
Chapter 15



How had the bitch gotten in?


One minute I was in the garden and the next minute, I was walking in to see her repulsive face. Rage coursed through me the moment I saw her and it took every willpower and patience to not drag her out myself.


It wasn’t news that I hated Bertha. She repeatedly maltreated my mother when she had been alive, all because she had been her husband’s mistress. Getting involved with their family had been the beginning of my mother's demise.


And when she was dead, Bertha had mocked her at the funeral; one I didn’t invite her to, and then proceeded to seduce me.

Each second she came into my line of vision, I thought of the cruel ways I could ruin her, but that would be a waste of my time. She was ruins itself.


It was clear she came here for one reason alone, to threaten Estelle. Whatever her reasons were for this marriage, it didn’t matter. She was still my wife, and I wasn't going to let anyone hurt her… no one but me.


Marie was on the ground, sweeping the chunks of broken glass while Genna blankly stared at me, her brows knitted in concern.


“I should probably go check on her. Seeing you angry must’ve scared her.”


I grabbed her arm, halting her, “Leave her.”


She thought of disobeying but thought second on it. Silence lingered in the air and just as I was about to leave the dining room, Genna stopped me.


“Look, I’m glad you’re married and finally found love, but you have to be gentle with her,” she bit her bottom lip, “I know how you get, so please don’t scare her away.”



“Is that what you think this is? She came to me asking for a contract marriage after divorcing my brother.”


Her eyes widened slightly, then relaxed soon after, “Tell yourself whatever you want. You’re drawn to her as much as she is drawn to you,” she added stubbornly.


“This isn't one of your teenage fantasies, Genna.”


“You literally broke a glass because she was threatened,” her lips curved into a mischievous smile, “I see it in your eyes when you look at her. You’re not fooling anyone.”

My jaw twitched. I was growing tired of the meaningless ramblings, “Why are we having this conversation?”


“Because I like her. Hurt her and I’ll be the one kicking your groins.”

The gut of this child.


At that moment, my phone rang and Damon’s name appeared on the screen. Whatever he had to say had to be in a private space.

Leaving Genna without a word, I headed to my study and called him right back.


“What info do you have for me?” I cut right to the chase.


“Not on the phone. I’m coming over to you.”


“Alright. I’ll be in my study,” I disconnected the call.


Turning on my laptop, I tried to distract myself with work, but Estelle lurked in every corner of my mind, taunting me. The image of her naked sinful body dwelled in my senses as heat travelled down to my groin.

I envisioned grabbing that narrow waist as I bend her over this desk, those sensuous lips coated in her signature deep red lipstick as she cries out my name, while I fuck her senseless.

I wanted her, but not yet. Not until she begs for it.


A knock echoed, putting those provocative thoughts on hold. Damon wouldn’t ever knock, so I figured it had to be Genna.

I adjusted my pants, “Come in.”


Those green eyes easily knocked my breath away, not to talk of her face.

How had she found my study? Then I remembered Genna was still in this house.


Having her here while I was having carnal thoughts about her wasn’t a good idea.


“May I come in?” her sultry voice rubbed my insides like sandpaper. I was sensitive and everything about her was a fucking turn-on.



My eyes roamed her body as she sat.


Her being here meant she wanted something, so I let her speak first.


“I don’t get to go anywhere unless you allow it, that's part of your rules,” she paused, then looked at me with those siren eyes, her thick lashes battering each time she blinked. “So I'm here to ask for your permission. I need to visit a family member in a health facility.”


“What family member?”


“That’s all you need to know,” she retorted sharply.


It wasn’t enough. I wasn’t convinced. “I can’t let you.”


Her eyes flew open, as if surprised I refused, “Why? This is very important to me.”


“I need more details.”


But that wasn’t the main reason.

There was a jabbing feeling that constantly tugged at my chest. I felt that if I ever let Estelle out of my sight, there was a notion that I wasn’t going to see her again.

Call it worry or whatever.


“Do this for me, and I’ll forgive you.”


My brow shot up. There was an assured look in her eyes like her forgiveness meant shit to me.

It didn't.


I leaned in close and held her chin. She didn't flinch.

I scanned every feature of her face, my fingers getting carried away as I caressed her chin.

Such intricate features, but a powerful facade behind them.

“I don't care about your forgiveness.”

A daring seductive glint appeared in her eyes, “But you care about me.”

I scoffed, “What convinced you that I do?”

My fingers moved to trail her lips and she brought out the tip of her tongue, flicking my finger with it.

That took me by surprise and I felt my erection grow.

“I can see it in your eyes,” she spoke softly, a slight smile playing on her lips.

The effect this woman had on me. She knew exactly what she was doing.


I released her chin and leaned back, “Laurent, my chauffeur will take you where you need to go and bring you back.”


Her smile broadened, “Thank you, Adonis.”


She got up, “I better be going.”

She got what she came for, and now she had no use for me anymore. I didn't feel bad about it... my only regret was not fucking that manipulative attitude out of her.


Just before she left, I stopped her.


Our eyes met for a fraction, “Don’t take too long,” I added.

She nodded then left.


I smiled to myself. She made things so much more interesting.

Time passed and Damon walked right through the door and sat, placing photos on the desk.


“Graphic warning,” he added as I scanned through the photos.


One photo was the interior of a regal well-decorated living room. At the bottom was a date.


February 9th, 2009.


What made me feel uneasy was the blood spattered all over the ground, and the gun lying in the puddle of blood.


My brows creased, “What is this?


“I did some digging into Estelle’s past. Turns out she had a tough time growing up.”


I looked back at the blood and my heartbeat raced.

What did this have to do with her?


“Her mother was mentally deranged, and unfortunately took it out on the young Estelle.”


My grip tightened on the photograph as I waited for Damon to drop the bombshell.


He tapped the photo, “On this night, she tried to kill Estelle. Shot her through the heart and then tried to kill herself, but both of them survived.”


As he spoke, his voice trailed off and time seemed to slow down.


“I’m going to visit a family member at a health facility,” her voice echoed in my mind.


Realization dawned on me, and horror gripped me. I sprang up to my feet with a confused Damon following behind me. I ignored everything around me till I was in my car, speeding through the road with the address Laurent sent me.


She went to visit her mother, who had tried to kill her.

How stupid could she be?


Anything could happen, but I wasn’t going to let her get hurt again.

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