
Chap 8: meet Gideon at the police station

Dahlia's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was currently wearing a black silk shirt, exuding sophistication, sexiness, and mystery. Sighing, I was finally seduced by Esther. A few minutes ago, because she wanted me to be in a better mood, she invited me to the bar.

“You go alone. I'm not going anywhere.” I want to stay at home and heal my emotions.

“Do you know what the theme of this bar is?” Esther makes a killer move.

"What topic?"

“Ancient Greek mythology!”

I suddenly fell silent. When it comes to Ancient Greek mythology, many people probably think it is pure and beautiful. But actually it has a lot of dark sides. For art students like me, that mysterious dark side of art attracts me.

I lengthened the corners of my eyes, completing my makeup. I shed the gentle gentleness of the past, replacing it with a bold charm. I grabbed my waist-length jacket and went downstairs to Esther's car.

As soon as Esther saw me, her eyes lit up: “You surprised me. Tell me, if Mr. Evans saw you wearing makeup like this, how would he feel?”

I looked out the window, what kind of mood would he be in?

On the other hand, he would frown, blame me for two hours straight, and then not care how much I cried or despaired.

“He can't control me.” I touched my earring: "Let's go quickly."

The car quickly arrived at the bar. As soon as I got out of the car, the phone rang non-stop. Realizing it was an unknown number, I decided to turn it off. This is my new mobile number, not many people know it. So the person calling at this hour can only be someone I don't want to remember. I threw my phone in the car, not paying attention to it anymore.

But I didn't expect to meet Baron Ermintrude here. I discovered him because from the moment I walked in, he fixed his eyes on my legs. His eyes had no good intentions, as if he could smell his prey. He walked closer to me with a glass of wine. When he clearly saw my exquisitely made-up face, he turned from surprise to contempt.

"Why are you here?"

I touched my nose, looking disgusted at the scent mixed with perfume and alcohol on his body, the smell was like the rot starting from his bones. This move of mine successfully angered him.

“Who do you hate?”

I was too lazy to react to Baron, turned around and left, still hearing his cursing behind me.

“What time will the performance start?” I turned to ask Esther.

"Eleven o'clock."

I tried to not close my eyes. When the clock struck eleven, I quickly regained my composure. But before my eyes, it was not an Ancient Egypt performance, instead it was a male striptease performance. I gasped, wanting to immediately turn around and strangle Esther.

Esther turned to me and said sorry, but her eyes couldn't leave the male model on stage. I reassured myself by thinking that I came here today to open my eyes.

Just a few minutes into the show, the male models pulled a few people up to dance with them. The party was extremely bustling. The next second, the music suddenly stopped. People wearing police uniforms entered.

“Everyone must not move!”

I swear I have never been so unlucky in my life. But the story doesn't stop there. The police asked for ID cards. Esther quickly handed it out, and I started touching my wallet, only then realizing I had put it in my phone case. Phone thrown in the car.

Baron, a regular at the bar, was quickly released. When he passed me, he didn't have any good intentions and laughed: "Dahlia, do you feel embarrassed? If Mr. Evans saw you like this, what would his reaction be?"

I gently replied: "Compared to regular customers like you, I'm still very ordinary."

Baron thinks he can make fun of me. Who would have thought that I would not respect him at all, leaving him speechless. He arbitrarily plastered his face with gold, trampled on other people's beauty, and considered himself a noble person. We're playing in the same bar, why is it my turn to turn into a criminal?

I sat in the police station, along with minors who were also arrested from the bar. The police poured each person a glass of warm water, then strongly advised them to study hard and not just think about going out. The police's eyes glanced at me several times.

I wonder from what angle do I look so young?

I wholeheartedly waited for Esther to lead someone to rescue me. Waiting for more than an hour, I couldn't see Esther. On the contrary, I was waiting for an uninvited guest to arrive.

Gideon Evans!

“Dahlia Green!” The police outside called my name: “Get out. The guardian has arrived.”

When I heard those words, I almost fell to the ground. My father is currently very far away. So who is my guardian?

As soon as I stepped out of the break room, I immediately faced Gideon's hot eyes. This is the first time he and I have met in a year. In this moment, I suddenly had the same feeling that my heart was beating fast like the first time I met him, an indescribable feeling that has never stopped.

I swallowed my saliva, I didn't think the two of us would meet each other at the police station. Gideon was the one who came to help me out. Life is truly a joke.

Last month, I proposed to break up over the phone, but the person who picked up was Gideon's secretary, Xenia. Since I decided to break up until now, I have not had a chance to meet and sit down to talk clearly with him about this issue.

Gideon walked towards me, perhaps out of habit, every time he returned from a business trip, he would hug me first. The moment he reached out his hand, I expressionlessly avoided it, making the situation awkward. Not wanting to stay here, I naturally walked around Gideon, not wanting to face him.

However, I could feel Gideon's burning eyes behind me. Seconds later, his footsteps followed me. As soon as I stepped outside the station door, the cold wind made me chill, and I couldn't help but hug myself.

A large, thick coat suddenly fell on my shoulders. Gideon hugged my shoulders into his chest.

"Get in the car."

I was half hugged and half dragged into the car, halfway there was no way to resist.


Gideon ordered the driver. The atmosphere in the car was extremely quiet, I didn't speak so he didn't open his mouth either. After driving for a while, Gideon could sense that I was in an uncomfortable mood so he asked first:

“Did you have fun?”

I didn't expect this to be the first sentence Gideon said to me since he returned home once a year. I smiled slightly, feeling that this was not strange. He never asked me why I went to the police station, nor did he ask me why I went to the bar.

I replied solemnly:


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