
Chap 4: go to work

Dahlia's POV

My heart beat even harder when I heard that familiar deep voice. Up until now, Gideon has said little but meant a lot, always getting straight to the point, never beating around the bush. For example, right now, he doesn't ask me why I left, on the contrary, he only asks where I am. Does Gideon really care about me at all?

"Outside." I tried to keep my voice calm.

"Go home."

I closed my eyes, feeling Gideon's calm but somewhat commanding voice, as if my leaving was not important, but was just deliberately causing trouble for him. I want to open my mouth to explain a little about my current mood.

"I have been very busy recently. Listen!"

The other end of the line rang out a sentence that interrupted my mood, then immediately hung up the phone.

I slowly lowered the phone, smiling unsightly, but my mouth could not lift and gradually lowered. I knew long ago that Gideon didn't like me, didn't love me, and wasn't serious about me, but being ignored like that made me feel extremely sad.

Gideon is a person with very strong gifts and outstanding abilities, the most outstanding person in the young generation of the Evans family. After taking over the Evans family's business from his grandfather, he brought the company to the top of the domestic market and headed abroad.

Gideon is so outstanding that the fact that I can be with him makes many people jealous. If it weren't for me, the ladies, especially Feya, would have approached him sooner. That's why they target me.

In their eyes, I am not worthy of Gideon. I used to be just a poor student majoring in painting, then became an unfamous artist. And he is a successful businessman. The two would have nothing to do with each other if I didn't persistently pursue him. He was kind enough to give me love and help me with tuition and other expenses.

I know it's time to return everything to its rightful place, not to be stubborn about something that never belonged to me. I really understood and quietly wiped away two rows of tears on my cheeks.

The next morning, after breakfast, I took the car to go to the company.

After graduating, Esther and I opened a company, renting a floor in a large apartment building in the city. But since I got involved with Gideon, I haven't come here once. Everything is handled by Esther.

"EH? Are you really coming?” Esther saw me and her eyes and nose widened.

“From now on, I will go to work in a regular manner.” I solemnly announced, also giving Esther the breakfast I made myself.

Esther did not hesitate to take the food and immediately put it in her mouth: "Tell me the truth, what are you thinking? You really don't worry about the Evans family anymore?"

I didn't care about that question, I directly looked at the manuscripts on Esther's desk. This time, our company has an exhibition, and another is to help customers organize exhibitions. The work is really too much.

Esther talked briefly about work, then returned to the topic she was curious about: “Really let go? Don't pursue him anymore?

I nodded vigorously, continuing to seriously examine the wall in the exhibition area.

“It's not that I don't trust you. But every time you say this sentence, a moment later, all it takes is a call from Mr. Evans, you obediently return.”

"Already called." I frankly admit.


“He called but I didn't come home.”

I did not continue this story, but directly turned on the computer to sketch the drawing under Esther's suspicious gaze. I have a good artistic background, but I haven't worked properly for many years. From time to time, I would send Esther a few drawings and then continue pursuing Gideon. My life revolved around Gideon so much that I had lost my gift.

After completing the first sketch, I gave it to Esther. She looked for a moment then sighed:

“You haven't touched a pen in a long time. Why is it so different from other people when you just pick it up? It's too stylish!”

“Who said I don't touch the pen?”

Esther gave me a look of disdain, making me involuntarily scratch my nose. My pen still works, but only draws one person. Feeling inexplicable, I continued to focus on work.

Without me realizing it, the sky gradually turned to dusk, I only knew that Esther would occasionally feed me some bread and coffee. When I stretched, Esther mysteriously whispered.

“The Evans family's butler is here to pick you up.”

I was a bit confused, then I remembered the butler Silas. He has been at the Evans house for a long time, or rather, he has served since Gideon's grandfather.

“What did he come here for?”

“Take the princess back to the palace,” Esther teased.

I pretended to throw the pen at her: "Do you want to fight?"

Now perhaps Esther believed that I was determined to let go, so she made an evil face: "How should we deal with their housekeeper?"

I didn't care, continued drawing: "Waiting is happiness."

Esther nodded in agreement. She also knew that the butler Silas was also someone who did not like me at all, and treated me poorly when Gideon was not present. An old man like him in the Evans household, being promoted to the position of chief butler, really considered himself superior to thousand people?

Esther rubbed her hands together: "I'll go turn on the air conditioner in the living room to the coldest setting."

I smiled helplessly: "Do what you want."

By the time I colored half of the painting, three hours had passed. Looking carefully, I might have to work overtime tonight, so I decided to get up and get some more warm water. But as soon as I reached the living room, I was blocked by the butler Silas.

“Miss Green.”

I turned my head to look. The air in the living room was really cold, but butler Silas still stood straight like a cedar tree standing in the snow. His appearance was neither arrogant nor flattering, but his heart was narrow-minded towards me.

“Is something wrong?” I picked up the glass and asked again.

“You need to return.”

His hands were crossed in front. His voice was neither fast nor slow, it didn't sound like he was giving advice, on the contrary, it sounded like he was giving orders.

I raised my eyebrows, I can accept Gideon's order. But what the hell is a butler like him?

"How about not?"

The butler's attitude looked like he was facing a child who didn't understand: "Please don't embarrass Mrs. Evans."

I slowly sat down on the chair, put down the glass and pointed to the opposite side: "Please sit down."

The butler seemed more pacified, satisfied because he thought I was trying to please him. His voice brought a bit of a feeling of educating me: "Miss Green, a little anger is called happiness, a lot of times is called ignorance."

I leaned back in my chair, the smile on my face was extremely cold, hiding a bit of visible anger:

"Right? How can I be considered incomprehensible?

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