All Chapters of Married To The Billionaire Devil : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
62 Chapters
Chapter 21: We're just getting started
Hearing the question, Xavier tried to find a sign of Diego bluffing but didn't."Haha," Xavier let out an awkward laugh. "Why would you ask such a question all of a sudden? Of course, I don't wanna die...""Then watch it," Diego cut in coldly.Xavier frowned. He looked at Candy, who was speechless the whole time, and then back at Diego. Is there something between them?"I'm pretty busy these days. I won't have the chance to go out on a date with you," Candy rejected politely."You should get going; we'll talk business later on," Diego said to Xavier.Xavier nodded slowly. "Huh, right, I'll see you soon then," he said to Candy.Diego tried to keep himself from flaring up at him again until he left.Candy held her breath when it was only them left in the office. She could feel his cold glare on her."Were you going to accept him?" He tilted his head to one side."No, I wasn't. I have no feelings for him," she replied honestly."Really? And you accepted the flowers and also the cake if I
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Chapter 22: Punishment
Candy swallowed hard at his words."If that's his world, then I do not regret my decision," she replied with a straight face."Hmm, that's a tough decision. One of the enemies is here," Jameson said, shifting his gaze to the two women sitting around the corner.Candy traced his gaze and found Hannah with Venessa staring in their direction. She quickly averted her gaze."T... that's Venessa, the one who was supposed to marry the president," Candy stuttered. What is she doing here?"Oh, Venessa is like a tiny trash. I'm talking about the woman with her," Jameson said."Who is she?""Diego's aunt. She must be wondering who you are since Venessa saw you once at Diego's home.""Then should we pretend we are a couple?" Candy asked."Huh?" Jameson raised his brow."Here, eat this," Candy said, stabbing a piece of pork with her fork. She stretched her hand to Jameson, gesturing for him to eat."There's no need for that.""Please," Candy blinked cutely, and Jameson sighed. He opened his mouth
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Chapter 23: Little woman
She kissed him passionately, as if her life depended on it. Diego didn't disappoint, reciprocating with a hard kiss. Thrusting deep, she tangled her fingers in his messy black hair.Moaning without breaking the kiss, she welcomed his deep and forceful thrusts, craving the more.Diego groaned in pleasure, savoring every inch of her. Her warmth and tightness welcomed him with each thrust.She climaxed quickly, collapsing onto the bed, breathing heavily. As she regained her composure, she opened her eyes to find Diego staring at her, a playful smile on his lips..."That was impressive, little woman," he said hoarsely, bringing his face close to her neck. "Just your first release, and you couldn't handle it."His words and touch aroused her once again.Candy thought it was over, but he flipped her over onto all fours. She was sweaty, her hair sticking to her face.Her delicate skin bore red marks from his firm grip and passionate kisses.He mercilessly thrust into her from behind, causing
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Chapter 24: Slut
"Hey, sis," Jameson greeted with a grin, appearing before her. Yazmine kept her phone hastily."Stop smiling.""Whoa... did someone ruin your mood? I mean, did a man break your heart?" Jameson asked."It's more like I broke my own heart by playing dumb," Yazmine pouted."Who is he? I'll kill him right now," he said. Yazmine slowly looked up at him."You. It was you, so go kill yourself," she said. Jameson turned speechless. She stood and left the office."Crazy," Jameson chuckled and left too.Aiden, who witnessed everything, let out a secret smile, but then Alexa appeared before him obstructing his view."It's time for lunch, wanna come eat with me?" she asked."No, I'm fine," he rejected politely."It's an order," Alexa said in a stern voice and turned to leave.___Candy exhaled deeply as she raised her head up to the house. It was clean and shiny.She switched on the television and the first thing she saw was Natalie giving her speech. She was a nominee for the 'Female Entrepreneu
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Chapter 25: Murdered
"Can't you see it, Candy? He is changing you, and he doesn't seem like someone who wants to spend the rest of his life with you.""Enough, Father! I can't hear this anymore!"Natalie watched Candy slam the door in her father's face. She then smirked and followed Mr. Jefferson to his study room."Daughters are usually hard to control while they grow up," Natalie said as she sat beside Mr. Jefferson."I just want her to be happy, and I don't think that guy is the right one for her," he muttered, staring into space."She has changed a lot lately. I heard she drinks sometimes. If that kind of thing gets out, that might be trouble...""She drinks?" Mr. Jefferson frowned."Yeah, I heard it from one of her friends," Natalie replied."She must have done that for a reason.""A reason?" Natalie was losing her patience. "I still don't get why you can't get mad at her just for once.""What do you mean? Candy is my daughter, and I understand her deeper than you can imagine.""What about Jackie? Sh
