
Chapter 2: A little glimmer of hope

“ouch, you should watch where you throw trash.”  

 I heard a thick masculine voice exuding an aura of dominating power close to me. I raised my head to uphold the sight of his face. He had a tanned, handsome, and spirited face that denoted a man who was tough and resolute in his ways.

“So sorry,” I shrugged and stood up to reach for my phone but he instantly picked it up.

“Please can I have my phone? I already said sorry,” I uttered nonchalantly.

He glances at me from head to toe. 

“You look pathetic with the act you just pulled in there, my name is Tobias Maxwell. You probably won't tell me yours, but can I drop you off?” 

Ok! This stung right in the heart.

“Let me have my phone, I don't need your help,” I was getting irritated by the intimidating glare.

“The only way you can have your phone again is if you allow me to drop you off.” 

He was getting on my nerves. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I curled my fist into balls suppressing the urge to vent my frustration on him.


I slowly pulled myself to his car. He opened the car and I sat down exhaling heavily.

The drive was silent, he tried starting up a conversation but I gave no response as my mind kept playing the horrific event that had occurred earlier. 

“Stop!” l muttered calmly.

He brought the car acceleration to a stop and stretched my phone, I grasped it mumbling a thank you, and glided down the car. I took a few steps close to my apartment but was thunderstruck by the sight before me. My belongings were thrown out like a piece of trash, my eyes blazed with rage catching sight of four huge men hurling my stuff outside.

“What the hell are you doing with my stuff,” I screamed hysterically, trembling with anger as I attempted to yank off my luggage from one of the men but obviously, my strength was just a pinch to his.

“Ma'am step back, this is an order from the boss,” one of the men warned sternly.

“ What stupid order? to toss my stuff outside my house and who is your boss?” my voice dripping with anger.

“The owner of the house ma'am,” He blurted out.

My heart sank as I couldn't believe Jeffery could be so heartless. Not only did he betray our love but he kicked me out of the house he bought for me. Where did I get it wrong? How could he be so cruel to me? Has he not done enough already? I looked miserable as I ruffled my hair in irritation. 

“Please you can't just throw my stuff out like that, I have nowhere else to go, you need to stop,” I begged in a bleak voice but they were not ready to listen to my pleading. It dawned on me that I was homeless. 

I tried to make my way inside with force but I was shoved, propelling me to hit myself on the floor with force. I groaned in pain, clutching my belly. I wiped out the tear at the corner of my eyes and gritted my teeth as my eyes turned cold, any affection I had for Jeffrey seeped out of my body and left through the tips of my fingers. I was burning in rage, I reached out to my bag and fetched my phone. I was surprised to see fifteen missed calls from the same number. I thought about calling Jeffery but he might have blacklisted my number by now. The only person I could call was Lora, my friend but she wasn't in town. I was hopeless at this point. 

“I guess, you probably need my help once again.” 

I heard the same voice that had spoken to me earlier, his cold and proud demeanor was noticed exuding an aura of nobility that couldn't be ignored. 

As I parted my lips to respond, my phone rang bringing my attention back to it. I gazed at the screen for a few seconds. It was the same number, so I decided to answer it.

“Ma'am, we have been trying to reach you but you aren't picking up, I'm your grandfather's butler. We have been searching for you for a couple of years, your grandfather is in critical condition and he has been longing to behold your present,” A thick masculine voice steamed from the phone putting me in a state of puzzlement. 

I tried to make sense of what he was saying. The last time I remember I had no parents let alone grandparents. The only thing I was told in the orphanage was that I was dumped on the doorstep with a piece of paper, with my name written boldly on it. I was already going through pain, I don't want anyone to add to it.

“Look, I think you called the wrong person,” I tried to be courteous but his next statement left me stunned.

“Avery Tayler Jason,” he called my name in full. Nobody knew my full name except Aunty Mallory in the orphanage. I wra

pped my mouth with my palms as I gasped for air. 

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