
Chap 12: "Obey me!"

Dahlia's POV

I never thought that Gideon would appear at my door. I stood there dumbfounded, my limbs felt like they were being pressed into acupuncture points, not knowing where the sound came from:

“Why did you come here?”

Gideon initially looked unhappy, his eyes carrying many disappointed thoughts, but then suddenly the corners of his lips raised. Even though the curvature amplitude is very small, I can still see the change. He calmed down and seemed to be in a slightly better mood.

We stood across from each other, facing each other but not talking. In a quiet place at night like this, the atmosphere becomes one of meeting old people who haven't seen each other for a long time.

I didn't move, neither did Gideon. Both are struggling and silently fighting in our minds. In the end, he was the one who intentionally took a step forward, wanting to shorten our distance. But I didn't consciously take a step back.

Gideon immediately stopped, his eyes filled with confusion, then revealed a trace of unhappiness, because perhaps he realized that I rejected him over and over again.

I took a step back, a little embarrassed and moved aside. I wanted to close the door but didn't dare: "Come in."

The person outside the door lifted his foot and entered. His tall, poised body instantly turned the small, simple apartment even smaller. As he passed me, his eyes suddenly stopped for a second:

"Come here."

I followed behind him, my thoughts a bit chaotic. I also tried to imagine what Gideon's reaction would be if I moved out of the Evans house. But in the end, I couldn't even imagine it. Gideon's reaction was basically... no reaction.

I never felt like my leaving would affect his life. I am also very clear about my position in his heart.

Imagining thousands of possibilities, but never thinking about this kind of situation... Gideon came to me himself.

As Gideon walked in, he rolled his eyes and assessed my apartment. At a glance, outsiders can see the entire house, living room, kitchen, and bedroom. This place for him is probably equivalent to the space in an eggshell. I could see him frowning in disgust. He bent down on the sofa, his eyes fell on my feet: "Where are the slippers?"

I wiggled my toes and found one, but the other was nowhere to be found. I'm sure I kicked it under the sofa. My legs were frozen to the point of numbness, but now I couldn't bend my butt and kneel on the ground to rummage under the sofa.

Gideon was still leisurely, comfortably looking at me. I also defy anything called timid. Throwing away all dignity, I knelt on the ground looking for sandals. My arms are short, I can't reach them at all. After rolling around for a while, a voice came from above:

“Why did you move away?”


I struggled to find slippers while also absorbing Gideon's question. Indeed, my life now is much worse than when I was at the Evans family. In the evening, after working overtime, I still have to cook myself.

Before, I liked to take off my sandals and walk around the house barefoot. But since moving into a small apartment, I have had to correct that habit. There is no other reason, just current conditions do not allow it. The tiny apartment has no underground heating system. At night the temperature in the house is low, sometimes it's too cold, I don't want to take off my coat, let alone walk barefoot on the floor.

Although Gideon has never commented, my current situation is truly poor. Slippers cannot be removed. I sat on the ground without saying a word. I hugged my arm and leaned against the side of the sofa, the ends of my hair falling over my thin, narrow shoulders. Pale yellow light shines down on the body.

Gideon bent down, suddenly lifted me from the floor to the chair, then took off his coat and placed it on me. I touched his jacket that still had his warmth, watched him kneel on one knee on the ground, reaching out to help me find slippers under the sofa. Gideon's white shirt cuffs were rolled up to his elbows and rubbed underneath the sofa, leaving behind a layer of ash. The long-legged, long-armed man quickly found my sandals, then placed them right under my feet.

Gideon went to wash his hands and returned to the living room again: "When are you coming home?"

I raised my head to look at him, seeing his calm expression. We stayed in the same place for quite a while. Every time the two meet, Gideon naturally won't talk. But my love for him is still like a flame, just like a moth burning its head inside a thousand-year iceberg.

Seeing my silence, Gideon's expression darkened a bit: "How long do you want to cause trouble?"

I bowed my head without speaking. After hearing that question, I instantly remembered what Baron and the others said. What they say is not wrong. With just one look, one word from Gideon, I will obediently carry my luggage and go home with him. I returned, continuing to be Dahlia Green madly in love with Gideon Evans. My whole world turns around because of him, and because of him I am happy.

I looked at the light under the carefully cleaned floor. Every time I wipe, I tell myself that I've forgotten Gideon. Currently, I clean the floor to a shiny finish. My heart also became lonely.

Gideon didn't see my answer, so he glanced around the house: "Do you like staying in a place like this?"

I raised my head, a place like this? What about a place like this?

Gideon sat on the sofa, his hands clasped together, casually resting on his knees. He used a negotiating position to talk to me: "There are no workers, no nannies, no good food, no nice clothes. Are you familiar?”

I can hear the intention in these words. Gideon said everything with consideration for benefits, but there was no emotion mixed into it. In his business world, perhaps that's the case, every decision must be carefully considered.

I threw away my accommodation and all the material conditions to run alone to a poor apartment like this. In Gideon's mind, my actions were extremely stupid.

"Obey me!" Gideon faced me, gently offering advice.

“Gideon,” I mustered all my courage, gathered all my strength, and replied in a low voice: “Have you never thought about seriously and respectfully getting to know me once before?”

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