All Chapters of Married To The Billionaire Devil : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
78 Chapters
Chapter 61: Friend
"You've got to be kidding me," Candy mumbled after hearing the shit Mr. Henry had said to Diego over the phone."You're his father's closest friend, why are you doing this? What the hell do you want from him?" Candy asked gritting her teeth."I'm just going to teach him a lesson for looking down on me. Something his father dares not to. I'll either kill you or his best friend. That way he'll learn," Mr. Henry spoke leaning close."Let Jameson go!" Jackie's voice sounded beside Candy."Oh, you're awake," Henry smirked. Jackie had actually passed out in fear and had woke hearing Mr. Henry planning to hurt either Jameson."Jameson did nothing to you beside, he really need help. He fucking bleeding!" Jackie face contorted in fear. Candy eyes widened."Then I should kill your sister," Mr. Henry asked. Jackie shifted her gaze to Candy and bit down her lips."You shouldn't have come," Jackie muttered."I can't just leave you here with this asshole," Candy said, then got hit on the face by Mr
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Chapter 62: The devil is here
"Let him go," Diego demanded, his gaze cold."Haha, funny. You're the cold new dude in school, right? Better mind your business...""This is my business. Now let him go," Diego spoke again, his voice colder than before.The one who seemed to be the leader walked towards Diego and smirked."Would you like to join him?" he asked."I'm afraid your bones won't be intact if I do. Now leave with your crew while I'm being nice," Diego stated, and the boy scoffed. He tried punching Diego, but that turned out to be his wildest mistake.Diego twisted his arm and flung him to the floor. Dropping his bag, he stepped on the boy's shoulder and pulled his arm hard, dislocating his joint.The boy's scream rent the area. Letting him go, Diego faced the others, who were all shaking in fear."Boo!" Diego exclaimed, and the other boys scurried away. Even the one with the broken shoulder stood and left in tears.Diego turned his gaze to Jameson, who tried to stand. He ignored him and began to leave, but J
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Chapter 63: Physco
**Years Ago**"I don't think I can until I repay you," young Jameson said. "With my life," he added, and Diego frowned."Stop saying nonsense and fuck off. Should I break your bones too?" Diego glared."No, you won't," Jameson chuckled. Diego's face loosened a little, and he stared closely at Jameson's face."Have we met?" Diego's question caught him off guard."Not really," Jameson replied."You're the boy from the hospital," Diego cut in. He had seen Jameson when he was rushed into the hospital when he regained consciousness for a second. Diego added, "I knew I knew you from somewhere.""Ha," Jameson scratched his head awkwardly. "Can we be friends then?""No," Diego replied firmly and began to walk away."Why?""You'll die.""Aww, so you care about me.""No, I don't!" Diego snapped at him. "You don't owe me anything. Don't make me regret saving you back there. Maybe I should have left the boys to beat you up.""But you didn't. I'm stuck with you, bro.""Don't call me that.""You hu
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Chapter 64: Lost
However, Diego was seated amidst dead bodies, surrounded by blood, as he listened to the fast-approaching footsteps of the other men.They all appeared from a distance and halted in fear upon seeing the scene."Glad you're here—" Diego stood up slowly. "My anger ain't settled yet.""Shoot!" one of them ordered. Diego immediately held up one of the dead bodies, blocking the bullets from reaching him. He walked quickly towards them and shot the first man in the mouth. Dropping the body, he hit the next man who tried to shoot and slashed his throat with a knife.His moves were fast and deadly. They wondered if this billionaire was actually human. The last man standing turned out to be Kelvin, Natalie's assistant.Diego smirked and shot Kelvin four times in the arm, nearly severing it. His scream echoed through the place, his head spinning from the intense pain."Nice to meet you again," Diego growled, pinning Kelvin's neck to the wall, choking him."Please, spare me," Kelvin begged."Onl
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Chapter 65: I need you
Diego slowly stepped out of the place, the curious gaze of others settled on him except Yazmine, who had passed out from the shocking news and was taken by the nurse, Aiden following them.Candy's heart shattered seeing Diego's look."Jameson is alive now," Diego announced, his gaze devoid of emotion. The doctor had explained why Jameson's situation seemed to worsen... Sickle cell anemia...For a moment, they all didn't believe Diego until the doctor stepped out and said the same thing."He'll be transferred to his ward after a while," the doctor stated and left.Others breathed out in relief at the news. Jackie burst into another round of tears. Only she knew how much those words affected her. She would have blamed herself forever!"He'll be fine now," Candy whispered to Jackie, hugging her."I'm so glad," Jackie's voice croaked.Diego stepped further, walking past them. Candy's eyes never left him."I'll stay with her; you should go to him," Phoenix stepped forward and spoke."Thank
