All Chapters of Her Feral Professor [ Your Professor Shouldn't Taste You]: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
65 Chapters
Behind Classroom Door
Alex POV:Zane pulls my chin up with his thumb, and his mouth crashes against mine in the next second before I can even take in a deep breath to prepare. He kisses me long and hard, deepening the kiss without any preamble, his tongue find solace in my mouth, I try to match his fervour but it is a losing battle, I am unfairly outranked, the kiss is so passionate, it takes my breath away. Squeezes me absolutely dry of it. He crushes me against his body, hard lines molding against my soft ones. Fiery passion erupts in my core before I can remember where we are. Right in front of the class. Exposed. Open. Reckless. Dangerous. Anyone could walk in. I don't even know if Claire locked the door behind her. Knowing that crazy bitch, she might even be lurking at the door. I don't think Maggie would be around to save my ass this time around. I push at his chest, trying to pull away from the kiss, but Zane wraps a hand behind my neck, the other around my waist, holding me tight and secure aga
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Reckless Passion
My back is against the wall, my legs wrapped tight around his waist as he pumps wildly inside me. I have never had him be this out of control, he thrusts with a dizzying kind of hunger. Leaving me grasping on to illusions, fairy lights exploding behind my eyes as I try to hold on. But my grasp on reality slips regardless. I can't keep up. We are both moaning loudly, not a single care in the world. And I love it. I love who I become when I am with him. And I like who he becomes when he is with me. It has been almost three months of knowing him, I can totally see the difference. Claire is not wrong in believing he gives me special treatment. He does. And he doesn't even care to be subtle about it. As reckless as that is, I love it too. It feels good to be treated specially for once. It feels very nice. I can't even be modest about it. "You remember now?" Zane grunts against my lips, his hips working tirelessly as he thrusts into me, he switches the angle but never the tempo, I feel
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Opening Up To Zane
"Daisy? Why?" The tension is apparent in Zane's features, the switch up is scaring me. It drags me off my orgasmic high cleanly. "She came to my hostel last Friday." I try to sound cool about it but I hear the trembling in my voice. "What? Are you okay? What did she do?" Zane jumps off the desk, he looks me over with a pained look on his face, I am touched by his concern but it also scares me. He obviously knows Daisy better than I do, so if he is this worried about her visit, I should be too. "I am fine. Relax." I attempt a chuckle, but Zane doesn't return the smile, he doesn't even acknowledge my plea for him to relax. His hazel eyes darken behind their deep sets, he doesn't look pleased at all. "What the hell though, Alex? It is Tuesday! How come you didn't tell me immediately?" Zane pulls a hand through his hair. His entire body is tensed, I can't reconcile this man with the one that just fucked my brains out and wiped me dry after with a kiss. He seems entirely different. Wh
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Zane's Realization
Zane Orion POV::By the time Alex tells me about Daisy asking her if we were dating, I had heard enough. My blood boiled with barely contained rage. Daisy was sending a message to me. But she has crossed the fucking line. Messing with Alex like that. Alex puts on a brave face talking about how surprised she was to see her at her door, but I can tell she was very shaken. Every single new detail that she adds only makes me angrier. On the surface, Daisy's visit could have come off as innocent, but I know her, nothing is ever as it seems with Daisy. I don't want to alarm Alex by asking her if she can move out of her dorm room and stay off campus so Daisy can't trace her location, but it is something I feel very strongly about. I suddenly feel very anxious about Alex moving around on campus. Daisy is at the teaching hospital but she has shown that the distance is not an issue. "So, I didn't know what to think and believed I should tell you first." Alex says, she straightens her back so
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Maggie To The Rescue
Alex POV:I decide to walk back to my hostel instead of taking the shuttle. I am pumped full of a mix of conflicting emotions. Extreme happiness. Zane just sort of kind of made our relationship official. It is crazy to even think about. I have to keep the squealing voice in my head suppressed with all my mental strength, it almost makes me dizzy. Extreme anxiety. Zane believes his ex-wife is a psychopath. That is the only explanation. Because in spite of the evidence to the contrary, a part of me can't seem to grasp the fact that Daisy's visit wasn't all innocent. She came to check in us through me. Hence that last question. I don't know what is scarier; that I could be gullible enough to let her in and believed her wholeheartedly, or that she still had me in mind after all these weeks. That she knew my hall of residence, up to my room number. And she actually showed up with that whole innocent repentant charade. Then more bliss. From the sex against the wall. Zane was dark and do
