
Mummy, please forgive Daddy: Revenge on my ex-boyfriend
Mummy, please forgive Daddy: Revenge on my ex-boyfriend
Author: Mary mavi

Chapter 1: shattered into pieces

“Yes! This is more like it,” I smiled to myself. 

I was putting on a hot pink well-tailored gown looking more like a bride, l packed my platinum blonde hair into a high ponytail smacked on some lip gloss, and stared at my reflection in the full-length mirror. But suddenly felt the urge to throw up, I ran to the bathroom and emptied whatever was in my tummy. I clutched my belly, and a beam of a smile lingered on my face. I couldn't wait to break the news of my pregnancy to Jeffery. A few days ago he left for a business trip and I felt a little bit sick. I went to the hospital but was stunned when the doctor disclosed to me that I was pregnant. Jeffrey and I weren't planning on having a baby before our marriage, but it just happened, I couldn't wait to break the news to him. We have always dreamed of building our family together. The thought of walking down the aisle with Jeffrey keeps hovering in my mind.

I took a glance at the clock and it was already 9 o'clock.

“oh! My, I'm going to get sacked if I miss this wedding,” I heaved a sigh of relief as I finally wore the difficult shoes I was stumbling to put on. 

I picked up my matching purse and hastened up. The drive to the wedding venue took thirty minutes, I paid the cab man and walked into the venue. The captivating decoration was magnificent. My boss must have spent a lot on his only daughter's wedding. I walked in with the alluring beauty sort of aura, seeming to cause the congregation to stare dagger at me. I quickly sat down on the first empty seat that caught my attention.

“Thank goodness, I wasn't late,” I heaved a sigh of relief as I glanced through at the couple who were yet to take their vow. 

The bride was stunningly beautiful in her bridal gown with her brown hair styled into a braided bun and the tendrils strategically hung, framing her small heart-shaped face. Her full lips were colored brightly and her makeup was flawless. I threw a glance at my boss whose eyes were glistening with tears as he stared calmly at her daughter. I wished my father or even family would witness my wedding. Having lost my parents at a tender age, I grew up in the orphanage without a clue of my identity. Jeffrey was the only true companion I knew immediately after I left college and we have been together for five years. I have met his family on several occasions but they never seem to be nice towards me, treating me like I was a total stranger. Jeffrey assured me they would come around once we got married and I was willing to wait. 

The voice of the officiating priest snapped my attention back to the altar. I stared at the couple, the groom was still facing one of the groomsmen as he whispered something in his ear. Staring at his back his physique looked familiar but I couldn't comprehend if I had seen him before. He slowly turned to face his bride but my stomach flipped at the sight of the groom. I used my palm and rubbed my eyes. Maybe I was hallucinating. But he threw a glance at the crowd and his eyes cut mine. His wide grin immediately turned into a frown. My heart was thudding loudly in my chest, I froze covering my mouth with my palm, my heart convulsing in pain. He smiled at the bride like he was a kind of saint. A surge of pain pierced my heart at the sight of them smiling at each other, my heart throbbed in pain as if someone had stabbed it with a knife. 

How could Jeffery do this to me? I couldn't fathom the reason behind this. His promises kept hallooing in my ear as I remembered his words before leaving for his so-called business trip but here he was getting to my boss’s daughter. The thought of it makes my head pound in pain. I wasn't going to let him get away with this. I was ready to humiliate myself, lose my job, or anything. I don't care anymore, nothing makes sense at that point. Tears were already gushing down my cheek as I felt the gaze of the congregation around me. I wiped away my tears summoning all my courage and I marched up to the altar. 

“Jeffery!” I yelled. My voice tinged with fury. 

“What the hell are you doing here?” he whispered coldly to my hearing. 

My eyes widened in disbelief and I slapped hard on his cheeks. Leaving the guest completely shocked and bewildered. A group of groomsmen held me back as I was ready to vent my frustration on him for making a mockery of my existence.

“Have you lost it, Avery? What the hell is wrong with you?” I could hear the roaring voice of my boss. But I wasn't even bothered if I lost my job. I stared at the cold eyes of Jeffery who couldn't look straight into my eyes.

“Bitch are you trying to ruin my wedding or what?” the bride muttered, staring at me furiously. 

I zeroed my concentration only on Jeffery, with tears rolling down my cheek.

“Jeffery, how could you do this to me? you lied to me, you loved me right? This isn't real. It's some sort of prank, "My pale lips quivered as if I had fallen into the icy water.

“Get whole of yourself and stop humiliating your stupid self. I never loved you, not now or ever. You were just some piece of trash I used in quenching my urges,” Jeffery blurted out his voice now devoid of any trace of love we once shared. His words landed like a punch to my gut. My face turned livid. I clenched my fists into balls suppressing the urge to punch him again. 

“Take that slut away from this premises, if I set my eyes on her again then kiss your job goodbye.” 

I heard the commanding voice of my boss to the bodyguard.

“Jeffery how could you be so deceitful,” my voice rang out, as I was dragging out the premises. The congregation was bewildered. They stared at me like I was some sort of joker. I could hear my boss sternly warning me not to show my face again at the office. 

A mixture of anger and heartbreak coursed through my veins couldn't fathom that these words were coming from the man I was supposed to marry. The person I had loved for five long years hurt me so much. The turmoil of emotions was overwhelming and almost unbearable. 

I was hurled outside the entrance like a piece of trash. I slumped on the bare floor and sobbed my heart out, an agonizing pain pierced down my core. 

My phone kept peeping but I wasn't in the mood to answer any calls, I brought it out of my purse and flung it but it came down on the feet of a stranger 

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