
Chap 7: can't take her home

Gideon's POV

At dusk, the Evans family's specialized plane also landed back home. I gently opened my eyes. Maybe only when I'm up here will I really have time to rest.

During one year of my work, I hardly had any vacation time. I tried to shorten the company's three-year foreign market expansion plan to one year. The plan is progressing extremely well, with several large orders coming in consecutively.

“Open a meeting, convene all departments of the corporation.”

As soon as I stepped off the plane, I headed straight to the company. The achievements of the past year were implemented, successfully expanding foreign markets and doubling domestic production lines.

The whole company was immersed in good news. The staff directly booked a luxury restaurant to celebrate, planning to not get drunk then not go home tonight. The discussion in the meeting seemed to have no end.

As for me, I propped my head up, my thoughts had long since flown elsewhere. Looking at the watch on my hand, the time was running out, Leo must have taken Dahlia home already.

I stood up and adjusted my vest. Immediately, all eyes in the meeting room focused on me.

Baron spoke first: "Gideon, will you stay and celebrate with everyone tonight?"

I was a little lost and refused: "Everyone keep organizing. I have work."

I went down to the basement, didn't wait for the driver to arrive, then drove home directly. I couldn't wait any longer. My heart wanted to quickly see Dahlia, hug her, kiss her sweet lips.

The Evans mansion had already strung up the lights and flowers, and finished arranging everything. As soon as the car pulled up, I saw the entire Evans family waiting at the door. They all rushed into the yard, led by Mrs. Evans. Stepping out of the car, I scanned everywhere, but Dahlia was not there.

I looked at Mrs. Evans: “Where is Dahlia?”

My mother smiled, her tone was gentle: “That girl is playing the angry game again. You’re skinny again.”

I nodded a few times, bowing slightly so my mother could see me more clearly. Waiting until I said a few words of comfort to her, I glanced at Leo. Leo avoided my eyes, seemed guilty and looked down. This makes me uncomfortable. Tell him to go pick up Dahlia, why is he still here? And Dahlia is nowhere to be found?

Baron Ermintrude's group came to my house. They said without me the party wouldn't be happy. Each person carried several barrels of wine, including white wine and red wine, both expensive luxuries. It was about ten o'clock in the evening, but the Evans family's living room and kitchen were both lit.

I continued to be pulled in by my mother to talk.

“This time, when you come back, do you still want to go again?”

I tried to cope, but from the moment I entered the house, I was a bit lost. I acutely discovered that everything related to Dahlia had completely disappeared and was nowhere to be seen. In the living room there was originally a painting of me and her painted by herself, and other paintings, wall hooks and a few sofa pillows she liked to lie on. All are invisible.

I withdrew my gaze, my voice a bit low: "Why did Dahlia suddenly move out?"

My mother was stunned, but quickly regained her usual gentleness: "Just a little angry. Wait for you to comfort her, then she will naturally come back."

My thoughts were lost somewhere else: "I'm going up to change clothes."

I glanced slightly at Leon. He understood so he followed.

In the library on the second floor, I sat on a chair, looking at the jewelry I had fought so hard to buy just for Dahlia. Currently, it is still intact and returned to my hands.

“Why is that?”

Leo stammered: "Miss Green said... take this jewelry back and tell you to give it to someone you like."

I frowned and was silent for a few seconds: "How childish!"

Leo opened his mouth slightly to say something but stopped. I also don't want to hear any more of what Dahlia sent me.

"Where is she now?"

“At her mother's apartment.”

I was stunned, my palms suddenly sweated. Before, Dahlia and I were together for two reasons. One is that I need someone to stand in the way of my family wanting me to marry a noble lady. Second, Dahlia needs a large amount of money to treat her mother's illness.

I only met Dahlia's mother once. After that, work got so busy that I no longer knew what her mother was like and which hospital she was currently transferring to for treatment.

Up until now, every time Dahlia was angry, she would go to a five-star hotel and wait for me to bring someone to comfort her. Currently, she returns to her mother's house. There's something very strange that makes me feel uneasy.

“Give me the cell phone.”

Leo passed the phone over. I quickly looked for Dahlia's number, but on the phone there was the system sound. The other party was in a shutdown state. I frowned, decided to call again, the situation was still the same.

Leo reassured: "It's possible that she changed her mobile number."

I turned to social networks, only to discover that Dahlia had blocked me. Feeling uneasy and angry, I lowered my voice: "Call butler Silas."

While waiting for the butler Silas, I searched for a way to contact Dahlia, wandered around, and found that I didn't know anything. I don't know her friends, I don't know where she's going.

“Sir Evans.” The butler stood respectfully to one side.

“What is Dahlia's new phone number?” I asked straight to the point.

The butler was a bit confused and immediately replied: "I'll go investigate immediately."

I nodded. Butler Silas and Leo quickly went out at the same time before I got angry.

I sat alone in the library, feeling more and more unable to control my temper. Remembering the situation on the phone just now, I squinted my eyes and stared at the phone, speechless. Nine years later, as long as I return, Dahlia will be like a shadow next to me.

I know, at this moment, I really want to meet Dahlia.

Up to now, I have always belonged to the action side. When I affirm something, I will do it immediately. So I stood up and decided to go find her.

Before leaving the library, I noticed something was missing on the wall.

“Someone touched my library?”

The servant said in fear: “It was Miss Green who touched it. Before Ms. Green left the house, she went into this room and took away a lot of things."

“Bring what?”

“It looks like a painting.”

I immediately remembered that in my library there were many paintings by Dahlia. Now they are nowhere to be found. Looking at the empty spots on the wall, I was immediately annoyed.

“Go find her.”

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