All Chapters of Married To The Billionaire Devil : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
62 Chapters
Chapter 41: Do you still think I'm nice?
As the sun peeked through the slightly parted curtain, its warm hues illuminated the luxurious room that exuded elegance and comfort.With a frown, Diego stirred from his sleep. He opened his eyes slowly; he had never slept peacefully for a long time. His frown deepened as he tried to recall what had happened last night. As he made to leave, a fragile hand around him gave him pause.His sight caught Candy's head gently placed on his chest as she slept. What the hell?! What was she doing in his room? She was naked, and half of her body was covered with the quilt.Last night's memories flooded in..."Hey Candy, can I?" His words rang in his head. He also recalled how he had asked her to stay and how gentle he was last night. That was crazy of him!"Fuck," he cursed, slowly removing her hand from himself. Swinging his feet to the ground, a hangover hit him hard, and he groaned."Happy birthday, Mr. President!" He recalled how his employees had chorused those words. The anger that was sup
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Chapter 42: Maybe
"Yeah, she's my little sister. She came to check up on me," Aiden replied behind her. Yazmine immediately felt crazy about her action, but she surprisingly felt relieved by his statement."Anyway, did something happen? Who could have ruined your mood this morning?" Aiden asked curiously."Nothing, just get to work," she said, walking away immediately."I should go now. I'll see you soon, brother," the girl said and left."Okay, bye, Andrea."Aiden's gaze went to Yazmine's retreating back. His lips slowly curved up into a knowing smile.__Around a corner, Jameson faced Candy."What do you want to talk about?" Candy asked."What happened to you?" Jameson inquired, and she blinked, wondering what he meant."Nothing, I was just tired...""Don't lie to me, Candy. I know you more than you imagine. Was it Diego?" His serious expression confused Candy a little."It's nothing, James," she whispered."Nothing? Your eyes are a bit red; you must have cried, and you said it's nothing? What did he
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Chapter 43: Business trip
Squeezing the cup hard, some of the hot liquid spilled on Jackie's hand, snapping her back to reality. Instinctively, she dropped the cup to the floor and winced at the sting.Yazmine averted her gaze from the two figures to Jackie, a worried look on her face."Are you okay?" Yazmine asked."Uh... uhm... I...""Jackie?!" Candy's familiar voice sounded from a distance. Her face brightened as she ran to give her a hug. "It's so nice to see you. Gosh, I've missed your adorable face!"Jackie's smile returned. "I'm glad to see you too, sis." Her gaze went to the man behind Candy."Hey, troublemaker," Jameson greeted, and got a glare in return."By the way, what happened to you? You looked disturbed a while ago," Jackie said."It's nothing. Since you're here, let's have lunch together," Candy suggested, and Jackie nodded. As they left, Yazmine turned her gaze to her little brother."What was that?" she inquired."What?""You know what I'm talking about, James.""I was just consoling her, no
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Chapter 44: Nightmares
"I told her to bring her," Yazmine replied instead. "She'll be coming with us to gain some experience," she smirked. Jameson knew what that smirk meant."Hey!" Jackie suddenly appeared before him, and he jerked. "I would love to learn from you, new boss!" she exclaimed, bowing her head so low it almost touched her knees. Jameson stayed stunned.Einstein chuckled. "I'm loving this."Candy's smile dropped; Diego wasn't there with them. She couldn't help but wonder if he was okay. Checking her phone, she saw he hadn't replied.__It's been three whole days since they left for the trip. In these three days, Diego completely forgot she wasn't home; he would check her room and find it empty. When he realized, he would curse under his breath.There were no texts or calls from her. Deep down, he wanted to know how she was.Staring at his phone, he battled inwardly for a while before dialing Jameson's number."Hey, dude! It took you long enough, Diego Gonzalez," Jameson's mocking voice sounded
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Chapter 45: Space
Jameson got to his apartment and slammed his door shut. His fingers went straight to his hair. "It's the right thing to do, James, you did the right thing," he kept assuring himself but couldn't suppress the anxiety growing inside him.___Back in New York, he remembered how Jackie knocked on the door of his room. They all lodged in a hotel, their rooms not far from each other.Opening the door, his face contorted into a surprised expression."Jackie?" He frowned. "What are you doing here?""Just checking up on you. You seemed pale for a moment while we were at the beach. That was why you left early. Are you alright?""I thought I clearly told you not to worry about me, Jackie," he cut her off."None of your friends or even your sister knows you're sick. This is too risky," Jackie said."I'll be fine if that's what you want to know," Jameson said, trying to close the door, but she held it."Wait," she stated, and he waited for her to speak again. She drew out a small container which J
