
Chapter fifty-seven

Katherine’s POV

I'm back in the hospital…again.


Only this time my legs are in stirrups and moving even a little bit is a pain in the ass.

This time though, I had the full consciousness of what happened to me…only I didn't suspect how bad it was yet.

Caleb's words came back to me with a vengeance and I blinked tears.

The doors opened to reveal Mallory walking into the room with a stack of files in one hand and a white box in the other.

She didn't notice I was awake until she came close enough.

"Oh, hey!" She greets me enthusiastically and bends down to place a kiss on my cheek, the smell of coconut oil wafting up my nose. "I didn't know you were already awake, want me to inform the others?" She had already turned towards the door, intent on doing just that but my hand shot out to grasp her wrist.

"Please don't." My voice cracked and her face softened. She pats my hand in understanding.

"Of course…if you don't want me to."

She goes through the motions of checking me out, asking m
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