All Chapters of Married To The Billionaire Devil : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
62 Chapters
Chapter 11: Cruel fate
Candy swallowed hard at his words. He was telling her to hold his hair again? She reached for his soft hair again and he returned his lips to her chest.His lips parted and captured her breast. This time, Candy let her moans out freely. He hovered over her and kissed her neck, at the same time positioning himself at her entrance.His thrust came hard. Candy's body jerked, and she whimpered at the pain. Another thrust came without wasting a second. He was hitting her deep, not giving her the chance to breathe."Easy... please!" She dug her nails into his back. It seemed her pleas fell on deaf ears because his thrusts came harder. In the next moment, she reached her climax.Flipping her body over, he made her ass face up to him. His calloused hand pinned her head to the bed. One could see the red marks of Diego's hard kisses on her delicate skin.'He's a monster,' Candy thought. It seemed he was definitely going to drain her energy again tonight. Is this the cycle she'll have to endure?
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Chapter 12: True color
Jameson waited for Candy outside the building. He looked handsome as usual, with his blonde hair falling to one side of his face. Soon, Candy appeared, looking smart and sexy in the office attire he had bought for her. Her black hair was tied into a bun, her makeup was light, and she held a smile that warmed one's heart. "How do I look?" Candy asked Jameson with a grin. "Hmm, I hope all the male workers focus on their jobs today," Jameson teased, and they both chuckled. On their way to the company, Candy applied more red lipstick. She needed to look good on her first day of work. "Nervous?" Jameson asked. "Very nervous," Candy replied. "I hope everyone likes me there." "You know about business strategy from your father, so you have no problem," Jameson said, but Candy's face dropped a little. "They are going to like you; you don't need to worry." Upon arriving at the company, Candy's eyes flew wide open in awe, and her lips parted in shock. This place was extremely rich
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Chapter 13: He ate it
Brielle choked more, tears streaming down her face. Realization hit Candy, and she snapped back to her senses. She let go of Brielle, her eyes widening as she realized she had let her anger take over. Brielle knelt on the floor, coughing out the cup and saliva. Her throat burned from the pain inflicted by the force. She had thought she was going to die. Candy's gaze shifted to the other workers. They were all staring at her in awe. This was the first time someone stood up to Brielle. Brielle stood up, her face contorted with anger. She faced Candy and wanted to yell, but one of the employees greeted the man who had just stepped in. "Good morning, Mr. President," the others chorused. "Mr... P... President," Brielle quickly bowed her head. "What happened?" Diego directed the question to Candy. She shifted her gaze to Diego. Brielle's hands were sweaty; she should do something. "Mr. President, I can explain what..." Brielle began to speak, but his cold voice cut her off.
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Chapter 14: Perfection
The sound of a light groan could be heard as Diego's fist collided with the punching bag, sweat dripping down his hard-toned body. His wet hair was glued to his face, making him look damn hot in his shorts.Releasing the last punch, Diego's chest heaved as he turned his head to the figure who had just stepped in.Candy swallowed, and her heart skipped a beat."I... I brought lunch," she stuttered. How could the Devil look so good? She watched him drink from his bottle water."Did Jameson send you?" he asked, not looking at her."Yeah, he had something to do," she replied."Drop it," he ordered, and she went to place it on the table. She turned to leave, but his voice stopped her."Don't go yet."Candy turned to face him. He lay on the bench, resting the back of his head on his palm."I need a massage," he demanded.Candy scoffed inwardly. Is he serious right now, ordering her while she was at work? She should have rejected Jameson's offer when he asked. She wanted to refuse, but he sp
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Chapter 15: Danger
Candy disconnected herself from Xavier and cleared her throat.Xavier immediately knew she wasn't comfortable with what he had just done."I'm sorry. I was just too excited to see you," he said."No, it's fine... I..." Her remaining words got stuck in her throat as she felt someone's presence behind her. She had almost forgotten this man was here. She could feel his burning gaze on her."President Diego, how have you been?" Xavier greeted with a cheerful smile, stretching his hand for a handshake.As expected, Diego looked down at his hand and back up at him without removing both hands from his pockets."You've never shaken hands with me ever since we became business partners. How cold," Xavier said."Business partner?" Candy thought. So that was the reason Diego came to them."Let's get down to business," Diego said and walked past him."I'll see you soon, Candy," Xavier said quickly and followed Diego."Who was that?" Yazmine nudged Candy from behind."An old friend. We kinda dated