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Chapter 66: A slow painful death
After an hour, Diego's car arrived at an unknown place. It was quiet and far from the main city. He stopped and walked towards a small building, his hands tucked into his pockets.Entering the dimly lit building, Diego headed straight to a room. As he pushed the door open, his eyes settled on a figure.The man's hands were tied tightly together above his head, his feet not touching the ground as he groaned in pain. His breathing was labored, and he was half-naked.Mr. Henry lifted his gaze to Diego, his lips trembling from the hellish pain he had endured throughout the night."Hmm, I was expecting to see him dripping in blood," Diego frowned, casting a cold glance at the man seated in the corner."I'm sorry, boss," the man quickly apologized."Leave," Diego ordered, and the man bowed before stepping out."Diego, please, son. This is just a misunderstanding..."Mr. Henry's words were cut short by the loud screeching sound of a metal chair being dragged on the floor. The sound stopped,
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Chapter 67: Cellmates
With a shaky breath, Hannah heard the cell close behind her. Seeing her news had gotten out, she met with the chief commander and requested to be transferred to somewhere with tight security.Hannah's eyes darted around the small cell, which housed five women dressed in yellow jumpsuits. Never had she thought she would be in such a position, but she had no choice.Diego had killed Henry Maxwell without blinking an eye, meaning hers wouldn't be any different. All her men were down.The women in the cell stared at her with frowns, except the one who was busy sleeping with her back facing them.Not watching her step, Hannah kicked a metal plate, creating a loud noise that woke the last woman sleeping."Oh, fuck, who the hell is making that noise?" The woman asked, irritated by the noise. Hannah frowned, finding the voice familiar."It's the new prisoner, ma'am," one of the other women said.Ma'am? Does that mean the woman on the bed is someone they respect?"New?" The woman on the bed gr
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Chapter 68: Are you afraid of death?
A middle-aged man stepped down from the plane, his retro black suit and manly posture screaming wealth. Removing his shades, he gently placed them in his pocket. Even with his age, one couldn't deny his beauty."Sir, he is still not picking up," his assistant, who was around the same age, informed."Where is he?" he inquired."I haven't gotten his location, sir..." His assistant swallowed his remaining words when his boss cast a cold look at him. "I'll find it right away."Sighing in disbelief, the man continued walking with three bodyguards following him.Getting to his car, he drew out his phone and checked the news that forced him back.**HENRY MAXWELL DEATH**"That hell of a son," he clenched his jaw.---Stepping into the study room, Candy found Diego working on his system."You've been working all day; you should rest," she spoke, walking to stand behind him."I'll be done soon..."Candy kissed his lips before he could finish. "Please rest. You might fall sick, and I can't bear
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Chapter 69: Return
Hannah screamed at the top of her lungs, her eyes widened as she saw the burning fire advancing towards her. It grew with every passing second, driving her insanely crazy.She struggled to escape but couldn't. Her scream was loud and clear as Diego stood with a blank look.Hannah felt the intense heat searing her skin, causing unbearable pain, and she couldn't breathe well due to the lack of oxygen. Her head spun with fear."Help!!!! Please!!! Ahhhhh!!!!"Diego's eyes closed as he smiled. "Melody," he muttered at the sound of her scream.Soon, Diego heard the sound he wanted to hear: sirens. The firefighters were here. Casting one last glance at the woman surrounded by fire, he turned back and left the room, exiting through the back of the building.As the firefighters stormed in with Vincent, their eyes widened at the scene."Hannah!" Vincent screamed in terror. Who in the world would torture someone like this?The firefighters began to put out the intense fire, hoping the woman migh
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Chapter 70: Shortie
[NEW YORK]In a comfortable apartment lay an old man. His eyes, surrounded by wrinkles, opened up when his doorbell rang."Those kids are here for another candy?" he mused as he stood to reach the door. His face dropped upon seeing his son."What?" the man asked with a bored look. He saw Diego and smiled widely. "Oh, my grandson." He walked past Einstein and hugged Diego."Grandson? Grandpa, really? You haven't seen me in a year." Einstein spoke, wondering why his grandfather hugged Diego instead of him."You're always a troublesome person, always coming to see me whenever you need something," the man glared and Einstein frowned."What about your second friend, the funny one?" The old man asked.Diego sighed. "That's why we are here."___[GONZALEZ COOPERATION]"Here, to calm your nerves," Aiden said, dropping a cup of coffee before Yazmine.Jameson had the surgery a day ago, but the main part was for him to wake up. If he does, then everything will be fine. Yazmine couldn't shake the
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