All Chapters of Married To The Billionaire Devil : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
62 Chapters
Chapter 31: Age is just a number
Candy scoffed and folded her arms."You really thought I would do that?" she asked, and the man's brows knitted a little."What?""If you need a blow job so bad, then do it yourself," she stated and turned to leave. Diego clenched his jaw hard and stood immediately. Taking three long strides, he caught and pulled her to himself.Candy's head collided with his chest, her eyes met with his cold gaze, but she didn't flinch like she used to. She hated the way this man played with her the way he liked. She was going to stop it."You're getting too bold to cross the line, Candy," he uttered, holding her hand tight."You're hurting me," she whispered, but the man hold tightened. Wincing a little, Candy tried hard not to show her weak side."Is it because your storm has cleared? Is that why you think you can act this way?" he asked."First you forced me into working with you. You should treat me with respect, sir. I'm your wife, not a sex slave," she said."Wife is just a label. This is how I
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Chapter 32: Trouble
Candy went straight to Yazmine's place so they could go to the small hotel the company had rented for the party. She had informed Diego through a message but hadn't received a reply. Was he still mad at her? Maybe she should have just obeyed him. No, she needed to earn his respect. Stepping into the large, comfortable apartment, Candy smiled. "Your place is beautiful," she remarked. "Really? Thanks," Yazmine said. "What would you like to drink?" "Oh no, I'm fi..." Before she could finish, Yazmine gave her a glare. "I mean, an orange juice will do." Hearing this, Yazmine's smile returned. "Better," she said. Candy took a deep breath. "Her look can literally kill," she mumbled. --- Meanwhile, Alexa walked into a cold street and made a call. "I'm here already. Where are you?" she asked the person on the other side. "There's a black car across the street. Come and meet me there," the person ordered. Alexa's eyes darted around and spotted the black, luxurious car. Ge
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Chapter 33: How cute
Getting to his car, Diego placed Candy gently inside and drove off. Yazmine, Jackie, and others stared in awe and shock, except Jameson, who began to search the area.Around the corner, a reporter checked the pictures he had taken. One was of Diego carrying Candy out with her head resting on his chest.The reporter climbed on his bike and left the area. Jameson noticed this."Yazmine," Jameson said as he gently grabbed his sister."What's going on, James? Candy and the president... are they—" She wanted to ask, but he cut her off."That is not the important thing right now. What did you see when you found Candy?"Yazmine explained how a waitress had poured a drink on Candy. She followed her and then how a guard had mistaken her for the owner of a broken car. When she got back, she found Candy gone and immediately searched for her. It took a while before finding her location. She saw Candy drowning in the pool with little movement."I would have saved her myself, but I can't swim eithe
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Chapter 34: Possessive
"Why are you so surprised?" Diego asked, sitting on a chair in the corner and crossing his leg."I... I didn't expect you to be... here sir," Alexa stammered again. 'Get a hold of yourself!' she yelled inwardly.Diego's suspicions were right. Alexa knew something."I heard you are sick. I'm just here to check up on you," he said."Oh, that is so nice of you, sir."Diego uncrossed his legs and leaned closer, placing both of his elbows on his knees."Hm, so how are you feeling?""I'm getting better," she replied, swallowing hard."You know I'm married, right?" he asked, staring at the ring on his finger. Alexa found it a bit familiar. She had seen the brand on someone's finger somewhere."She must be really pretty," she said."It's Candy."Those two words struck Alexa hard to her core. She felt like peeing on herself. She waited for him to say he was joking, but his face showed he was serious. He lifted his dark gaze to her again."Why do you look pale?" he asked."Huh? I... I... am...
