
Chap 3: the last call

Gideon's POV

Late at night, Glory Avenue is deserted,

I closed my eyes and rested in the car after just finishing the negotiation with my partner. The long distance from the restaurant to the hotel made me even more tired, but Leo's voice did not stop.

Leo Harris has been my valuable assistant since I recently took over the Evans family's somewhat declining company. At a time when everyone suspected my business would go bankrupt, only Leo devoted all his heart and soul to helping me build a fortune.

Leo took the meeting report, compiled it all, and gave it to me to sign. When Leo was about to leave the front row and move to the back row, I spoke up to stop him:

"Anything else?"

Leo's breathing suddenly decreased, extremely gentle but intermittent. Perhaps the longer time goes by, the more I hone my bravery, and also improve my nature of oppressing others.

Leo bowed his head slightly and pondered:

“Everything went smoothly, nothing unexpected happened to the plan.”

I frowned, calculating in my heart that I didn't understand why I couldn't say it, so I had to look at the gloomy night outside the window.

“What time is it at my house?”

Leo looked at the phone and replied: "1 o'clock in the afternoon, sir."

Is it already one o'clock in the afternoon? I suddenly have the feeling that today is quite quiet, no, to be more precise, the phone has been extremely silent for a month now. Something seemed to be about to slip out of hand.

The mood suddenly became quite bad. Every time like that, I don't want to let myself rest. On the contrary, I took off my clothes and immediately went into the hotel office to work overtime.

I spent ten years bringing the Evans family's business to the top of the country's commercial industry. Therefore, every plan for me must be perfect to the extreme. As long as I have time, no matter whether it's day or night, I have to edit them.

"Mr. CEO, it's too late, you should rest early." Leo walked in, carefully examining me.

"If someone wants to leave early, you tell them to be able to catch a plane straight home, no need to follow me."

Leo didn't dare say anything more, immediately bowed his head and walked out.

I have a quiet space, extremely suitable for me to focus wholeheartedly on my work. But I know I was just looking at the paper, and the words weren't coming to mind. I miss Dahlia.

Normally, the outside assistants would report back on how many times she called me today. There were so many of them that I started not paying much attention. Up until now, I've discovered that since half a year ago I have rarely heard this announcement from Leo. For a week now, I haven't received any phone calls from her. Since when did she stop calling me?

“Leo, you and Xenia come in here for a moment.”

Xenia Clarke is one of my longstanding assistants. Xenia's responsibility is to receive intelligence at home. If there is something urgent, she has the right to interrupt the meeting and announce it to me.

"Mr. CEO, is there anything you need to tell us?”

“Have you received any phone calls from my house recently?” I took a sip of coffee.

“Yesterday your mother called to ask how you were doing recently.” Xenia replied.

"What else?" I continued to ask.

“Two days ago, your friend, young master Ermintrude, called to ask when you would return home.” Xenia still calmly announced.

But none of those things were what I needed: “What about Dahlia?”

Xenia was a bit confused and immediately checked the entire call log. Her actions made me suddenly uncomfortable.

“Hasn't Dahlia called me lately?”

Xenia didn't seem to notice my plummeting mood: "No, sir."

I picked up the pen and tapped the paper, trying to calm my mood. Leo quickly came next to me and helped me pour another cup of coffee.

“When was the last time Dahlia called me?”

Xenia answered honestly without even seeing Leo's wink. I gently cleared my throat to make him stand seriously again.

“Fifteen days ago. But at that time you were on a conference call in the office so we didn't tell you."

“Don't tell me?” I frowned slightly.

“Yes, normally Ms. Dahlia often calls to ask about normal matters like your health, or will whine about your family, so we didn't classify it as needing attention. We don't want this to tire you out..."

“Xenia!” I interrupted her words.

"Yes sir?" Only now did Xenia notice my unusual state and Leo's pale face.

“The person you are talking about is my fiancee, will also be my future wife, and the boss of the Evans family. Since when do you have the right to arrange her position after other things?” I slammed the pen down on the table, my anger continuously rising.

“Mr…Mr. Ceo… I didn't mean it like that… it's just that every time I reported a call from Ms. Dahlia… you were silent and asked about other things… so I…”

"Shut up!"

I let out a sharp breath, suddenly remembering that I really did do such a thing. But at that time, work was so busy that I couldn't care about what Dahlia was trying to say. Right now, is she angry?

"Call her."

I thought again, and finally asked Xenia to give me the phone directly. I want to call her myself. The other end of the line rang ring after ring, but in the end no one picked up. Frowning my eyebrows, I wondered if Dahlia was busy with work. So, I called the housekeeper.

After talking to the housekeeper, I fell into deep thought and asked Xenia and Leo to leave the office. Dahlia fought with my mother, then immediately decided to leave the Evans house. Before leaving, she cursed Feya.

I smiled, feeling Dahlia had the right to show this side of her emotions. But to the point of leaving the house, I suspected she wanted me on her side. So just now, I asked my mother to give in to her a little. I don't like two people arguing all the time about trivial matters.

As for the Ermintrude family, I don't care much. The Ermintrude family depends on the Evans family. I know Feya always wants to talk about love with me, but my heart is only for Dahlia. I do not want and will not betray Dahlia.

I called Dahlia again, only to find that the operator said the phone number was unreachable. So, I decided to video call her for the first time. Just thinking about the image of her jumping up and down with joy, I couldn't help but laugh.

Dahlia actually captured as much as I thought, but she switched to audio mode so I couldn't see the face I missed. I speak first, always.

"Where are you?"

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