
Chap 9: bail Dahlia out

Gideon's POV

At the Evans mansion,

I returned home again after not finding Dahlia at her mother's house. Going upstairs, I wanted to change into the suit I'd been wearing all day, pulling my tie aside. The white shirt collar opens arbitrarily, the first two buttons are no longer buttoned.

For four seasons a year, I dress like this. Dahlia created this habit for me. She told me to look neat and presentable. But gradually, these outfits make people feel unapproachable, serious and scared.

I don't care about that, nor do I care about the words of Dahlia's best friend that I accidentally heard:

"Gideon Evans, this type of man has a few words written all over his face: determined not to love, let money drink, lives alone so girls want him."

In short: "If he has money, he doesn't have feelings."

But I'm not that kind of person. I am extremely lucky to have outstanding ability and outstanding appearance. Therefore, I am so used to being surrounded by so many people. However, my eyes were only directed at one person. That's Dahlia Green.

Dahlia has my full attention. What else does she want? Doesn't she know that I don't have the time or energy to pay attention to anyone else?

If Dahlia hates Faye Ermintrude, I won't let Faye appear in front of her again. But every time I ask, doesn't she say it's okay?

"Knock Knock!"

A knock sounded on the door, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Mr. Evans!”

Hearing the butler's voice, I signaled for him to enter. His face was somewhat gloomy, also quite scared and discouraged, signaling bad news to me.

Butler Silas found Dahlia's new phone number, but still couldn't call her. They also tried calling where she lived but no one answered. This makes me unhappy:

“There was one person who couldn't be found either.”

Butler Silas sighed, after all, he was not a person with special searching abilities, nor was he a machine to monitor Dahlia day and night. Obviously, he didn't know where she was late at night.

“I will find Miss Green's other friends to ask.”

“Go ask the Hughes family.”

I've never met Dahlia's friends. I always don't like outsiders coming to visit, so Dahlia always listens to me. She doesn't dare bring her friends home. This is becoming a difficult thing for me now. I only vaguely remember that she seemed to be very close to the Hughes family.

In the past, whenever I randomly went to school to pick Dahlia up from school, I would stand in front of the classroom door and wait, watching Dahlia and Esther Hughes go out to eat and drink. A few times when we met by chance, I frankly said that I didn't like it a bit. My temper at that time was really not very good. Therefore, Dahlia promised not to go out with her friends again in the future.

Perhaps deep down in my subconscious, except for work, I always want Dahlia to be by my side, occupying my life as much as possible. But now, what makes her and I even further apart?

I stood quietly in front of the window. The gloomy night scene made me even more uncomfortable. No one dared to come close. The person who dared to come closer was no longer here.

Less than five minutes later, I received a notification on my phone. They found Dahlia.

I quickly changed into another outfit and walked downstairs in a hurry. Mrs. Evans saw it and asked in a low voice:

“It's already dark. Where else are you going? You just got back not long ago.”

I glanced at everyone in the house, holding my vest in my hand, and leisurely answered:

“I'm going out for a moment and I'll be back.”

Not paying attention to Mrs. Evans' query, I passed through the crowd, my hasty steps leaving only a shadow. I know, even if I don't need to answer, my mother still knows the information.

The car drove straight to the police station. I briefly heard about Dahlia's situation. My face was both cold and a bit strange. When I heard Baron tell everything, I felt somewhat dissatisfied with Dahlia.

In the car, the assistant made a few more phone calls, clarifying the source of everything. I know Dahlia went to a bar, watched other people striptease, and didn't even bring her ID card so she was taken away by the police. These things are unimaginable to me.

My fiancee ran to the bar and caused so much trouble that the police took her to the station?

“I am Dahlia Green's guardian. This is her ID card. Do I need to pay anything else to be able to bail her out?”

As soon as the police saw me, he smiled warmly: "Mr. Evans, I didn't know she was Miss Green, your fiancee. This much is enough. We will take Miss Green out immediately.”

I waited outside, thinking about what to teach Dahlia first. But when I saw her step out, I was a bit stunned by her changed appearance. Her skin is hidden behind her clothes, unlike the lovely and feminine dresses.

The words wanted to spill out, but I found that I missed Dahlia more. I want to hug her, want the first person to welcome me home to be her. So, I opened my arms wide, thinking she would rush in like a little cat. But I was wrong.

Dahlia's eyes looked at me very strangely, without joy or emotion. She avoided me very bluntly while I was just taking her out of the police station. Since when is she so ignorant?

I looked at Dahlia's back, thought for a moment and then decided to yield to her. With three steps, I caught up with Dahlia, putting on her the vest I deliberately prepared. I didn't want her to avoid me again, so I grabbed her shoulders and led her to the car.

“Did you have fun?”

Normally, Dahlia would honestly admit her mistake. I will teach her a few words and end with a kiss of appreciation. However, she remained silent. When I thought she had fallen asleep, she answered again, a bored smile on her lips:


If she’s not happy, why is she still determined to stay there? If she’s not happy, why doesn’t she come back to me?

I obviously don't want to hear this answer. I don't care about that answer either.

“Don't go next time.”

Dahlia is a girl who is always obedient and gentle. She shouldn't be at the bar.

"I don't like it."

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