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Chapter 35: Suspect
It was Candy's turn to be shocked. It took a while before she could digest what she just heard. Was this man before her really Diego?In the next moment, she burst into laughter, to the extent that tears crept out of her eyes.Hearing her laugh, Xavier thought Diego was joking while Diego only waited for her to finish.After laughing to her content, Candy held Diego's hand and gave him a lovely look that softened his expression."Hubby," she called and could swear she saw a small smile on his face for the shortest moment.Hearing this, Xavier's last thread of hope broke. The way Candy stared at him explained it all. She even seemed happy beside this cold man.Diego, on the other hand, didn't know how to react. He was also shocked by what he had said earlier, but hearing her say that word woke something up in him.What was she doing to him?Candy turned her gaze to Xavier. "We are married and we kept it a secret for some reasons, so don't go around spilling it out. I hope you'll find a
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Chapter 36: Without lifting a finger
Meanwhile, Candy had her eyes wide open as she watched the movie before her. It was a romantic movie that Diego had randomly chosen. He actually thought it was a dark romance with blood all over, but it turned out to be just romantic.And this little woman beside him was enjoying it."Aww," Candy smiled when the man saved the girl from falling in the rain, the water wetting both of them."What the hell?" Diego muttered, wishing the movie would just end. It had been two whole hours and it was still going on.The man in the movie stared at woman deeply, moving his face close and kissed her.Candy palmed both hands on her cheeks, her face brightening up."He kissed her!" she squealed. Diego scoffed, remembering her words."Kiss in the rain.""How the hell are you enjoying this?" he asked her, but the lady kept her eyes on the television."Just keep watching. I don't want to miss this. Kissing in the rain is my favorite scene..." She couldn't finish her words when the man held her chin to
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Chapter 37: Do you want it?
"Why does she want me dead?" Candy asked after a long while of silence, as Diego drove them back home. The bloody scene kept replaying in her head, and she couldn't shake it off."Because you are in her way," Diego replied."But I never did anything wrong, and she badly wants to end me. How am I even standing in her way?""I was supposed to get married to Vanessa so she could easily have her way to me, but her plan was ruined because of you," Diego replied, and Candy's lips fell apart. This was just like her mother, forcing her into a dangerous marriage just to secure control.Diego noticed her discomfort, so he added, "She won't come after you for a while, but she'll find another way.""If I hadn't come to the altar, would you have married Vanessa?" she asked, looking up at him."Maybe," he replied. His gaze was cold enough to make anyone cringe."What? Even after knowing how your stepmother is?""Can we stop talking about this?" he asked coldly, then stopped the car. Candy glanced o
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Chapter 38: Someone close
Meanwhile, at Gonzales Corporation, the news of Alexa being imprisoned spread all over."I heard she knowingly pushed Candy into the pool at the party...""Is it out of jealousy?...""I wonder what's going on, but I'm glad she is in prison..."Yazmine sighed for the umpteenth time as she reached for her phone again. The anonymous guy hardly responded, and she felt a bit down about it. She was already getting used to his company."I wonder what's wrong with him. Could he be in trouble? Should I find him?" she mumbled to herself.With trembling hands, Jameson reached for the drugs in his pocket. He took out two doses from the small container and threw them in his mouth."Urgh," he exhaled deeply, his chest heaving.The door of his office opened without a knock, or maybe he didn't hear it."Hey James, I..." Yazmine stopped talking when she saw his face."Oh my God, are you okay?" she asked, walking closer."I'm fine," Jameson breathed out, trying to compose himself."You don't look fine.
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Chapter 39: Birthday
"What are you doing here?" Yazmine and Aiden asked in unison. They both stared at each other afterward with different thoughts running through their heads."I'm here to see someone," she spoke first, breaking the long silence between them. "What about you? Do you live around here?" she asked."I... yeah, I live around here," he replied. Could she be looking for him?"I should leave now," she said, walking past him."I'll walk with you," he suggested."Oh, I'm fine. You shouldn't.""This street is pretty dangerous at night," he said, but she turned away."You don't need to worry," she said stubbornly, walking down the street. Just then, a strange man lurking around the corner suddenly snatched her purse. Yazmine wasn't fast enough to react.The man ran but had no idea of the figure standing before him. A unch flew to his face, sending him down to the floor, a loud groan escaping his lips.Aiden stepped on the hand holding Yazmine's purse, putting enough pressure to make the man groan a
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Chapter 40: terrible drinker
Diego slowly turned his head towards Jameson, who gave him a grin in return. If looks could kill, Jameson would be unconscious.Before he could fire at him, his eyes spotted Candy approaching them. She was so beautiful, he almost didn't recognize her for a moment. Her red short gown clung to her curvy body, alluring enough to make any man drool. Her makeup was light, and her curly black hair fell on both shoulders."Happy birthday," she greeted with a warm smile. Judging from her expression, she must have prepared this."What's this?" he asked in a not-so-cold voice."My present. Days like this should be warm and filled with happiness. Please let us make you feel that way, even if it's just once." Her words were supposed to surge anger, but they didn't. Though he hated this, part of him wanted to sit among these people."It's just a short dinner. Please," her eyes desperately wanting him to stay."C'mon Diego, I'm hungry!" Einstein exclaimed from around the corner. Jameson gave him a
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