tended lawns and colorful front porch gardens. I feel sorely out of place as I trudge down the smooth, paved street in Zane's oversized shirt, and the hem of my dress pulled down to act as a makeshift skirt. I am shaking, and it is not from the weather.This kind of low is foreign territory to me. I can't believe what just happened in there. Every time I remember the anger in Daisy's face when she lunged at me, fully intending to hurt me physically, a chill runs down my spine
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Alex Mom Advices.
"What? What are you talking about, Mom?" I can't keep my voice from shaking. Mom has the worst timing I've ever encountered in a person before, and here she is, cementing that fact."I know you chose NYU because of him." Mom says calmly over the phone.Oh my God. Oh my God. I want to scream."Oh my God, Mom. What is this? How do you know about Zane?" As I ask the question, the answer forms in my head.Fuck! I knew I had forgotten something when I was packing for college. She must have stumbled on the diary I kept when I was fifteen and discovered him for the first time. Oh God. I wrote some crazy things in that damn book."How else? I read your diary." She says."You are not supposed to read that!" I scream, I didn't expect to sound this shrill, but a cold sweat has broken out on my back.I know it is completely irrational to think she must already know what happened just a few hours ago, but my mind is beyond rational thoughts at this point. I am so strung tight that I fear I might u
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Here Comes Zane
Alex's POV:"Come on, Alex. We will be late." Penny says, it is the third time she will be repeating the same thing and I am still no where close to being ready to leave the room. To attend that class today. To see Zane Orion again. It is the first class he would be holding since the incident that happened at his house on Sunday. Today is Friday.He cancelled his previous classes since Monday, there was some talks about that being weird since he never cancels on classes. Ever. People shared gossips and speculations, each one being more insane than the last. Since Zane Orion was a pretty private person, nobody had concrete gossip. We just knew he wasn't available.And I have driven myself insane wondering what it all meant. Why was he missing classes after what happened? What did Daisy do? Or rather, what did she not do?I have been anticipating the apocalypse since Sunday. Been waiting for the roof to fall on my head. For the storm to hit. I hear her loud angry voice yelling that sh
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Jealous Much? Alex
"Claire! My name is Claire, Professor Orion." The girl beside me breathes, blushing and visibly excited at having caught the professor's attention. The lecture hasn't even lasted for thirty minutes, and I already feel a clawing anxiety. Zane is not looking at me. It is not like I expected his attention to be on me, but there is a coldness in the way he avoids even looking in my general direction. I can't read him because I can't fucking see him even though he is right in front of me. He has shrouded himself in that familiar mask again. He allowed me only a tiny peak behind his shields but it is back up now. Unyielding than usual. "Okay, Miss, what was your question?" Zane asks Claire who is standing beside me so there's no way he can continue not meeting my eyes but I seem not to know the man because he manages just fine. No other person in the classroom would understand or even notice what I feel, but it is there and it is undeniable. Professor Zane is ignoring me. "Okay sir.
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Zane's Little Regret.
Zane Orion POV:I feel like complete shit. Like an asshole. I didn't come in today with the intention to ignore Alex, but as soon as I stepped into the class and caught her startling eyes watching for mine, I panicked.And it all went downhill from there. Quietly. Privately. A battle between just the two of us in the full classroom. One, I failed woefully. I couldn't face her after the way she left my house the last time. And I was the careless one who brought her in. I really don't know what I was thinking. I guess I simply wasn't thinking at all. I was the one at fault. And yet she bore the full brunt of it. I can't look her in the eyes without feeling my guilt lodge itself in my throat."Professor Orion?" The girl in front of me says, pulling my attention away from the closed door Alex just walked through. I look down to see that I am squeezing the book in my fist. This is the first edition of my first ever published book. I loosen my hold."Oh. Yeah. Here you go." I do the autogr
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