
Chap 10: return to Evans' house

Dahlia's POV

“Don't go next time. I don't like it."

In the past, what Gideon liked or didn't like became the principle for me to do everything. If Gideon doesn't like it, I won't touch it. If Gideon likes it, I will definitely like it too.

However, at present, when I hear that sentence, deep inside I have a feeling of wanting to rebel:

"But I like it."

Gideon quickly frowned. Obviously, my sudden opposition made him unhappy:

“There will be no next time.”

Having finished speaking, he closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair to rest, probably wanting to end this topic.

Immediately I felt no longer interested. I also don't want to waste time arguing that going to bars is my freedom and has nothing to do with him.

The two of us are like a picture. Everyone wants to put the brush to paper and draw. One person draws at the top. One person draws on the tail. And there's a faint ink stain in the middle. I looked out the window, it seemed like when I understood the problem, the memories between us gradually faded little by little.

Nothing can be saved now.

Returning to the Evans' villa, the lights were still on. Some people saw the car coming in and quickly went to signal Mrs. Evans. I originally intended to return to my house, but unfortunately Gideon didn't speak up so the driver basically didn't listen to me. My opinion was ignored, making me a bit reluctant.

However, this helped me to be more determined that my continued stay at the Evans house would only bring contempt to myself.

The car door opened, I gently left Gideon's vest in the car, without looking at anyone, without turning around, I walked straight in. Mrs. Evans saw my return and had a look of surprise on her face, of course it was exactly the same as the look on the face of the person standing next to her right now, Faye Ermintrude.

The two of them looked at each other. Faye was still young so she couldn't bear to lose, then she asked in a low voice: "Gideon, why did Dahlia come back?"

Gideon picked up the coat I left behind, heard Faye's question, raised his head, and coldly asked again: "Where will she go if she doesn't come back?"

He glanced at Faye and said without any respect: "It's so late, why are you still here?"

Faye's face turned red: "I... I..."

I stood to the side, smiling sarcastically like an outsider watching a steamy love story that had nothing to do with me. Of course, it was difficult for Faye to say that she had been here for more than a month.

“It was Mom who told Faye to move here. Her body is not good. Behind our house there is a hot spring with many beneficial bacteria that are good for her health.”

Gideon also did not pay attention to Faye's reason, nor did he care when she moved in. He directly ended this part of living at home: "Tell Baron to come pick you up tomorrow."

I felt there was nothing more interesting, so I went upstairs. Behind, I still could hear Faye's sobs and Mrs. Evans' comforting words.

“Does Gideon want to send me away?”

“No, I'm here. Do not worry!”

I ignored those words and went into the bedroom on the second floor. Maybe I wouldn't be able to leave tonight, so I decided to take the pajamas I left at Evans' house and put them on. While all the clothes were off, Gideon suddenly walked in, still holding the phone in his hand, talking to someone.

I instinctively covered my body, but I couldn't resist Gideon's hot gaze. His eyes scanned every place where skin was exposed. His eyes did not clearly express his thoughts, only a dark color, then he left and continued calling.

I breathed a sigh of relief, intending to wait for Gideon to finish talking on the phone so I could clearly explain the breakup once and for all. Until now, there is nothing in my heart that needs to be attached anymore.

While I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, Gideon pushed the door open. The large bathroom was made a bit cramped by the man's tall body. Looking at him from the mirror, the suit he had just changed out of was wearing again.

Does he want to go out?

As soon as I finished brushing my teeth, I said, "I have something to tell you."

This breakup is not a big deal, but it's not a small thing either, so I want to talk frankly. Obviously, Gideon doesn't have time right now. He tied his tie with one hand, the other hand hugged me, and gently kissed my ear.

Gideon seemed to feel that it wasn't enough, so he wanted to turn my face around, searching for those lips that he hadn't missed for a long time. I felt that this was not an action that should be taken while talking about breaking up, so I immediately avoided it.

Gideon was momentarily stunned. Through the mirror, I could clearly see his cold and dissatisfied face. Once again, he turned my face roughly, pressing his lips down on mine even though I tried to resist. Having to give in, I just stood there, accepting that my lips were being tormented.

Feeling satisfied, Gideon leaned against my soft hair and rubbed it back and forth, his voice lingering: "I'm going out for a trip. Stay at home obediently and wait for me to come home."

I had no expression as I looked in the mirror, nor did I intend to say anything. For nearly two years now, this has been the living situation for the two of us.

Gideon is very busy. He can't separate from the huge corporation, can't throw away all the people living in the Evans villa. But if it were me, he could.

I can stay at home, day after day stupidly waiting for him. Like migratory birds waiting for spring to come, hoping for a new season.

Downstairs came the sound of a car engine, a few seconds later it started moving. The big door opened and the car quickly rushed out.

I was still standing in the bathroom, quietly looking at myself in the mirror. My face was still very calm, not angry at all. My heart was calm even for the reluctant parting kiss when Gideon left.

Indeed, this farewell is no longer important. My position in Gideon's feelings had long been clear. I don't need to think too much.

After gathering a bit, I calmly returned to the bedroom. The atmosphere after returning to Evans' house was heavy, like being held in a prison. My breathing feels like it's been covered in dust for a long time, making I can't breathe properly. Tonight, I had nightmares.

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