
Chap 6: return gift

Dahlia's POV

“Miss Green.”

I stopped and didn't have to turn around to know that the person coming was from the Evans family, because they were the only ones who said the title "Miss Green" brought a bit more disrespect. But when I saw who it was, I couldn't imagine it.

The person who arrived was Gideon's powerful secretary, Leo Harris.

Leo saw me looking at him and very politely announced: "Mr. Evans has returned."

I didn't respond, but a wave was rolling in my heart. I don't think Gideon will immediately return at this time. I still clearly remember him saying it would probably take two to three months for him to finish his business trip.

Currently, Gideon has only been gone for a month and a half. 

But so what? 

Gideon returns, so what?

Leo saw me standing still without saying anything, so he gently took a step forward: "Mr. Evans has arrived home.Shouldn't you go back too?”

I silently cried in my heart, finally understanding the meaning of Leo's coming here. The famous CEO Gideon Evans has returned, so my game of running away from home should also be over. I should be obedient like a little dog and admit my mistakes like in the past. I had to return to the Evans house, return to my position as a voiceless fiancee, and then continue to devote all my love and effort to Gideon.

I looked at the streetlight shining towards me, gently curling my mouth: "I just got back from overtime."

Leo thought he understood what I meant, and immediately said: "I'll go back and tell Mr. Gideon to increase your allowance."

I stared at Leo with extremely complicated emotions. I said that I just worked overtime, the main meaning is that I am very tired now and want to rest.

This assistant deduced that I wanted money!

I laughed out loud, feeling so pitiful, but I didn't want to be angry with an assistant: "I worked overtime today so I'm very tired. Don't want to go to Evans' house."

I said "don't go to Evans' house" rather than "return Evans' house".

Leo suddenly showed a clear attitude of not trusting me. He still thinks I'm angry for no good reason. But I can't blame him, because I used to be a huge fan of Gideon. In the past, every time Gideon came home, I was always the first to come see him. Every time Gideon goes on a business trip, I'm still the one who follows behind to ask when he will come back so I can meticulously apply my makeup to wait for him.

When we meet again, I like to stand on tiptoe and whisper in Gideon's ear how much I miss him. Because then, he will hug and give me a deep kiss.

But in the eyes of others, I am just like a cat attached to others, too annoying. I give them a kind of foolish feeling.

Leo handed the bag in his hand to me: "This is a gift Mr. Evans bought, just for you."

I glanced at it, but didn't reach out to receive it. Leo continued to act, bluntly opening the gift box. Inside is a set of expensive and famous jewelry in France. The ruby ​​embedded in it shines with a ruby ​​color, along with the black pearl, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it.

Leo smiled triumphantly: "This is a gift Mr. Evans bought in France for you."

This set of jewelry was auctioned very high, eventually falling into the hands of a mysterious person. Now, it was brought before me again. Gideon's understanding towards me is equivalent to a men's understanding towards women. Women like jewels, so he thinks I do too.

I stretched my arms. When Leo thought I would accept it so brought the gift box over, I closed the lid.

“This precious thing should still be left to someone Mr. Evans likes.”

I went straight upstairs, without turning around, without saying another word. As soon as I opened the door, I kicked my high heels aside and lay down on the sofa.

After coming into contact with Leo, my mood plummeted. I told myself that it was enough if I made up my mind to leave. The rest is for time to prove. But if I say I'm not sad, it's a lie. Leo's words still lingered in my head.

“I'll go back and tell Mr. Evans to increase your allowance.”

I burst out laughing, my smile gradually becoming distorted, and I quickly buried my face in the pillow. A moment later, sobbing sounds spread out. Why do my feelings become so humble in the eyes of others? Everyone has the right to laugh at me.

It's okay to like someone. But in their eyes, if the liked person doesn't reciprocate the other person's feelings, the other person will immediately become an object of ridicule. The person who has feelings for that person will suffer more negative emotions.

Maybe Gideon Evans is so perfect that the mistake is always mine. No matter what I do, it will turn into a dirty plot.

“Dahlia, you must resist.”

I rubbed my face against the pillow, sobbingly comforting myself.

“Don't turn back.”

I lay down for a while and then sat up, determined not to knock myself down. Going into the kitchen, I will fill my empty stomach. My cell phone suddenly rang, it was Esther texting me.

“Guess who called me just now?”

I boredly texted back one word: "Who?"

Esther texted back a laughing emoji: “Evans housekeeper.”

Butler Silas? Didn't I scare him so much a few days ago that he ran away?

I quickly called Esther: "What did he call you for?"

Esther mysteriously said: "Guess what."

“Could it be that he came to find me?” I'm skeptical.

"Of course."

“What is he looking for me for?”

“You don't know how polite and respectful that butler's voice is, and even calls me a young lady. He told me to give him your new phone number.”

“You said it?” I turned on the speakerphone and continued stirring noodles in the bowl.

“You and I are close friends. How could I do that? But I did tell him a series of numbers.”

“What number?”

“The number of the mental hospital. I also told him to take the entire Evans family for brain examination. Hahahah! He was so angry that he gasped and hung up."

I laughed out loud, my voice soft again: “The Evans family never feels they are wrong. They think the earth moves around them.”

Esther was silent for a moment then asked: "What if Evans comes to you today?"

I answered without thinking: “He won't!”

Thinking about what happened before, I lamented: "Having been with him for nine years, I understand him very well. He is incapable of actively looking for me. I feel like I'm really useful. Loving someone as cold as a block of ice for nine years.”

Esther comforted me: "You know I'm very happy for you to turn around."

“Don't worry. When he returns, I will explain everything clearly.”

Esther felt my voice was a bit low so she immediately instigated:

“If you want to be human again, why don't we go find a trigger point?”


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