
 Mr. CEO Can't Control His Sugar Baby
Mr. CEO Can't Control His Sugar Baby
Author: Cat After Shift

Chap 1: leave the Evans house

Dahlia's POV

I've been with Mr. CEO Gideon Evans for over nine years, with what status I don't know anymore. Gideon has never revealed me to everyone. They told me I was just a sugar baby, a lucky gold digger that he noticed.

I looked at the expensive watch that was bought with the money I saved from contest prizes from my work. This was what I wanted to use to propose to Gideon. But he was on business trips all year round, running a company abroad, so he didn't have the opportunity to receive it. And so will the future. Because I chose to leave him.

I put the watch in the cabinet box and looked back at the room I lived in for nine years for the last time.

Yesterday, Gideon's mother told me some shocking news.

“Gideon will marry the young lady of the Ermintrude family. If you're smart, get out of here quickly. Don't make yourself the butt of our jokes.”

I endured Gideon's mother's disdainful eyes. For nine years, no matter how hard I tried, I could not please this lady. Right now, I won't pray for unworthy love.

The news of Mr. CEO Gideon Evans marrying Lady Faye Ermintrude has spread online, but I have not received any messages or calls from Gideon. Does our nine-year relationship not deserve an explanation for me?

Looking at my phone screen, the last message came from me a month ago. And it got no response. I smiled even though my eyes were hot.

I carried my suitcase downstairs before the disdainful eyes of the people in the villa. My suitcase is very light. When I came here, I only brought a few clothes. Therefore, when I left, I only took what belonged to me and did not touch anything that Gideon bought for me.

Standing in front of the big gate of Evans' house, I carried my suitcase and waited for the car to pick me up. But what caught my eye was a new sports car stopping in front of me.

Baron Ermintrude got down, stood on the front of the car, holding his arm with a happy look on his face when he saw my bad situation. The first day I pursued Gideon and the moment I moved into the Evans house, Baron and his other rich friends looked at me with half an eye. In the minds of rich people, a poor person clinging to them does not have good intentions.

I didn't think that as soon as the information about me packing up and leaving Evans' house appeared, those people all dropped all their work to come see my pitiful face, especially Baron. Baron immediately brought his sister Faye to live at the Evans house. If it weren't for my interference, maybe Faye and Gideon would have gotten married a long time ago?

What they couldn't expect was that I was extremely calm and leisurely waiting for the car. Since being with Gideon, my hidden beauty has been unearthed. Currently, I can be confident that I am a poor beauty. I stood in front of the big gate wearing a beige coat. Today, I dressed myself in the tightest, most beautiful clothes so as not to lose my superiority. Every time I move, my small waist will appear, attracting so many eyes.

Baron swallowed his saliva, his wolf-like eyes turned towards me. Feya, who was next to him, immediately elbowed him. He came here to tease me and anger me instead of his sister's frustrations. Looking over at my small suitcase, Baron raised one side of his mouth, his voice filled with disgust.

“Are you playing this trick again?”

The people behind heard it and simultaneously laughed and despised me. In their eyes, a poor person like me had to work hard to hold on to Mr. CEO Gideon Evans, so how could I give up so easily?

I was immersed in the taste of broken love and was ridiculed by others, so I took a deep breath, but couldn't refute. Because they're right. In the past, I often used the tactic of escaping from home to threaten Gideon. I want him to give me his status, his name and all his love. Until now, no one wants to believe that I am determined to leave.

I didn't want to waste my saliva explaining so I averted my eyes and looked at the flower beds that I planted and cared for myself. I wonder if when I leave, Gideon will take good care of them for me. Maybe by the time he gets home, these flowers will have withered. Or maybe he won't pay attention, because I and everything related to me are both yes and no to him.

Snorting a few times, I felt really sad.

I thought about leaving Gideon a month ago. Even though I had carefully prepared, when I actually left, I still couldn't bear it. That unwillingness was completely overwhelmed by the fatigue caused by being despised.

I looked at my cell phone, the car was only a few kilometers away from me, so I still didn't want to pay attention to those people and continued to stand still and wait. However, Baron did not let me go that easily.

“You are after all the mistress next to Mr. Evans, why didn't the housekeeper even send a car to take you away when you ran away from home?

I frowned slightly, wondering when I had angered these people just because I was with Gideon. Today I just want to leave here but it seems they always want to bite me.

Seemingly seeing my frown, Baron continued to mock:

“It's not even a car that the Evans family doesn't respect you for, is it?”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him burst out laughing.

In this world with so much money, everyone knows that except for Gideon paying a little attention to me, everyone else looks down on me. Gideon only comes home once in a while, so everything is arranged by Mrs. Evans. And his mother both allowed the servants to treat me harshly. Because of love, I choose to endure.

I looked at Baron's face full of mockery, his mouth slightly curled up:

“Is Feya okay?”

“What do you mean?”

Feya is the fiancee that Mrs. Evans arranged for Gideon, and is also Baron's sister. Baron cherished Feya like a precious treasure.

Now that I've left the Evans house, do I have anyone else to fear? Before, I always tried to lower myself and please them, so I let them look down on me like that. Now, because of being patient for a long time, all the thoughts and resentments inside have been released.

“Even if you want to take Feya to Gideon's bed, you should see if she has that strength and guts.”

Baron widened his eyes, probably not thinking that I would dare to say such harsh words. Since childhood, Feya's body has not been good and she always needs to rest.

Baron walked quickly to where I stood, grabbed my collar tightly and pulled me back towards him. Then, a slap landed directly on my face.

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