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Surprise Visit
"Alex," Maggie moves fast ahead so she is facing me, and she walks backward, "Give me the full story. I literally just saved your life, Claire would have torn into you, both figuratively and literally, that bitch is crazy. I think I deserve as much." She says, her eyes narrowed comically at me. "What full story?" I say, doing the worst deflection I could manage. I yawn, Maggie frowns at me. "Don't you dare give me that." Maggie says, she grabs me by the shoulders and shake. I just laugh. I am deliriously tired that my dread at the possibility of Claire seeing us kiss, or how dangerous my recklessness was, diminishes. I will freak out about this later. I just need to lay down now. My body is still reliving my explosive orgasm. "Okay. I will tell you, though I have to warn you, there isn't much to it anyway." I say as we walk around the bend that brings my hall of residence to view. Maggie's dorm is down the road. A few blocks after mine. "Fuck that. That is what you always say. Wh
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Painful Memories
"There is nothing wrong. I had the opportunity to attend a seminar outreach for psychiatric nurses here in New York. If you had returned my call from two days ago, you would have known I was going to show up." She says, frowning at me. I shrink under her scrutinizing stare. It is irrational but I feel like she can see through all I have done these past few days. With Zane. I feel my guilt shining through my consciousness. "Oh." I say, biting my lip. I didn't remember to return that call even though I told myself that I would. I stopped checking her texts because she was always sending me cringy, most times, weird videos from the internet. "Laura is fine, she is with your aunt. It is just a two days trip. I am going back tomorrow morning." She says, she wipes a nonexistent stain off her pencil skirt. We watch each other and then other things in the room, at a loss of what to say next. We are usually like this. With a lot to say and yet saying nothing. "Okay. Good." I say, I sneak a
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Right Question, No Answer
"Okay. Sorry." I say, suddenly tired. I feel defeated. I am nineteen, I can't continue throwing tantrums at my mom for doing her best for us when she also had her life turned upside down when she lost her life partner. I don't know if she dated after dad. I don't even know if she has anyone in her life now. I feel ashamed that I know really little about her. "That is okay. I just want to know you are doing okay. You are so far away from home, I think of you always. You know I hate travelling, but I agreed to come for this seminar because I knew I could come see you. No matter how briefly." Mom says, her voice unnaturally soft. I look up at her, her face is a mask but I can see her stern eyes are gentle and her stare is not as intense as I am used to."I am doing fine." I say and avert my eyes so she couldn't read the truth. I am doing fine because of my new relationship with Zane but I am also doing dreadfully, because of him. I have Daisy to worry about. Claire also. And then mayb
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Zane Meets Daisy.
"Ugh, yeah, I guess." She says, looking from me to my mom who is staying quiet and watching us like she is studying something interesting. "Mom, we have debate club." I say pointedly. "I get it." Mom says, her tone carries the lightly veiled threat that we are not done with this conversation. I am just glad to be saved from it tonight. And since she is flying back home tomorrow, I should be safe for a while. Maggie sits on the edge of my bed, she pulls out her phone and gets busy, avoiding my mom's piercing judgy gaze. I busy myself with putting on my jeans and top. I am done too soon. "Uh, I don't know. Mom, where are you staying?" I say as I bend down to put on my boots. There is no polite way to ask her to leave after she came all the way to see me. I feel terrible but I know worse is in store for me if Maggie slips and Zane is mentioned in her presence. "Oh, I am at the Carlton. It is about twenty minutes from the hotel, I walked. I intend to walk back." Mom says. "Oh, okay.
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Zane Confront Daisy.
"Daddy!" Luna shrieks, running into my arms as soon as she sees me standing in the den. I pick her up and hold her tight, breathing in the sweet warm coconut of her hair. "My princess." I say, pressing a kiss to her temple. She giggles, hugging me tight around the neck. My heart melts. Most of my nervous energy dissipates for a moment, then Daisy walks in and I feel an odd sense of foreboding at the perfectly neutral look on her face. "Hi." She says cordially. "Hi, how was the drive?" I reply. Keeping things neutral. It is a rule we have. Never to fight or argue heatedly in front of Luna. This is most important to me. I already feel like a failure about the divorce and having to raise her in two homes. It is of the utmost importance to me that she never witnesses us coming for eachother. I grew up with two people who couldn't stand each other and I would rather die than let my own child go through the same thing. I was willing to put up with the failing marriage as best as I could
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