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Chapter 16: Monster
Diego checked his phone after a beep came in. His eyes flickered with something dangerous. He stood up and left the room without excusing himself. Xavier wasn't surprised by this, but he recalled Candy. How come she is an employee at the Gonzalez company, even with her father's wealth? When Diego appeared after he had hugged Candy, he saw the trace of anger in his eyes directed at him. And that had scared him a little. Why? ___ Candy woke up due to the water poured on her head. She found herself in a not-so-dark room. She tried to move but found she was tied to a chair. Raising her head, she saw Natalie sitting with her leg on top of the other. Beside her was Vortex, who had a creepy smile on his face. "How was your vacation, Candy?" Natalie asked with a cold look. "Let me go!" she yelled. "Tssk... You're such a stubborn kid who gets on my nerves right from your childhood. How ungrateful of you to run off on your wedding. Do you know the humiliation you put me through
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Chapter 17: What a torture
At that moment, Vortex knew he was in deep hell. Candy's eyes widened. That was unexpected, and the fact he referred to her as his made her feel conflicted. "I'm sorry, please. I didn't mean to. I had no idea," Vortex was terrified. He had heard about Diego. His underworld side was something one shouldn't mess with. "Remove your hand without touching the knife," Diego ordered, and Vortex's eyes widened. That would bring him so much pain. "Sir Die...go.. I" "Should I do it for you then?" Diego raised his brow. If he did, then that hand would be gone. He wanted to see Vortex torture himself. "I'll do it!" Vortex yelled and stared back at his hand, which hurt badly. Removing his hand without touching the knife meant cutting himself. What a torture! "You're fucking wasting my time." His deep voice made Vortex shudder in fear. Tears streamed down his face. Closing his eyes, he removed his hand forcefully, the knife cutting through his flesh, sending extreme pain through his
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Chapter 18: I'll kiss you
Meanwhile, Diego was before Old Mavis, who had a stunned look on his face."Who was that?" Old Mavis asked."That was my wife. I would have brought her here with me, but she is not feeling too good. She needs to rest," Diego replied.Hannah, who was beside Old Mavis, frowned and clenched her fist. Venessa, who was beside her, heaved with nervousness.Diego sounded as if they were close."That's a fake bride, Diego," Hannah challenged."Fake bride? You saw clearly I got married to a woman that day," he said."You mean the girl I saw in your house?" Venessa asked this time."My house?" Diego frowned, as did Hannah. Venessa immediately realized she shouldn't have said that."You went to my house without my permission? How bold," he remarked, anger lacing his voice.Hannah quickly tried to smooth the situation."What is her name? Is she close to the family?""That, I can't tell you at the moment. But I'll introduce her to the family soon when she is ready," Diego replied."Venessa is the
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Chapter 19: Sweet touch
Candy was stunned for a moment but drifted into the pleasure of his lips moving on hers. It wasn't rough like their previous kisses but gentle.Pinning her against the wall, Diego dived his tongue into her mouth. Candy traced her hand up to his hair, her tongue playing with his.He wanted more; the taste of her lips was messing with his brain. He had never gone slow on a kiss before, but right now, he was doing it and couldn't seem to stop.He slid his right hand down to her tiny waist, drawing her close to himself, while the other hand held her head in place. Their lips burned as they moved against each other, and Candy moaned into his mouth. She got immersed in his sweet touch and pressed herself against him.After savoring each other's lips for a while, Diego broke the kiss. His chest heaving gently as he slowly opened his eyes to look at her.Candy's eyes opened too, and their gazes met. She never knew he could have this gentle side of him.Staring at her closely, Diego slowly cam
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Chapter 20: Screwed
Natalie got to the hotel and headed straight to the room provided by Vortex.She knocked on the door lightly, and when she heard the man's permission, she stepped in.Vortex was sitting on the bed with a cigar dangling from one side of his lips. Noticing the cuts on his face, Natalie frowned."What happened to you?" she asked."Gangster shit," he replied as he stood and stepped toward her. "I almost got killed, but it's nothing since you're here," he said, puffing out smoke from his lips and nostrils. He raised his injured hand to Natalie."Let's get this over with," she said, pulling down her jacket."Easy, cupcake. I just want to have a little talk before we start," Vortex said."What?""It's about your first kill, my love. Mr. Jefferson, how did you feel when you killed him?" he asked, and Natalie immediately looked around the room."What?"Natalie pulled out a small knife and pointed it at him. Vortex took a sharp breath. He mustn't screw this up, or he'd be in serious trouble."D
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