All Chapters of Married To The Billionaire Devil : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
62 Chapters
Chapter 51: My Woman
Slamming the door behind her, Diego roughly pinned Candy against the wall, his demanding lips moving against hers in hunger. Her taste drove him crazy, and fuck! He missed her. He missed every inch of her. He knew she felt the same, judging from how she pulled his head close.They were both dripping wet from the hard rain. Only he knew how hard he had held himself during the short drive home.Diego's calloused hand trailed down to her fine round ass, groping it hard as he lifted her up to himself.Candy's hard, erect nipples pressed against his chest, her legs snaked around his torso, and their lips remained dangerously molded together, neither wanting to stop.'I love you'—those words rang in Candy's head over and over. The more she thought about the man being hers now, the more she wanted him. She missed being crushed and explored by him.As he carried her, Diego gently walked up to the bedroom and headed straight to the shower. Without breaking the kiss, he turned on the shower. A
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Chapter 52: Second date
On the next morning, Jameson woke up with a throbbing head. A frown settled on his face as he realized he wasn't in his room."Sleepyhead," a voice sounded beside him, and he jerked, seeing Yazmine seated before the mirror in the room."What? How did I get here?" he mumbled."You were drunk, you got a random lady pregnant, and I was called saying you killed someone.""What!!" Jameson exclaimed."Ha... just kidding. You got drunk, and I brought you home," Yazmine cleared his panic. "Why did you drink?""Drink... uh... I just felt like drinking."Yazmine folded her arms. "It's because of Candy." Jameson's eyes widened."Was I saying weird stuff last night?"Yazmine raised her brow, and Jameson sighed. 'Fuck,' he cursed in his head. He remembered how he tried to suppress whatever feeling was burning him up, bottle after bottle, until he lost his senses."Just forget whatever I said. I didn't mean anything last night...""You don't?" Yazmine cut him off with a question. Remembering someth
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Chapter 53: Promise
At Diego's first step, the guy's eyes widened as the deadly warning rang in his head. "The last person I fist fought with didn't leave the hospital alive."In the next moment, Diego was standing before him, his gaze sending a chill down his spine, a gaze that showed he was damn serious about what he said. This devil hadn't started, and yet the guy was already sweating profusely."Hit me," Diego demanded in a low voice. The trembling guy swallowed hard."Uhm... hmm," his words seemed to be caught in his throat. Out of fear, fluid poured out beneath him."What the fuck?" One of the crowd's eyes widened."What's he doing? Is he crazy?...""This is so embarrassing..."Others in the club murmured among each other. The guy before Diego became confused. Just then, he looked down at his pants and realized why they were all staring.He had peed in his pants. "Oh fuck," he cursed inwardly and then looked back up at Diego, who smirked."Okay, sorry man... fuck, you're so scary. I was just playin
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Chapter 54: His Wife
"What a strange aura," Yazmine said, scanning the place. It was a building in a restricted area.Stepping into a room, they found a man sitting at the end of the wall before them. There were also five men in the room, all with dark intentions written on their faces."I don't feel good about this," Yazmine muttered, her face calm, same as Candy and Aiden.The seated man's lips curved into a dark smile, his eyes screamed dangerous motives, but this didn't scare the three."I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up. Have a seat," the man demanded lightly, and the three did.Candy's eyes darted around the room as Yazmine began her discussion with the man."Taking the Gonzalez's resources is out of line, Mr. Leo," Yazmine spoke first."The Gonzalez was the first to steal what's ours. It's fair now," the man smirked."We won fair and square.""Hmm... it seems your president is beginning to lose his capabilities. Stealing what is his, I never thought it would be that easy..."Meanwhile,
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Chapter 55: Kill them all
Silence followed the gunshot; the only thing that could be heard was heavy breathing.Yazmine, whose eyes were shut for a moment, opened them slowly. She had wanted to stop Candy from pulling the trigger but was too late.Relief washed over her face as she saw that Candy had shot the wall instead of Leo.The man, trembling with total fear and sweat beads all over his body, slowly looked up at Candy, who still had the gun pointed at his forehead."I've killed animals but never a human," Candy set the gun again, creating a clicking sound. "Decide where you belong."Leo swallowed hard, the poison already affecting his system, causing him to breathe heavily."What the hell do you want me to do then?" he asked, glaring but deeply fearful of losing his life."Call your boss and tell him you're doomed," Candy demanded coldly.Leo's face dropped. Calling Vito was like calling his death. He had been warned not to screw this up and to hold Candy and the others hostage."I can't...""I'll blow y