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Chapter 46: She's crazy
As Jameson and Diego walked, Jameson sighed. He knew Diego only approached them because of Candy and used him as an excuse. Diego would have just called if he needed him. "Why can't you just open up to her?" he asked the man walking with both hands in his pockets. "About what?" "About your feelings, man," Jameson replied. "I don't even know how I feel. I'm confused myself. How am I supposed to tell her?" Diego sighed, his expression disturbed. "I didn't know women were so hard to read. Fuck," he muttered. "You should have known this before hurting her in the first place." "Don't scold me and tell me what to do. This shit is driving me crazy. I don't even know what to think, alright?" "Fine, follow my lead. But for now, just give her a little time." __ Yazmine spotted Aiden's seat and found it empty. She remembered how Aiden got a call while they were on the trip. "Your sister was trapped in a fire. Where are you, Aiden?!" his neighbor had called that day. Aiden stoo
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Chapter 47: It sucks
As Candy stepped forward, Venessa's eyes widened like those of the moon. The look on Candy's face showed she was really going to do it, even her father couldn't help in this situation. Venessa did the best thing she could think of. "Stop, Candy," she went on her knee, her eyes tearing up. "Don't kill me!" Candy stopped in her tracks and frowned. What was Venessa doing? She didn't mind and continued stepping forward. This time, Mr. Henry stood before Candy, stopping her again. "Will you like to join her?" she asked coldly. "She said sorry," Mr. Henry said. "No, she didn't," Candy raised her brow. Mr. Henry swallowed then cast a glance over to Diego standing in the distance. The man had a blank look on his face with both of his hands casually tucked into his pockets. "You need to stop her," he said to Diego. "You should have stopped your daughter from saying shit about my wife. Should I handle her myself?" Diego asked. Mr. Henry immediately knew there was no way out. "M
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Chapter 48: Wife
"How's your sister? Was it serious?" Yazmine decided to start a conversation."She is getting better. The burn was only on her shoulder; it's going to leave a little scar.""How did she get trapped?""It was her Ex... she rejected him when he asked her back, so he decided to revenge. He's in police custody though I wish to deal with him myself. If I was around, then this wouldn't have happened," Aiden replied, clenching his jaw.Yazmine felt sad about the news. Aiden must be blaming himself, so she decided to change the topic."So where is your guitar?" she asked, and Aiden chuckled."I've almost forgotten you know literally 70% about me," Aiden said, gazing at her. They both smiled."Well, thanks for the company. I've finally gotten to know who you are," she muttered."Are you disappointed?" he asked, his voice calm and smooth."Disappointed? Of course not. Why would you think that way?" she asked."Well, remember the girl I told you I like at work?"Yazmine's smile dropped when she
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Chapter 49: Crush
Candy's face burned red, heat creeping up her cheek. The man had just introduced her! Before the whole company! Diego held her tiny waist and pulled her close. "Don't make her feel uncomfortable and treat my wife well." 'This is crazy!' Candy screamed inwardly. She tried pulling herself away from Diego, but the man drew her closer and stepped away from the employees with her. Jameson, who saw the scene, slowly turned and left the place. Candy literally kept her gaze throughout their way, with no idea of where the man was leading her to. As Diego shut Candy's office door, he looked down at the little woman, whose cheeks were burning red. "Are you okay? You're all red," he stated, snapping her back to reality. "Huh?" She looked up at him and blinked. "I'm... I'm fine." Composing herself, she shot a glare at him. "What was that?" "What?" "I told you I'm not ready," she said. The man's calm face turned back to a cold one. "What do you mean, not ready?" "You haven't given me an
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Chapter 50: Answer
[PARK.. 6:00PM]Diego stood before the amusement park, with its whirling rides and colorful lights. This was the place she wanted for her first date with him. However, when he saw the excitement in her eyes, he decided that no matter how uncomfortable he felt, he would not let it dampen her enthusiasm.She suddenly turned her head to him, and he quickly mustered up a smile. Her face dropped."You don't like it here?" Candy asked."If this is what you want, then fine," he muttered."I've wanted to visit this place for a long time. My father promised to bring me here but never had the chance to fulfill it. My stepmother brought me here with Jackie and made me watch her have all the fun while I craved below.""That was one of the wishes you once told me about, right?" he asked."Hm, if you don't like it here, then let's leave," she turned to leave, but the man held her back."I never said that. Let's try everything here," he said.Candy smirked. "I was going to force you even if you didn
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