
Chap 2: being despised

Dahlia’s POV

“Dahlia, do you really consider yourself a princess? If it weren't for you weren't so thick-skinned at the Evans house, then Mr. Evans went home a long time ago.”

I stiffened my whole body. In the past half a year, Gideon has never returned home. If they want to find out the reason, it's probably because of me that he don't want to go home.

Baron was much taller than me, so the slap just now was extremely cruel, causing me so much pain that I was dizzy. Is it true that if Gideon had shown me some respect, Baron wouldn't have dared to do that to me today?

I swallowed my tears and tried to say each word:

“This slap… I will remember it well.”

Baron frowned, his voice even more contemptuous:

“Leaving the Evans house, you're nothing. Do you remember well? So what? If you have the courage, never come back here.”

I clenched my fist, my nails digging deep into my skin, making me even more alert. I know clearly that not receiving Gideon's love means that once I leave here, I will only have two empty hands.

Thanks to this slap, I was awakened. It helps me let go of some things that linger in my heart.

Luckily the car arrived on time. I also did not turn my head to look at the place where I lived for nine years. This time, I left very decisively.

The driver asked me if the address was correct but didn't see my answer so he turned around to look. At this point, tears were rolling down my cheeks. I hugged my body, trying not to sob.

I spent nine years putting Gideon first, knowing nothing but him. By making this big decision, I truly put an end to the young half of my life.

The car quickly arrived at the small residential area. I entered the familiar boarding house. This place has been cleaned by me. The atmosphere here helps me relax.

I helped myself to a cup of noodles. After filling my stomach, I planned to throw away the old SIM but in the end decided to put it back in the phone. An unfamiliar number called, I quickly clicked to accept.

“Dad… I know… I want to finish some unfinished business, then I'll go home right away… I've completely let go… I'm fine… Thank you, dad.”

After turning off the phone, I prepared to take out the old phone SIM and throw it in the trash. But at that moment, another call came in. Looking at it, my heart suddenly stopped beating, my eyes couldn't look away.

Gideon is calling me.

A year ago, Gideon went abroad to exploit the market and expand the company, only returning two or three times during that period. His phone is always given to his assistant and secretary to take care of. I called him many times but could not find him.

I suddenly remembered the times when his secretary silently criticized me and often intentionally refused to answer my calls. At first, I was extremely angry, but gradually it became a habit. Thanks to the people around Gideon, I was known as someone who often caused trouble for others and had a dirty temper, making him not want to return home.

I put my phone aside, not wanting to pay attention and continued cleaning the kitchen. The sound of the bell on the table persisted and persisted. I started to feel disgusted so I immediately took out my phone SIM and threw it aside.

If it was before, I would have been very happy to receive Gideon's call.

I installed a new SIM card and decided to call my best friend Esther Hughes. Esther is also a genuine noble lady, but has an upright, straightforward personality and always helps me.

The phone had just rang three rings when Esther answered:

“My dear friend, what are you doing?”

I just let out a sigh. Esther always advised me to let go of Gideon, why would I accept years of being with someone who doesn't respect me? If I let go, she will definitely find me a boyfriend who is much more handsome and taller than Gideon.

“Tell me, what do you want to do this time? Force Gideon to marry you?

I smiled calmly. But it seemed Esther didn't have the patience to wait for me to answer, so she asked again with a more serious tone.

“What's on your mind?”

I took a deep breath and said what I couldn't bear to say: "I decided to let go."

Esther chuckled a few times: "You've said this a thousand times."

I understand what Esther thinks. She thinks I love Gideon so deeply that only when I die will I leave him. This time I left, and I still couldn't believe it.

“I will go to the company tomorrow.” I silently changed the subject.

Esther was surprised: “You haven't been to the company for a hundred years. What are you doing tomorrow?”

I calmly looked out the balcony of the apartment: "If I don't work, I won't have money to eat. Or will you raise me?”

Esther went from one surprise to another, her voice rising a notch: “Mr. Evans has so much money. Why is it my turn..."

I interrupted that sentence: "I don't take money from the Evans family."

Esther was silent for a few seconds: “What do you mean?”

Now that I think about it, I live at Evans' house, and he takes care of all the clothing expenses. He did not deny the title of my fiancee. But it was also because of that title that my vitality was drained every day because I was looked down upon by others.

A sugar baby wants to climb up to become his fiancee. It sounds so ridiculous!

Because I wanted to join Gideon's world, I risked my life to buy luxury items to wear. Later I found out that Baron's people all said I was greedy for money and a gold digger.

“That's what I mean.” I smiled.

“Are you serious?”

“It seems like everyone doesn't believe I will let go.” I scratched my head and poured myself a glass of water to swallow my frustrations.

“Who will believe? You put Mr. Evans in a priority position in your heart. You endured the humiliation at the Evans family for so many years because of him. You ask yourself, can you trust you?

I shrugged: “Would everyone feel that without Mr. Evans, will I not be able to live?”

"Will!" Esther answered without hesitation, leaving me unable to say anything more.

After convincing Esther of her trust, I started cleaning the floor, wiping it over and over again until the floor was shiny.

Suddenly, the phone in the living room rang, a video call notification. I quickly dried my hands, returned to the living room and glanced at my phone. Gideon's portrait appears.

I hesitated for a few seconds, but this was the first time Gideon had video called me, so I still gave him some face to answer the phone. I switched the call to audio mode, but didn't see the video.

Just connected, the man's low and stern voice came through the phone.

"Where are you now?"

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