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Chapter 26: Doomed
It has been the top news since last night. I tried bringing it down, but it wasn't working," Kelvin said.Natalie immediately removed the pipes connected to her arm and marched out of the place."Ma'am, wait!!" Kelvin exclaimed.Natalie opened the door but her face fell when she saw numerous reporters waiting for her."She's awake!" one of the male reporters exclaimed, and others snapped their heads towards her direction.Natalie immediately closed the door and locked it."Mrs. Natalie, a word please!...""Open the door!!""We need an explanation!!""Was that you in the video?!"Natalie swept her hair back as she stepped back, listening to the reporters throwing questions at her."I tried to warn you," Kelvin muttered. Natalie grabbed him by the shirt."Get me out of here," she uttered through gritted teeth.___Candy walked into a restaurant, her eyes spotting a man dressed in a fine suit, and walked towards him."Good afternoon, did I make you wait long?" she asked."Oh, of course n
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Chapter 27: Curious
"Check this out," a girl showed her phone screen to her friend."Tsk... she has a nice moan," her friend replied. They both raised their heads to the girl writing some notes. The class was in an uproar, but Jackie cared less.She knew her mother deserved everything Candy threw at her."Hey, why are you unbothered by what is going on? It's your mom's sex tape out there and oh, she even killed your father?"Jackie immediately stopped writing. She was so damn tired of hearing such things. Seeing her reaction, the girls scoffed."What? Are you mad at what I just said? Why are you even back here in school after a year? You could have just stayed where you were. Now you're going to make other departments look down on us.""Ah, geez," Jackie dropped her pen and sighed. She turned her head to the girl with a cold look."Are you done?" she asked. The first girl folded her arms with a snobby look."What if I'm not? Are you going to kill me?""Fuck yes," Jackie slammed her hands on the table and
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Chapter 28: Bride
"Yeah, right," Einstein muttered."The boss you were talking about is President Diego??!! He was the one who helped my sister?! No fucking way... this is happening. I must be dreaming.""He has a lot on his plate. I can't add to his burden," Jameson said."You'll regret this soon, James," Einstein said."I know. You've told me many times," Jameson closed his eyes, placing the back of his hand on his face."Who is Diego to my sister?" Jackie asked."I wanna sleep, you should go," Jameson said."C'mon, tell me," Jackie insisted, but the man shifted and faced the other side of the bed."Mr. James!! C'mon!" Jackie said.__Diego stepped into the room. As usual, he perceived the sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. Pulling down his jacket, he stepped towards the dining table.Candy was staring at him with a smile, which he didn't return.He picked up the fork and started eating."Uhm... Mr. President?" she called lightly as she watched him eat."What?""Thanks once again," she said and got
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Chapter 29: Bitch
Cold metal walls, dim fluorescent lights, and the distant hum of security systems surrounded Natalie as she sat in her place. She was wearing a yellow jumpsuit, her hair a bit messy, and her stomach growled with hunger.A group of women sat around the corner staring at her. This made Natalie very uncomfortable, especially the dark woman getting a massage from the others. Her stare was cold and dark, like she was going to devour her any moment."Hey, woman!" she called, causing Natalie to curse inwardly."You're the Mrs. Jefferson I see on TV, right?" the woman asked, and Natalie frowned. This black bitch knows her? Shit!"She is the one, of course," one of the women said to the dark woman."Hey!!" the dark woman called louder, causing Natalie to flinch a bit. She really didn't want to have anything to do with them."I'm talking to you, bitch!!" she flared up and stood.Natalie looked up this time. She was at a loss for words, seeing the angry look on her face."Are you dumb?" the woma
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Chapter 30: Sex partners
Aiden swallowed in shock, he never knew Yazmine would go as far as slapping her."Hey!" Alexa yelled."What? Do you wish to slap me back? Do it and see the part 2 of my anger," Yazmine stepped closer, and Alexa's eyes widened. What got into her all of a sudden?"Stay away from him. I won't be gentle next time," she walked past Alexa, hitting her shoulder with hers.Yazmine took all the files before Aiden and threw them onto the floor."Why do you let her bully you?" Yazmine asked."I'm sorry," Aiden's smile returned."Are you hungry?" she asked, giving back the smile."Yeah.""Come eat with me," Yazmine said. Aiden gave Alexa a look and smirked."Of course," he replied.Alexa, who heard this, scoffed. Is he serious right now? They both stood and walked past her while she breathed in so much anger.__While Candy was busy with work when a message popped into her system.*Come to my office.*"He must be kidding me," Candy muttered and sent a message back to him.*Sorry, I won't be able
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