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Chapter 56: Best thing
The men exchanged a look. They both released her at once but then brought out their knives.Jackie quickly raised her head to him. He was the last person she had expected."Get him!!" Brielle yelled from the floor.The men charged towards Jameson at once, swinging their knives at him. Grabbing one of their hands, he dodged the second one’s attack and kicked his back. He faced the first and twisted his hand behind, breaking it in the process. He then swung him down to the floor, and the man lost consciousness instantly.The second one came; Jameson threw many punches on different parts of his body, then flew to kick his face. He beat the two men in 20 seconds.He returned his gaze to the shocked Brielle."I don't hit women, but next time you try shit with her, I'll break my rules and kill you." His warning was enough to make Brielle shrink in her spot.Jameson walked up to Jackie and offered her his hand."Let's go," he said to her. Jackie stared at him for a while before accepting his
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Chapter 57: Crazy night
"Oh gawd!" Candy exclaimed as Diego's hand pinned her head to the bed, slamming her hard from behind. She couldn't help but wonder if the man had gotten bigger. Her head spun!Her hands were tied behind her, her body covered with love bites. This devil had taken the punishment to another level. His other hand was grabbing her ass tight as he wrecked her bones.Diego fucked violently from behind, and Candy fucked herself on him. She couldn't count how many times she had come to her release."Your hole is receiving it so good, wife. Fuck!" he growled as her walls clenched around his length, and she came again."Not enough punishment, baby," Candy said naughtily. Well, she was ready to get destroyed by him tonight. The man brought her up to himself, her heavy breath filling the air."I'm afraid you might regret saying that. This monster might go berserk," he growled into her ear. His member was hard again; he just couldn't get enough of her."That's what I want, Di," she smirked when she
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Chapter 58: Strike
"Hey, what are you doing in my room!" Jameson exclaimed, his eyes widening at the sight of the file. Rushing toward Griffin, he snatched it away."The hell?!" Jameson snapped, glaring at Griffin."You have sickle cell?" Griffin scoffed."Just because Diego takes you as a brother doesn't mean I like you. So stay the fuck away from me and get out," Jameson snapped."Diego doesn't know about this, does he?" Griffin asked, and Jameson turned quiet. "Friends who keep secrets from each other... tssk... crazy.""I never liked you. And I'll always be by Diego's side no matter what," Jameson said."Good luck with that," Griffin muttered and left the room.__As Hannah listened to her son, her eyes widened."Jameson is sick, and Diego doesn't know about it?" Hannah asked.Before Griffin could speak, the military woman came back in."My time is up here... I hope you do well with that information and get me the fuck out of here," Griffin said and left while Hannah sighed.__"Morning, wife. Are y
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Chapter 59: Dream
Diego's arms enveloped Candy as they prepared for sleep, cherishing their heavenly moments together."Hubby?" Candy's voice was soft as she trailed her fingers across his smooth chest, nestled in his embrace."Hmm?""Could you tell me a story?" she asked, her head resting against his arm.Diego looked down at her, pondering for a moment before responding in his deep voice, "Would you like me to read you a book?""That's not it... I just want to hear one from you," Candy replied, hoping he understood her. She reached up, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ear as she waited for his response."Alright," he said, a hint of amusement in his tone, eliciting a smile from Candy."Once, there was a six-year-old boy who lived happily with his parents. He came from a rich home, so his life was perfect with no flaws. This boy had a talent for music; he played piano mostly during his leisure times. Unfortunately for him, his father disapproved."Candy's face dropped a little. "But why?""His
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Chapter 60: Tight spot
Candy's eyes were already teared up. Why does life have to be so cruel to the little boy? First, his dream was taken away, then his mother was abused, and lastly, he was in danger."What happened to him? Please tell me he didn't die," Candy whispered, desperate to hear his answer. Diego's narration felt real as if he was present."After struggling and screaming for help, he got lucky when a woman whose husband was a firefighter passed by. That was how he was saved," he concluded.Candy breathed out in relief. "That was intense. What happened next?""It's late already, sleep," he kissed her forehead."But what about the remaining part? I really want to know what happened to the boy," she pouted. The man kissed her lips, muting her."I'll tell you everything later, it's late already," he said gently. Candy felt her tired eyes closing. She wrapped her arms around him tighter and slept off that way.For a long while, Diego stayed motionless as he stared at the ceiling, drowned in his own
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